Should we tell feminists that their protest hats are our fetish or should we just quietly fap?
Don't they know?
I don't want a woman who shits in a plastic tray by the fridge
Suit yourself.
they're apparently actually supposed to resemble ovaries.
feminists are fucking retarded.
You called, Master? =^_^=
Yes. Stop vomiting in my shoes you useless animal!
*Miew Miew*
I do not recognize this person.
Oh, so they're putting their head up into the vaginal canal then. That's beyond silly.
Catboy maids would be cuter.
Well it's actually a "pussyhat", pun being that pussy = vagina or cat and a hat is something you wear on your head. Ergo cat shaped hat that has a name that could refer to the hat or vagina.
Kitty would never do such a thing.
Genetically-Engineered Preteen Catgirls
Someone has given this entirely too much thought. (God, I love the internet!)
No, you don't, you know
catgirls, gotta suggest this to my GF. So far I've indulged in the schoolgirl fantasy, the stripper fantasy, the evil twin sister fantasy, the biker girl fantasy and the cheerleader fantasy.
Catgirl, yeahhhh
Such a cringe fetish for such cringey people
Because I'm not the B.O.
Master doesn't like nufags.
Did you try the daisies destruction fantasy yet?
What the fuck are they protesting now? They got their equal rights, are they mad about their equal lefts? Do they want more equality than men? I think it's time we put them back in chains before these succubi convince men to do some real damage.