What should the self-driving cars do?
What should the self-driving cars do?
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Use LIDAR or cameras to slow down before it gets to that point, or better yet enforce lower speed limits.
waiting for Holla Forums to stop by with their witty answer
Crash on the left side.
If those are only two options it should stay and try to stop. It should never hit someone who is walking on sidewalk next to road.
Why the fuck is there a swerve protocol?
Hit the fucking brakes. More often than not swerving is the worst option.
They have to write an algorithm, so the car can differentiate between the race/ethnicity of the person(s) it's about to hit. If I were me, I'd let niggers, spics, goyim, shitskins/mudslimes, maybe some Asians from specific parts of Asia, and whatever else race/ethnicity is a cancerous growth on humanity get hit by the car. After all, we need some form of population control.
That's not what I was taught. I was taught to swerve, adjust, brake.
Swerving onto someone on the sidewalk is never the right choice.
Presuming that the car has the right of way (which if it doesn't is a different issue), it should simply slow down. The mass of fuckers in the road deserve to get hit, because when crossing the road they have legal responsibilities as well as the "driver". Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Low energy speedcuck detected.
What about, you know, swerving the other way?
I was taught to brake. Around where I live, if you swerve you're going into a 20 ft ditch. If a deer jumps into the road, are you going to swerve or dump your car into a watery ditch?
Shit, I meant swerve and dump your car into a watery ditch or hit the brakes and reduce the force of the impact, having only to deal with either nothing, scratches and bumps, or a messed up hood with a broken windshield?
Well depending on how fast you're going you'll basically use the deer to tear through your engine block. But if it's at night, self-driving cars will presumably have cameras with IR and aren't as shit as you when it comes to vision, so it won't need to do the impossible task of slowing from 55 to 0 in order to sustain no damage.
Mainly because, hey, it saw the fucking deer in the cornfield on the side of the highway and slowed the fuck down, well before you even knew it was there.
how about now?
How about using the horn, if the crowd is too stupid to get out of the way of a car blasting its horn coming at them well there is nothing more that can be done.
Hello Schlomo >>/oven/
Why do you want to ruin my fun
Why do you want to ruin my fun
Turret should get the target on the sidewalk, while the vehicle stays on the road. Right before the first collision it should fire the flamethrowers.
Whichever is safest for the passengers. Otherwise you're starting to head into dangerous exploitable behavior.
it should turn into the wall and kill the driver
mega kill is the obvious answer
Swerve the other way.
Stop deliberately trying to kill people and just swerve a bit.
No-one ever suspects the driver..
Kill all BLM protesters
If Musk is such a great guy why couldn't they just write a basic algorithm, release the source and let customers just plug in their own driver logic?
The crux of this supposed ethical dilemma is hurr durr shouldn't the company get sued. If drivers were required to download and install the AI software they'd be assuming responsible for the choice they make by installing SwerveAI or StayAI and the entire problem is resolved. Of course the real problem is the corrupt American court system that worships megacorps like gods, if Musk and his engineers could personally go to jail when the car kill someone, you bet your ass they'd stop making shitty overpriced cars overnight.
Blow its brains out so we can get better mass rail transit already.
We let the enlightened spiritual machine make its own decision.
I live near Boulder, Colorado. Agenda 21 central here. They would love to get rid of private vehicle ownership, already have TONS of cucks driving Teslas. And are all primed for self-driving, vehicle sharing blah blah. At the same time they want the ultimate walkable city where pedos (pedestrians) and bicyclists do whatever they want anywhere. I wish them the best of luck kek
You would get automated version of Nice attack if you do that.
Why not?
Nice Hitler dubs.
The car should crash into whichever group has the most warning hair and problem glasses.
Were you expecting jews? Well, those should be exterminated with more efficient means, of course
The car should follow the rules of the road (stay in your lane and slow down) as a situation that can't be resolved by that is ridiculously unlikely due to the redundant methods of stopping a car and the self driving car's ability to process things further up the road than what these hypothetical situations always depict (which almost always rely on human errors such as not paying attention to anything further up the road or going to fast for the situation). Trying to add tons of code for events that are extremely unlikely to ever occur raises the possibility of something going wrong.
Hopefully keep driving and take out as many BLM members as possible blocking the highway.
The car should attempt to do what a normal person would do but "better" i.e. it will react a lot quicker and have greater control than what any person would do.
Do it in style
Don't forget the proper soundtrack
Sure, muslims will start murdering people just because I'm not forced to use my vendors shitty proprietary software.
mudslimes have to die during the attack or they don't get the 72 virgins. Take the car bombs they use. They always trigger it while inside the vehicle because if they survive they have to try again. So there's no chance they will automate it.
Out. Females don't exist on the Internet.
Depends, if the group is full of white men, drive over the group. If the person on the left side is an arab, muslim or a woman, drive over the group.
Aloha Snackbar
whichever one kills the ""driver"" of the dumb thing
That's nearly all of the Holla Forums userbase.
it's the responsibility of the car to protect the driver, so it should keep going. it sucks but i don't buy shit so it kills me.
Does your opinion change if the owner of the car is black? If he is heading towards master race aryan children?
hopefully that won't be a problem i have to worry about by the time we get self driving cars
That just outlines a worse problem.
For some reason I have gone retarded and went to some place that has niggers in the region.
Don't speak so ill of the Britains.
They had a hard life, especially after getting tossed aside after they have been best golems for the jews.
The Raj used to be in Pakistan, now it's on British home soil.
Swerve the other way?
oncoming traffic
Stay, that crowd is made entirely of niggers.
Wait, you can privately own a Tesla, right?
Not that anyone should. They're an insult to the very concept of the electric car and the people who pour their souls into making their own out of an old shitbox
Kill all the niggers in that picture.
Yes, the masterace of people who lifted your sorry people out of perpetual squalor.
This is the sort of retarded idea only a clueless liberal could come up with.
Thank you.
I can see several "Back to the future" tropes in this WebM. Which was the intended one?
it should explode into a pile of rubble because the driver let the autopilot get out of control
Crisis averted.
very nice taste
Identify the fucking hazard on the road long before it's an issue and safely avoid it.
The fuck question is this?
if all of the rules of the road are followed then plow straight through because it means a group of people decided to jaywalk at once, wholesale cleansing of the gene-pool
The right option kills more zombies so it is objectively better.
Do you have even the slightest idea what cuck actually means?
Yes, in fact I have Master's degree in cuck sciences.
They should:
No swerving, no ninja maneuvers. Hit the brakes if necessary, but otherwise behave as if the car was on rails.
Expect a pedestrian behind every corner, waiting to jump in front of the car. In absence of information, always adjust to the worst case scenario.
And that's it! Simple as that.
Look up their linkedin pages and compute the group's collective (potential) societal worth versus the individual's.
Decide on that basis.
Or even better; manuver in such a manner that loss of collective (potential) worth is minimized.
Potential worth is important as it allows the potentially useful but ill-experienced (i.e. children) to be protected.
This will result in the roads becoming overcrowded very quickly which would result in even more road accidents.
Im guessing it would deliberately swerve to hit people without any social media accounts such as myself.
I hope this is a joke reply.
It'll probably infer from the aesthetic quality of your neckbeard and the absence of internet information associated with you, that you are some kind of technologist and avoid you due to potential contribution to FOSS.
Or if it's overwhelmingly likely that you're some kind of NEET because of this, swerving ensues.
Thus becoming a motivator for people to make the greatest contribution to society they can.
Who writes the algoyrithm?
That cheered me up until i read this
Im on record as a director of a company.
They could easily program it to give low priority to key people in rival firms.
I fully expect the government to force the car companies to give high priority to politicians.
Thats why I really don't like tech progress, it only further empowers a deeply flawed society. That does put me in somewhat of a Luddite camp though.
Even still, how hard is it toput back doors in, to almost directly foment a vehicular assassination and call it a glitch; we already have cases like Micheal Hastings .
Easy solution to that problem; make it AGPL licensed.
Societal value scores could be precomputed in advance though, and uploaded regularly to each vehicle.
What prevents me from modifying them so the machine targets other groups?
inb4 DRM
The investigation into the deaths afterwards, and the steep penalty you receive for CrimHack.
Actually I'm placing an L2 demerit into your CitScore. Remember the CogBoost tapes from PreLearn? "Infractions to the collective require corrective reactions".
Similar citizen scoring already exists in China.
1. privateinternetaccess.com
2. bbc.com
3. independent.co.uk
4. en.wikipedia.org
So avoid posting my post if you ever want to have anything to do with China.
Also: censorship by the Internet Archive.
5. twitter.com
I remember seeing that this thread did not end following my post. I must have browsed Holla Forums in a dream.