Captcha now creates doublepost if you send message before entering the captcha

Captcha now creates doublepost if you send message before entering the captcha.

What the fuck.

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You're both retarded for continuing to use this piece of shit site.

yeah but there's nowhere else to go.

There is but the entrance fee is having the initiative to go find it yourself

While I hate Holla Forums, I really fucking hate marxists banning me because I let "nigger" slip or was ironically being sexist.
REAL TIME BLOAT, the only active conversations are animu circlejerk that is beyond post-irony, in combination with namefagging
slow, using hueware

there is no entrance to anything, go fuck yourself. I will never forgive the cripple.

You should really stop being ironic. Ironic shitposting doesn't stop being a shit post.

It's justified if a trap or attention whore(s) are basically running around the imageboard going "tee hee don't hit on me you silly boys."

You're a shitposter and yet, you complain that the mods punish your shit posting? Please, tell me more about how I send people to the gulag.

In my view, the attention whoring is shitposting. If the mods don't keep them in line, it's just as bad.
I'm not going to argue with you, lainchan fag. You can continue to worship the chaturbate or whatever circlejerk of personalities/attention whores.

I'm sure that even Field medalist don't feel like that.

Problem still persists, fuck everyone.

I think lainchan recently got new management. Maybe things will improve.

If I wanted to go to a site full of leftist hipster sjw faggots I would go to reddit.

Codemonkey fucked it up yet again and you are all arguing about retards in pol

pretty sure its not cripple's fault
but the fine lads at Jim/Josh and Code Co.

There are enough Holla Forums anons to easily take over Tanobb's technology board.

Josh did nothing wrong.
And the cripple was cooperative in Jim's attempt to fuck over the community.

Nextchan's back up.


kill yourself, apple loving faggot. This isn't about the cost of the product.

Yeah, it's about apple product being sour I'm sure ;)

Besides the whole "at best over confident in his abilities" and "at worst wilfilly stealing 12,000" thing.
Can't disagree with this. It get how one can be quick burnt out, however it help alot when communication is up front rather than stonewall silence for months at an end.
However it appears that CM is at least technically compotent most of the time but has shown that he can't or is un willing to stand up to his father and create his own idenity.

b8 or no b8, you reminded me of pic related

I wish you were just pretending to be retarded, but we both know that isn't the case

Nice damage control, macfag.


It's back down

No, more like "underestimated the time factor."
Anything can work, it just requires time. Interpreted languages are an after-the-fact cost. You got it to work, great, now cache it.
The biggest problem with Next is the way the captcha generation is deeply ingrained into page rendering. The second biggest problem is templating time. Those are easily solvable issues, but they were:
1. not even known to be a problem, because the captcha generation is off the request cycle when it came to the profiler he was using, and the fact that they were logged in as admin (which bypasses the captcha.)
2. not something josh was immediately familiar with, and could not be completed in a week or so when you now have to go back and take a look at each facet of the page that is rendered.
3. NTTEC was unwilling to help because Jim is a fat kike and wanted to own it before he got his third world pajeets to commit anything.

so nah, he did nothing wrong. i can't fault him, in light of everything else, after the dust has settled. Holla Forumsirgins can keep repeating what the cripple wanted them to believe, but it doesn't make it true.
The community was fucking railroaded.

I was posting on 16chan while it was alive and Josh was a good bloke.

Listened to our requests, answered questions, gave feedback on our site logos

Was a bretty cool place before he shut it down