This is my life and I am also redpilled, which makes it 10x worse.
Tfw i'm a 19 year old NEET
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot to add
I wish I could do nothing, and still live comfortably
you and your stupid emperor won't take away my xenos
look, if you're going to be a NEET your whole life, at least make something out of it by dedicating your life as a programmer. lots of cool aps to be made, fight for an open internet, join a cause!
Why not join ICE? Comfy as fuck, get to screw around, driving and pulling stings, eating at tasty restaurants undercover and you're paid to do it on taxpayer money, then when you feel like retiring you get a pension for life. Basically find something that you find fun and then find a way to make a living doing it.
How did it get so bad?
Nearly 21 and in the same situation. But I have had a few friends thoughout the years. At least I'm not fat.
Social anxiety is a byproduct of not being oneself. It can manifest in introversion or constant aloofness or disconnect with reality.
Maybe you're deceiving yourself in some way you're not even aware of… like your lack of faith in your own ability to cope with your present problems.
ITT: redpilled & blueballed
It gets worse, OP. I'm 25 and, my god, did things ever get worse. But you'll become numb to the pain. You'll get stronger and find yourself able to endure worse and worse. And I'm sure the worst is yet to come for us both.
From what I'm gathering, most people who frequent this site are experiencing or had experienced a similar problem to OP. It's so widespread here that I'm interested in what has caused this inertia towards living your own life.
All the problems OP has listed are not anything major. All of which can be achieved within a few months at most. You could get a job (at a warehouse, at a store) which would lead to meeting new people, making new friends and the job would lead to earning enough money to acquire a license.
Personally, I had this problem too. All of these are small milestones although none of them are groundbreaking achievements. Virtually anybody is capable of doing these things. It isn't so much a problem of misfortune more than it is a problem of perception.
When I come across these kinds of posts, it irritates me people would rather delve into self-depreciation rather than examine themselves thoroughly. Earlier, I was tempted to describe this problem as "nihilism" although there is still a waking interest in your own life. My friend, who is lives with his Mother and struggles to buy food for his animals yet alone the people in his house, is at constant odds with himself. He could get a job anytime he wants (he has the connections) and yet he doesn't. Instead, he would rather play Witcher 3 for 50 hours per week and take his rage out on a tree with a bat; he's tried nothing and he's all out of ideas.
What causes someone to slowly watch their life decompose and do nothing about it? Anxiety is only one factor. What causes someone to become a passenger in their own lives and watch it succumb to atrophy?
we're all dead inside
But why? How did we all get here?
When you regularly visit a site made by a crippled and frequented by pedophiles, stormtards and the social rejects of the world you don't really ask the question how did we get here, you just know you fucked up and this is your new home
What is ICE?
It's a fine home, if I do say so myself.
Now you can't argue with that. There's no denying if you wind up frequenting this place something has gone astray.
I've got an armchair psychologist theory about these kinds of threads. There's a dash of Freudian spice so strap yourself in. My guess is that the people who are suffering these kinds of problems have had some kind of childhood trauma and they're unable to consciously recognize the essence of their strifes. If you notice, it's always the symptoms of their problems (e.g. no functioning relationships, passive participation in life, etc.) that are mentioned rather than where all of this could possibly stem from. I take it the people who frequent Holla Forums are also the ones who frequent Holla Forums and vice versa. If you notice on Holla Forums (as well as the whole Red Pill subculture) there's a strong emphasis on masculinity, particularly on a stereotypical view of masculinity; think 1950s America. I'm willing to gamble the reason why the theme of masculinity is so prominent on Holla Forums and the whole Red Pill subcultural is because of a weak / abusive father figure people have experienced throughout childhood. Despite a poor father figure, there was a strong, almost overwhelming presence of a Mother who was content on sheltering their child from the world. Which would explain the tonality of these threads. It is so rare for one of these threads to pop up where someone is actively looking for a solution to their problems. Instead, what usually happens here is people attempt to one-up each other by telling their most pathetic story they have to offer. It's like they're expecting someone to come along and comfort them, make them feel better, to solve all their problems; like a Mother would do. Today, we have wound up with people who have adopted a mentally akin to stereotypical masculinity and who are paradoxically too placid, too effeminate, to take charge of their own lives.
From here on, for someone who is serious about negating this mentality and fostering a more appropriate lifestyle is going to be different for each person. Initially you're going to be susceptible to easy, quick answers. The truth is, there are no quick & easy solutions. You need to be deliberate in your introspection and carefully examine yourself. You can do this by meditating, keeping a journal and occasionally examining your core beliefs to see if they still align with who you are today. That's if you're serious about improving yourself and not trying to collect pity from strangers about how terrible your life is.
sounds like you're winning OP
Do this for social and general anxiety:
still sounds good so far
clearly you're far worse than I thought, abandon all hope