i'll start
God-Tier Philosophers
Other urls found in this thread:
itt: we go back to highschool
BEHOLD I've brought you a man!
OP is a faggot.
Why every single thread is subtle going to tards fapping to kids?
-Jesus, while on the cross
dude weed lmao
this thread has a severe lack of quality
i love how spengler has the look of absolute disgust in every picture
Thank you OP, you just made my day, no joke.
When I saw Rogan's face and then read the title, I almost spat out my drink.
Anyway, pic related is my nomination.
Pic related
Sargon is a cuck and being named carl he is the original carl the cuck of cuckkad
the only philosophers you need to read and live by.
He's the leader of a large neo-fascist network masquerading as classical liberals.
What's cucked about that?
Humans are a creature that should not exists by natural law
natural laws were meant to be broken.
your neck was meant to be broken
these biscuits were made to be broken
not inside my anus.
He's raising another mans baby
If you are interested in Nazi philosophy you should read "The myth of the 20th century". Rosenberg was as important as Hitler in shaping the National Socialist ideology. It's also a much easier read than Mein Kampf, if y you'll you're a quick reader you'll be able to get through it in a day.
Julius and Ethel ROSENBERG
were instrumental in the transmission of information about top-secret military technology and prototypes of mechanisms related to the atomic bomb, which were of value to the Soviet nuclear weapons program and also provided top-secret radar, sonar, and jet propulsion engines to the SOVIET UNION
Where my Camusfags at
Albert Einstein
And? Have you never heard of the name game? The most cursory search would have shown you that they are completely unrelated.
this tbqh