The Missing Link:

No, I'm not talking about the Africans this time.

The missing link in our efforts to create an all-white National Socialist society is our willingness to organize in real life.

The Internet has done us a lot of good, but until we make our presence and discontents known in the physical world, they will continue to be ignored by both the powers that be, and by average citizens who might otherwise be sympathetic to our cause.

We need to organize in the streets. For the time being, I am not advocating violence in any form; I am advocating for more networking. Get to know your fellow Holla Forumsacks before you are willing to fight alongside them. Share ideas with each other in person, and in the mean time become more refined in your understanding of the world around you.

First, we need to form organizations. They don't need to be large, and for the time being can exist only on the level of our own local communities. It would be a good idea to put up flyers and advertisements to find people who are sympathetic to our beliefs (being intentionally vague here: I know not everyone here believes the exact same thing), even if they aren't from Holla Forums or whatever.

but what about muh alphabet soup agencies?

That's why you don't go from 0 to violence, dumbass. These organizations should start out as small communities in which to discuss politics, where you gradually get to know the people who have signed up, and bond with them.. Slowly (maybe after a year or so), as the group grows and develops a general ideological consensus and sense of community, you should guide it to evolve into a 'community activism organization'. As the economy continues to worsen (it will), you should gradually begin offering services that the government is doing a poor job at providing. Do you have a couple of white war veterans in your community? Create a soup kitchen for war veterans. Are there poor white families in your area? Offer them assistance. These people will be eternally grateful for your help, and you will be doing a world of good for them. Seeing a homogeneous, white group of activists interested in bettering their people will likely motivate them to join your cause, but don't push the issue yet, politically peaking; just be good people. At the same time, be proud of being White Nationalists; don't hide it from a single person, and don't mince words when discussing politics when the topic comes up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Whether anyone fully realizes it or not, you will have already planted the seeds of a future white nationalist government. By helping the ailing white folk around you, your organization will organically grow credibility within your community. On a pragmatic level, people will see you fulfilling needs that the State is no longer fulfilling or has given up on a long time ago, and on a spiritual level they will see a community of happy, active young men who are doing their part to make the world a better place. In the minds of the people, you will have a moral high ground, and they will naturally look to you for guidance and direction, seeing you as a beacon of light in an otherwise (likely) blighted community. As a community brought together by a common system of political beliefs, the topic of politics will naturally come up. As I stated earlier: encourage your members to state their true ideas clearly and directly; this will only garner further respect from a nation that is primed and ready for radical change. By this point, infiltrators will be easy to spot. It's fairly easy to falsely incite violence, but living the day-to-day life of a person who genuinely cares about their community is very hard to fake, and over a long enough period of time it will be easy to spot government agencies attempting to infiltrate you.

As the opportunity arises, gradually expand your reach. Is there a nearby town that is suffering similar conditions? Expand your operations into that town. Is your municipal government corrupt and ineffective? Replace them at the margins by performing services better than they can; this will be possible because you are ideologically motivated to create a better future, whereas they are incompetent bureaucrats paid off by the kikes. Is there a rape / drug trafficking / child abuse scandal in your town? Tread carefully, but if the police are not responding then this is your golden opportunity to introduce force into the equation. If you disseminate information about the threat ahead of time, you will be able to take these people out using genuine Right Wing Death Squads, while being regarded as local heroes in your community. By this point, you should have built an unassailable reputation in your community as being good-doers. The naturally high crime rates of minorities, coupled with the fact that you have been uplifting the whites in your community while redpilling them as the greater world unravels, will cause locals to rally to your side in any legal dispute which may arise. At this point, you should begin easing into the idea of a political implementation of white nationalism. As time passes (this may take 3+ years), the (((legal system))) will be rapidly losing credibility due to the deteriorating economy and social situation, and the people who you have helped throughout the years will already know the truth about you: that you are decent people who simply want to secure a future for white children.

You now have your local community on your side, and hopefully other communities have done the same. The rest is just politics, and from here your naturally gifted politicians can rise to the state, and eventually the national, level. Make sure to never compromise a single inch on your beliefs: people don't like that, especially in this age where soundbytes spread rapidly across the Internet, and if you compromise you will merely look like weaklings to whatever leftists still exist; they will never vote for you anyway.

By this strategy, we will turn the North American and European continents into white nationalist strongholds. When you fully arrive at the reins of power, please fund the Space program too; everyone knows it is our destiny to expand into the stars.

I wish you the best of luck in your efforts.

fuck the links

where can I find her and is she a virgin?

Rather than forming organizations that could immediately be subverted, wouldn't it be best to join groups that already exist but could be redpilled over time? Things like gun clubs, volunteer groups, book clubs, and so on? It would eradicate liability and if your persuasion game is on point enough they could become their own potential vectors for spreading our memes into other avenues we never would have thought to find. It isn't quite as glamorous as a unified coalition that spreads across the nation, but it might be slightly more pragmatic.

the problem is that pol trusts basically no one (most of the times with good reason) - we can only truly advance in our cause once we entirely drop the Jewish ideologies from A to Z - including the Bible.

Then everyone will have the same part in this movement. Not religion, not Jesus - but Race.

wish I knew, I found the pic on some other board a little while back and I forgot where.

This could work too, but does not prohibit you from also forming explicitly white organizations. Also remember that every organization contains a power structure, whether explicit or implicit, and by joining a pre-existing organization you may be fighting an uphill battle,, particularly if you can't convince a large majority of its members to agree to your ideas.

I agree with you. You can't get right wing death squads without knowing any right wing meme brahs.

I don't know though, I can do my extralegal resistance activities by myself, I don't really need help with it.

Networking is mostly good for /namibia/ style stuff and passivism. Which is definitely not to say it's useless, just that as far as killing niggers and zog goes, if they don't have the nuts to lone wolf it they don't have the nuts to be on a death squad.

We really desperately need some real world colonies though. We're so close to losing everything.

That's a good point. I think the next major obstacle beyond simple human interaction for a lot of people here is resources. Not too many people here (I think) are particularly wealthy or influential, so a true grassroots operation is quite a feat in its own for people like most of us here.

You niggers are more paranoid about being found out than kikes. Anything about your age, location, marital status, anime preference, etc is instantly shut down because muh NSA datamining.

Therefore, you see women stepping up to the plate to fight invaders. You faggots are the laziest, weakest fighting force in history. You have all the reasons and research to fight, but won't. "Someone else will." "It's too risky." Whine whine whine. I've had many women bitch to me about shitskins lately, and start mumbling about men not doing shit.


I'm in Madison, WI. Whaddap?

I certainly won't stop you, but just make sure you don't get caught. The media is practically foaming at the mouth looking for 'lone white nationalists' acting before the political mood is right - to the point where they are even willing to twist the narratives of thing like the Orlando shooting to be about the NRA / gun rights, and by extension, whites. Since we are still in the prodromal, memetic stage of this civil war, make sure you don't do too much damage to the average person's perception of our ideology.

Of course self-sufficiency is an ideology we should strive for, not only because times are bad but also because it has always been a defining feature of our people, but so has community. Just because all of our communal spaces are hijacked by kikes at the moment doesn't mean that community itself is bad or has no value; having people nearby who are willing to help you and are sympathetic to your cause is a huge advantage, which should not be quickly discounted.

Yeah, I'm not great at networking myself, but this is probably what it will take to save the white race, so it is definitely my plan for the future.

I don't care about muh PR or the media narrative. They can tell White America that Black Lives Matter shooting 11 white cops was a peaceful protest to zero outcry. I don't give two shits about what the lugenpresse says.

If I get caught, then so be it, but I will try not to get dornercornered. Dylann Roof had a good idea but he really needed a better escape plan afterwards, very dispappointing execution on his part.

The reason for this is because for the first time in our history, everything is recorded, everything is watched. In the past you could shoot the shit with your buddies and talk about how much you dislike the government – now you say it in the wrong place and you could get in trouble with the wrongthink police.

I wish that was an exaggeration.

We're paranoid for good reason, so go fuck yourself. I'm not going to incriminate myself without good reason.

"Incriminate myself." Talking isn't against the law, faggot.

If I get rid of mudshits I'm doing it for me, not for some modern slut.

These threads come up every few weeks, but no one has the balls to respond to /meadhall/ posts.

There already is a growing network of IRL chapters of reactionaries and white nationalists. We need more of you guys to get off your asses and meet up IRL.

Neoreaction, for example, has thriving chapters in 3 cities, and are building more elsewhere:

No doubt TRS networks exist, Spencer is doing his bathhouse Phalanx thing, etc.

We already exist. Y'all just need to come out. Let's build our IRL networks.

You wish, these days. Have fun keeping a job down when your feminist overlord hears you say something she doesn't agree with.

ganbare user.

This is a major reason why it is so important, in this day and age, to build organic communities when advocating for white lands. You need to know that you can trust the people you are working alongside. That trust also helps you to achieve more together than could be done by a single person could do acting by themselves, however romantic the notion may seem.

I'm glad to hear it, looks like there's one in my area too. I'm gonna check it out, thanks.

About to go to sleep in Tulsa, OK. Single young white female here. Sick of niggers, wetbacks, and obese faggots.

The difference is you won't go go jail for holocaust denial. Or saying negative things about mudslimes. Men in Europe will, yet they step up and take out the trash at 10%. Even in Britain, with CCTVs everywhere. The fuck is your excuse? No Twinkies hanging off trees? You want thousands more white women raped every year for a few more years? You weak bitch.

So brave. How many pounds of sausage do you eat per year? I bet it's more than pussy. Or kamraderen. You're a fucking coward if you only fight for your own gain. You will lose like everyone else who doesn't join against the common enemy. Instead of dying on the front lines, you'll die by Achmed's torture or by Shaniqua in a nursing home. Or just starve to death in Cohen's work camp. You don't have many choices you can control.

Ok let's do this the hard way.

OP you clearly have a head on your shoulders. You're saying all the right stuff. I'm hooked up to a network of pro-White reactionary chapters. Where you at?

Yeah, do it, but also join the outright reactionary stuff that already exists. We already have book clubs and shit. Much easier to organize and plan infiltration when you have a few brothers.

This is the shill's doing. The last thing they want is us meeting up in real life, where they can't shill. On here we can all talk to each other and stay synced up, but there's shills, and we can't tell what's real. Out there, there are no shills.

This should be about networking. There is no need for extralegal stuff right now. Right nwo we need organized strength, which means networking.

Worry about it with your bros, once you have a crew of bros.

Step up yourself. Where you at, maybe we can hook you up?

You're a fucking idiot. We don't need killing innocents. We need organized strength that can actually push on the cultural and political trends

So watch what you say. We are patriotic americans who just want to make our country great again. None of this shit is illegal, and if you do want to shoot the shit about illegal stuff, you better have IRL buddies who are smart enough to leave the phones at home while you go for a walk.

Your attitude is shit for a soldier of the race.

Don't say it near your boss, then. There is literally no downside to being curious and meeting up with people.

We'd be glad to have you. Let us know that you're OP from this thread when you get in touch.

Shaming men is not going to help anything. It makes you look like another masculine used goods feminist.

No one wants to fight for used goods women and that's all anyone can find. The only woman I'd white knight for is my own wife & daughters. That said, I think a certain number of nationalists aren't intimidated by the intentional chilling effect of muh zog spytech machines, and will network regardless. It is human nature to socialize and network and nationalists tend to become masculine enough to not be cowed by muh NSA.

We are just far too sparsely separated in the USA due to lower population density and being a fraction of the nationalist population which is a fraction of the male population which is half of the white population which is 65% of the total population. It's like herd immunity to nationalist networking.

How about you try. Where are you?

Dylann Roof was a good guy. I admire anyone who actually has the balls to do anything. He was just a little too young, too impulsive, and didn't plan things through like an older man might have. But we can hardly criticize when we've done jack shit. If you and Stormtrooper Roof were dangling over the cliff I'd save him every time and let you fall.

Said already

It's particularly hard to find people with Holla Forums views IRL because of the stigma. I'm sure they are around, but finding them in the crowd, whether at work, college, or whatever is difficult.


This is why letting women in your organization is dooming it to fail

Man, I really fucking hate women.

Tits or GTFO, you attention seeking whore.

Yeah agreed, we won't get quality women until after the victory. Truly traditionalist women would not be used goods and would not be barking at men.

On the other hand our whole people have been demolished. Our men, also, are dumpsterfires. It's just that a man can reform himself but a woman can never regain her virginity and youth. We're going to have to reconcile with women at some level. These women can never be suitable for marriage but they are needed for repopulation.


You have no idea who I am and what I've done. It sure as shit isn't nothing, but it doesn't end up with my face all over the news either, because that just plays into the hands of the Jew.

Dylan may have been a good kid, but he fucked up royally and made things worse. Even Brievik had the good sense to kill commies instead of innocents.

Keep trying. If you're in college, declare yourself "X school white student union" and advertise online. Find someone who seems sincere, meet up. Repeat.

Seriously, guys? Yeah women should not be involved in planning and organizing, and you're right to reiterate the fact, but there is no need to alienate them in the process. They'll be willing to come round and take their place as supporters and wives of the mannerbund. Make it easier.

As for now they're fucking garbage.

I already said "where I be at". Tulsa. I'm a grill. I've reached out to right-wing groups here, they just want my money and to tell me to fuck off because I'm not a man. Unless there's some special group here I don't know about.

I'm stockpiling ammo in case SHTF or BLM or "concerned niggers" help my community get blacked, er, culturally enriched. I love multiculturalism, I get to see disgusting shit everyday.

I'm sorry I offended you. You should feel good your fathers' society is slipping away. Keep making excuses, niggerfaggot. None of us are as strong as the rest of us. I'm sick of men being cowards and cucks. Talk shit about Röhm and the SA for being gay, though, keyboard warrior.

Dylan Roof was a classic case of false flag like Sandy Hook, you newfag.

Man, I really fucking hate NEETs

Activism will always 'play into the hands of the jew.'

If you want to beat the jew you have to do passivism, which is fine. But I don't know, I am idealistic. I believe passivists reap the rewards that the activists bring them.

⬇️Good read, short.⬇️

Are you mad Chad didn't call you back after that drunken fuck or?…

Any good husband-material?

Start a knitting, baking, and shooting club. Shame the men around you by doing more.

I don't agree with Holla Forums's "everything is a false flag"-meme and find it really tedious, but that's like your opinion Dude. Not really interested in arguing with an angry butch about it. Dylann Roof is cool by me.

Some activism right now is helpful if it raises awareness and recruits people into the passivist effort, but the passivist thing is where it's at.

We need to build a new state, it's literally the only thing standing between us and victory, and if we don't build it, no amount of boiling the frog and smashing the system will result in anything getting fixed.

The fist step to building a new state is building a network.

Reiterating so that it doesn't get lost:



Any others?

Courtney? this is a long shot

I'm in the greater New York metropolitan area. Do you guys have anything near me? The stuff you're saying definitely sounds promising.

The way I see it, it is a woman's instinct to gravitate towards strength, wherever that source of strength may come from. To truly win back the women of the West will require a display of strength, manifesting itself in a willingness to defend our homelands from the present external threats.

Completely unnecessary and only serves to put people into a database.

Fuck off.

Focus on building your own communities without being a memetic /4pol/tard.

Organisations work in cells completely unknown to each other for a reason.

Reminder, the reason these "alt-right" Kikes were booted out around new year was that Sinead released a video urging the abandonment of encryption, advising anons to start posting their faces and real names, and suggesting that exchanging postal addresses and communicating by real mail is more secure.
She also tried to coopt the Holla Forums silent protests at the Fed.
And urged that we start killing leftists.
Another clue.

Learn to recognize Sineadposting.

I think we are so sparsely populated we really need a model for setting up colonies as well as reforming the soy-addled NEET soc dumpsterfires of raw recruits into a somewhat standardized nationalist warrior. That way a handful of colonies across the continent could unite all the nationalists who are brave enough to leave their basements.

Shit didn't know about that. Is Renegade Tribune etc entirely feds and crazies, or just Sinead?

Totally agree. We have a lot of work to do. Mostly on ourselves.

Again: Step 1: actually meet up and start training.

Just kill yourself tbh. But if you don't like the idea of violence then at least recognize you will never matter to history and shut your mouth to go meme with 8pol about le race war (but we'd never actually be violent though cause that's wrong).

My last date I turned down afterward. He wasn't an überobersupermensch, just a normal guy (which is like Chad the superhuman jock to you fags) that wouldn't work out. And yeah, I'm not going to have 20 babies with the first white man who comes around.

Unfortunately no. Mostly Irish, nigger, wetback, obese, or retarded or avg white IQ of 100. I am a competitive shooter, it's one passion and skill I've nurtured. I never thought about making my own community group. Ranges are somewhat sparse here unless it's indoor (drastic differences in quality), your friend's property, you pay dues to a club, or have money to buy land. I have enough free time and vitriol that I want to do something that men should be doing but aren't. I'm not the only woman here that is pissed off about it. Firearms are the great equaliser.

Your choice, dude. Show us the bodies. Explain why the "victims'" families got millions from the federal govt. It's convenient that a communist jew "found" his manifesto, which looks like it was written by multiple people and proclaims jews to be mysterious super smart people. Also his photos totally weren't photoshopped. Faggot.

I'm not Courtney, sorry. I do work with one, though.

Not in muh current year

If I don't die in the coming weeks during direct actions, I think I'll get a job and buy some land. Maybe I can set up a chicongo-area group in southern Wisconsin.

Organizing violence in a public forum to satisfy your LARP fantasies is retarded. Protect your local community. Being some public protestfag with violent tendancies isn't going to do anything.

Tits or GTFO

No one is organizing violence, let alone online. Stop merely pretending to be retarded, retard.


Violence is strategically unwise except in direct self defense. Maybe you don't understand the situation:

We are behind enemy lines

The jews and communists control the government, the courts, the media, all the companies, all the municipalities, military, police, everything. There is no path to victory that involves the few people we have wasting their lives and any public sentiment we have by going to jail for hatecrime terrorism.

The only path to victory is linking up with our comrades, coming up with an actual plan, building the new state and new elite that understands the situation and knows what has to be done, and directly appealing to rogue elites to make the whole thing go over smooth without a meat-grinder civil war that "tragically kills all the white men". We can't survive civil war right now. What we can survive is another 10 years of getting our shit together to fix things peacefully.

Maybe some violence will be necessary in the endgame, but if you're serious, we don't fucking talk about that. Any real organization can be repurposed to defend itself if necessary.

There is no good reason to write "I'm a female xD"/"I'm a grill :P" on an imageboard. Ever. To do so is to seek attention, and look how well it's working too.

So either she acknowledges that the only thing interesting about her is her tits, or she fucks off and never posts again. Either way, everyone wins because a retarded cunt loses.

Women do not belong in politics because they make everything about themselves. Look at this cunt, "wrryy y u don't wanna protect wimminz from raepists". Fuck off already.

Postmodernist "like everyone's opinion is valid" meme. Slow your roll buddy. Fighting one battle foolish but with heart will not win the war.

"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." - Chink Tzu


She's not 2d user. Expect her to have taken miles of dick.

And they will continue to control everything until real men with real guns put real bullets in their real children.

Passivism is great. I do not discourage it whatsoever. We need it.

But an enormous success would be getting 20 white families together with big 12 children broods on a self-sufficient network of properties somewhere and slowly buying up the surrounding lands. Okay? That's 25 years of your lives and it'd be an amazing accomplishment.

And in that 25 years the GOP will become a non-party with no national relevance, USA will become a single party state run by Dems, and millions of niggers will be brought into your backyard to all the towns and cities around your little isolated volkisch settlement.

So perhaps you don't understand. Passivism is great. But you need activism. And you need it now.

Well good luck. I'd send some more suitable men your way, but I don't know anyone in the area. Contact one of the above listed chapters if you ever visit one of the cities.

$100 you are Hestia. Probably Warg or Nick Steves.

Yeah a volkisch settlement would be great. I agree it's nowhere near sufficient.

But what do we mean by activism, here? Typically, people mean "don't plan, don't organize, don't think about how things are going to play out, and what your strategic position is, just run out on the streets, magic up an army, set fire to some things, and magically end up with a hitler".

Notice the magic in that plan. It's not going to work.

Call it what you want, what we need to do is organize and plan *and not get fucked prematurely*. We need to be patient, build capability, figure out what we're going to do, and get robust. Sure it will take a while to build enough organization to actually fix things, but there is no other way. There is literally no way that anything you could do right now besides organizing and planning with a network of dedicated pro-white comrades could lead to anything but more chaos.

That's degenerate

Actually I feel like I'll die for what men in America won't do, even though they have the arms and freedom of speech that European men don't.

At least I'm ready and capable to organise something, you slobbering cunt, and not begging for upvotes or posts of approval. It's a sad day when a sausage-fest treehouse can't accomplish anything outside their mother's internet but "those fucking sausageless females" can. Get over yourself, Achmed. And get out of the house.

I'll keep searching. Thanks, user.

Don't be a nigger

And you're a whale

Nothing magic about killing people at random to move the O-Window. Unfortunately people who commit political killings almost always do it very stupidly. They do a spree killing, get cornered, and die or get captured.

And then yes, the lugenpresse can parade around their conquered nadzee and push a narrative.

Killers should AVOID being caught. Random killings are virtually impossible to stop. The idea of political killing is to NOT dissolve the tension. To make the entirety of the public think they could be next. Just as nationalism is chilled by muh NSA spytech, 90% of men and 100% of females are cowards who will be cowwed when they know there are Right Wing Lone Wolves out there.

You all have some very silly ideas about what good Right Wing Death Squadding should look like. I mean sure EVENTUALLY we'll be holding overpass trials for traitors and throwing them over the side with a Mississippi necktie but that comes very late in the game.

then keep quiet about virtue signaling gender then because a woman talking war and politics is equally degenerate.

This is standard internet protocol.

Also, IRL groups get infiltrated all the time.

And how the fuck does killing people randomly help the strategic situation? How does it help build a new state?

Shut up goy, senseless violence is the best way to have your group taken seriously in the short term.

Nice b8 m8. Never heard that from an obese faggot.

I'll be quiet when men actually do something to remove the mudskin rapists. Obviously they're better suited to such a task, but they aren't doing it. Your move.

It's a combined arms strategy between activism and passivism. As leftists are chilled by the activists, their leftist and cuck voices get replaced by more rightward voices.

This, in turn, helps passivists recruit as more nadzees feel safer to come out of the wood work to various degrees. Their job security is less at stake.

The passivists then stimulate more activists and the pendulum is moving rightward faster and faster.

I'd estimate only about 10% of leftists and cucks need to be killed in order to reclaim many of the more passive leftists to nationalism. A great many of them will see the light through this process, and those that don't will shut up at least.

Ok chaps, off topic, but I have found her name after going through the instagram of the sports bra designer:

Her name is Katja Zwara.

Tits or GTFO

Nice digging, user

my penis thanks you


Every fucking time.

Nice work.

Into the trash she goes.

Reminder that, in current year, even plain-looking girls take miles of chadcock.

Fucking dropped

I fucking hate that cunt

Try being more subtle next time, agent Johnson

You seem extremely insecure. Have you met your lord and saviour Elliot Rodger? He can help you understand why 3D grills don't like you, and find a Final Solution for your adolescent frustration. Just a reminder, please take a bath tonight. I figure showers mean standing up too long for you or I'd suggest that.

Isn't that the flat-earther coalburner who was an almost internet celebrity?

We have IDs here, Shlomo. Try harder.

G'night, anons.

Tox Holla Forums networking chatroom:
invite 1 pol

You seem to be getting your IDs crossed, there, pal. I'm a man. Also this thread is not about organizing violence, let alone online. I'm merely arguing for the viability of violence as a strategy. Please calm your autism.

You're right, I did mix your IDs up. My bad.

No probs. I'm leaving the thread now though, I don't think it goes anywhere. Much like /meadhall/. I tried that once and no one ever replies. I think I'll go check it again.

Cunts like you are why women should keep their mouths shut when men talk business. You don't know your ass from a whole in the ground and would send good men to their needless deaths because you have no sense of tactics or grand strategy. You are no better then a cucked politician.

didn't mean to rely to you



why are girls having so much unprotected sex/abortions and then ruining their chance at a happy family life?

Women never plan ahead. They are emotional creatures who live in the moment.

That's a oversimplify answer but I didn't feel like writing a blogpost.


Because of whores like the one ITT

I just want us to have our own Soros type oligarch. We aren't going to convince any top 1% oligarch to be on our side so we have to create one.

That or we could encourage elite infighting. Play off Western good goy elites against Jew elites against Muslim elites against Chinese elites. The elites aren't a monolith, though all are anti-anything closely related to Holla Forums.

Out Jew the Jews through their own D&C tactics, so the Jew starts to distrust his own puppets and alliances. Accelerate their paranoia.

And you say I'm the one projecting. Everything in my list is directly paraphrased from whatever you've said in this thread.

You're obviously desperate to try and fit in somewhere but you're a cunt so move along.

Wait, do people here actually believe that they can keep information about themselves private in CURRENT YEAR?

I'm physically fit and have superb hygiene and I've been asked out as a joke by women numerous times. Yeah, nah, fuck you.

You were a big guy. I already passed your information along to the feds.

Just kidding

Not that hard. Use vpn, don't use any kind of social media. Don't associate with the retarded mass, like going to pubs or events. Never register an account with same details. Order stuff through other people if you have to.

The surveillance runs deeper than that. If you have a computer at all then you already have a gaping security hole because hardware is pre-built to send information to the government.

Tumblr tier shaming attempts, cunt and this comes from someone bashing MGTOW faggots.

This is about your attention whoring, not our inaction.

Fuck off already.




Women are ruined, there is no way to fix that. Stop acting like we are the problem. YOU ARE.

You are degenerate for being a woman. Period. Go away (((SINEAD)))


Because they're all whores, user. Every last one. No woman has ever told the truth in her life and none of them ever will. They are literally made of lies.



As soon as a Holla Forumslack got that much money, they'd either not be one of us anymore due to their lives not sucking or they'd get killed if they ever tried to monetarily support us.

It's like you forgot the dead bankers thread and everything!

Kill yourself.

You’re a literal retard.

I have a question for Holla Forumsacks too scared to fight, start there own organisation, or do activism.

Tell me this, are you happy with how things are right now? Would you not rather die fighting for the greatest cause in the history of man or would you rather spectate in this world riddled with utter filth and despair until it eventually reaches your front door in the most vile way (which it practically is at this point) and it is too late.

The only way our movement will be successful is if each and every one of us is a martyr for our cause. At this very time National Socialism (or White Nationalism) can not simply be a hobby, or attribute to one's life, but one must strive to make it their life otherwise they are the coward of their own story.

I say all this without any hypocrisy as I myself am putting my life on the line and dedicating my life to the cause in a massive way (and you should expect to here about me in the near future) but it sickens me when others have the excuses of children and the guts of spaghetti.

Yes, times are hard and morale is low but we shall endure and persevere no matter the cost. Should you succeed, you will go down in history as the brave men and you will be able to inspire your children/grandchildren about how you ,despite all odds & efforts against you, overcame the tyranny of the Jewish threat.

Moral of the story: Do not wait to be spoonfed, do it yourself. Start your own movement.

{Song to set the mood haha}

I sure hope you're planning to do something useful and productive rather than something stupid.

Somatic narcissists, all of them.

(Don't mind the crystal lady)

Doing something like shootting a black church or a synagogue is not in my mind. What I have planned is going to be productive.

Any hints so the rest of us can follow along and be inspired?

Enbivioning 2025, where knowing baneposting allows me to stay in Tom the Warlord's compound.

It will be a high energy well thought-out National Socialist party in Australia, am currently in the process of planning insignia, flags, organisational jazz and expanding my intellectual property through mass amounts of reading and speaking/arguing.


I can hear the coal burning from here

Awesome. Keep it high-brow. National Action in the UK is fun, but ultimately won't accomplish shit without powerful allies. We need to build things that appeal to elites who don't like the way things are going.

When you do get your thing started, get connected to all the American and other far-right efforts. We all need to share strategy and insights. Also, we know people in Australia that we can send your way.

Yes brilliant thinking, it is most definitely important that we all work as a cohesive group aiming to achieve similar goals in our individual pockets. But we must also be weary of subversion and infiltration, keep it legal, and keep yourself always on the lookout for infiltrators.

Yeah this is super important.

It's very hard to achieve cooperation between multiple groups because of the trust problem. I don't have a solution, but we can try to analyze:

* The first part of the problem is that anybody might be insincere. There is probably at least one prominent Fed-run organization in the US, for example.

* Also, people get irrationally oppositional because someone else is doing something that might threaten their own little empire. This kind of crab-bucket thinking needs to be utterly stamped out. We need to give each other the benefit of the doubt, modulo the above.

I think the first part of the solution is just meeting and chatting at all between heads of organizations. Get in touch and open a channel. Then we can vet each other and decide whether we want to cooperate.

Looks good but I wouldn't know what to do after sending them membership dues


Jews are the missing link.

This is true, but covering your ass while on the internet (as everything is recorded) that bit of paranoia is good.

Also, Subversion would be the best way to play this game. This is what has allowed ((( them ))) to take control.

Unfortunately whites have proven to be worthless in this field.

"Honesty is the best policy"
Not working out so well.

Anyways I'm on /meadhall/. If anyone who lives near me reaches out I'm down to chat over coffee. I could use some shitlord friends IRL. You can find my email in the thread for where I live

Didn't know that. It's not surprising since the silent protests caused an enormous amount of shilling and D&C.

I actually hadn't seen any sinead-posting in a while.

When we talked about reviving it, same shit. It makes me think that it would be a good tactic, but I imagine we're all too jaded to try it again. And the chimpouts have interfered.

I'm not far from there, yet…

Kill yourself, cunt.

To any actual wimmin out there, contriboot without being an attention-whore, or get the fuck out. We don't need your floppy fucking tits here.

Hi Sinead

Thanks for that valuable MGTOW input. Being butthurt about how women act is effeminate.

You do realize that 8ch is probably dirty, right? There is some stuff the server does with proxied connections that gives me the willies. 8, Stormer and TRS also have ties to people with extremely dubious histories (Weev, for instance). You're already in a fucking database, and, no, those colluding TOR nodes in Langley, Virginia don't help. Networking is perfectly legal and you should do it BEFORE the government drops the act and starts really trying to get rid of us.

Gets it

I was at a party earlier this evening, and when I said I had plans on a specific date, those plans being a 3-gun competition, I got gasps and poo-poo's left and right. Left right quick.

I shoot bullseye during the winter, IDPA and any other things I can find in the summer, and have broken into 50 yard free-pistol as well. Would you say that OK has more like-minded women such as yourself? I'm in northern MN (extremely liberal town), and have been contemplating looking for a more conservative area. My main issue is that they have to be able to take to me, as I have a VERY slavic name, which has been a factor before.


Mary H.?

It's because we have an entire board dedicated to organizing/meetups


If you want people to organize so bad why not get people back on it?

Yes, that's a valid point. We are almost done renovating The Land, where Dr. Pierce lived for the last couple decades of his life, and appropriately called "White Zion". We're also fighting various legal battles, so at this point our resources are spread thin.

That said, membership is growing. We have members throughout North America (and even in Europe/Australia) and units will soon be able to actually do some active demonstrations and other community outreach programs in time.

You can see here some of the progress we've made so far. You wouldn't believe how far this property had degenerated after over a decade of neglect.


Over 320 acres of property in beautiful and scenic West Virginia. And we obviously aren't pro-Jew if that's what you're implying.

The only thing I meant to imply was that it was a horrible name

Oh it's this thread again.

Because Holla Forumsaks are here and not on /meadhall/.

Do you tie your shoes yourself in the morning?