Hollywood heavyweights Steven Spielberg and J.J...

The filmmakers have secured the rights to Melissa Fleming’s bestseller A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea: One Refugee’s Incredible Story of Love, Loss, and Survival, according to the Wrap.


so how many Syrian refugees has Israel taken in?

I fucking hate one-man-show movies.
Even worse that it's about a refugee that fled Egypt.
Wtf Egypt is mostly fine.

Checkin dem quads

Look at the size of those noses.

Are refugee movies gonna be the new Holocaust movies?

It's full of sandniggers. I'd leave in any way I could too.

The kikes really are going all out these days, they hardly bother to keep appearances up anymore.

(((they're))) just rubbing it in now, aren't they?

But where will the lens flare go?