Tfw you will never be able to cum as much like Stallion
Fake, they just take egg whites and put it in their mouth to simulate horse cum.
As a stallion, I am triggered!
How can humans even compete!?
Zebras cum a lot more though.
I least I am able to last more then 3 secs
I wonder how much an elephant cums?
You also want some kind of folic acid to help your body process the zinc last I checked.
It's not legal to fuck animals or to have porn of them under US law.
Really makes you think when the BO is issuing permabans for child models in non-sexualized poses.
its legal to have the porn just not to produce it
No way.
Varies by state
only illegal in Oregon and Vermont
You best be joking nigger
The federal obscenity law could be applied.
Fuck off pedos, you know damn well what you're doing is disgusting degeneracy of the highest order. You and your fucking spam needs to be removed.
All pedos need to be flayed alive.
How would you know about that?
The obscenity law is so fucking vague that it can be applied to anything pornographic, even pornography that's 100% unquestionably legal.
A very retarded and outdated law used to throw additional charges at someone, only people who get charged with that shit are one's who get their computer taken.
example: A drug bust happens and the government seizes your property and check your computer for additional information but stumble upon big titty porn… If they want to throw an additional charge on you BAM! obscenity law comes gets added because they fucking feel like it.
This is from the now defunct annashorses.com, right?
How would you know that?
Obscenity laws have a lot to do with community standards. See the Miller Test.
So the average person probably wouldn't care about big titty porn, but might have a problem with people violating animals and recording it.
Bestial porn is arguably more degenerate.
Erotic child modeling is a celebration of youthful beauty.
Bestiality is the rape of animals who can't consent.
At least with children there is some wiggle-room on the consent issue.
Please fucking kill yourself
Child-fuckers are the literal scum of the earth. Do everyone a favor and end your life.
That doesn't make it any less stupid.
That's basically saying if other people don't like what you like for whatever reason, you can be imprisoned. You shouldn't go to jail just because you're neighborhood is full of Holla Forumslacks who don't like gay or interracial porn.
bestiality and cp shouldn't be prosecuted from angle of obscenity. It should be prosecuted from the angle of consent and harm.
The assumption here is that animals cannot consent.
This requires a quantification of what qualifies as consent from an animal perspective, seeing as how most are not sapient and cannot communicate by means of spoken word nor sign language as a sapient creature can, such as gorillas.
We thereby have to study the mating habits of such non-sapient creatures in order to determine what consent to them might look or sound like as a series of movements, grunts, howls, squeals, clicks and subtle gestures.
Good news is that we already have much of the preliminary data on mating rituals, and have come to the conclusion that if the animal isn't trying to kill the other one attempting to fuck it, it's likely to be consent, most everything else is rape, and there is a lot of rape in the animal kingdom.
So if a Welshman fucks a sheep and nobody is around to call the ASPCA, does that make him a monkey's uncle?
Canada already passed a law making oral sex with animals legal, which leads me to believe that camsluts sucking dog dick is a big boon to canada's economy.
Considering also, how many animals are raised purely to be slaughtered, makes it seem rather silly to draw the line at something that may potentially provide sexual relief to both parties.
fuck. Imagine quite literally showering a girl with your cum. Imagine all the amazingly hot porn, and the displeasure of women on the entire planet
But humans and dolphins are the only mamals that fugg for pleasure.
this horse is pretty horny
doesn't that make it a unicorn?
This has been the rhetoric for years now, which is as antiquated as the rhetoric that all animals considered edible are dumb as rocks.
This rhetoric stems from eons of hunter genetics desperately trying to fight off pathological empathy, as it is counter-intuitive to our survival to feel empathy for the beast that we eat for sustenance.
Unfortunately for us all, as science marches every onward to the great unknown, we are more often faced with truths we'd probably be better off without. While it is true that there is a mating season for many species, it does not imply that animals following a mating season and deriving pleasure from sex are mutually exclusive traits. It may very well be that the anatomy of these animals is what determines their sexual promiscuity, male dolphins having prehensile cocks probably makes sex for pleasure much easier than, say a horse trying to hit a target with his flag pole but being unable to see the mare's cunt since he is wall-eyed and hunched halfway over her.
Scientists confirmed that even a creature as small as a spider has pleasure receptors in it's sex organ.
Bonobo chimps also fuck ALL the time.
What's the source of this son
All animals fugg for some internal "thing" that force them to fug, rats, dolphins, humans, etc, the same "thing" that force you to take a shit or killing somebody to get his/her nutrients, but you dont piss in the streets and you arent killing your relatives for food (commies are against natural law), in the same way you arent fucking animals, we are so advanced that we arent fucking each others freely like liberals want. Fun fact, women dont fuck everything because they dont want, its proved that they get aroused with anything, yet they dont want sex most of the time, even feminists, why? because they arent free, its just a basic instinct telling them that a baby is a burden, this is why they can be a single mother of a retard that beat them, but they refuse to touch a halfchanner.
Just a shot in the dark :^)
It's been proven that children enjoy having sex with adults and are usually the instigator of sexual encounters
It's been proven that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
Tbh, even human females have a sort of mating "season." Women are at their horniest when they are ovulating.
They're at their horniest around Valentine's day.
Good shoop. Wish it was real.
Would you eat steaks from a cow that you knew some random human dudes have been blowing their loads in it?
I would assume this is cultural. But testing this would be interesting. Perhaps something about the climate mid-February could be a significant factor to why valentine's day is the day that it is. tbh i know absolutely nothing about the history of valentine's day and i wouldn't doubt looking it up would prove me wrong immediately.
But when the animal is the active part? A male dog, for instance, will hump anything.
I've shot bigger loads than that
Sounds like they did SOMETHING right
That's making the assumption that either
a) people have been buttfucking the bull that became your steak, or
b) the steak came from a female cow, which is a bit less likely
Nevertheless, if you eat wild game then there's a good chance you've eaten an animal that has at some point fucked or been fucked, so whether a man has fucked it or another animal I don't see the meat becoming tainted either way.
Animals will shit, piss, and fuck like any human, just because they were raised for slaughter doesn't mean they're exempt from the dirty nature of all things living.
in the US (and probably most of the northern hemisphere) the most common birth months are July through early October, with September having the most births of any month, meaning October to the beginning of January is when people want to have kids the most, peaking around December, and dropping off significantly in January. Interestingly, November 9 months after Valentine's Day is in the bottom 3 birth months along with January and April.
my birthday's actually September 22nd, which puts my conception right around or before Christmas
Babies take around 9 months to grow until birthing
He was born in september.
This is around 9 months after December.
Late december is christmas
Conception is when someone skeets inside a chick and it actually fertilizes an egg
I don't think women have mating season only when they are ovulating they are horny as shit but this happen every month.