Full screen a game in Linux

Jesus christ. That's not how its supposed to work.

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I feel your pain. Also the other issue with fullscreening and the actual game screen doesn't get bigger but the (((black borders))) around it does.

learn to xrandr

I tried to google it but I cannot find this cool app. Help me, please, Holla Forums.

low quality copypasta

okay i did but this one issue is pretty stupid

Welcome to Linux. At least Windows isn't a broken piece of shit but that angry bitch spies on you. Stuck between a hard place and a rock.

Good joke.

Easy there buddy. I like Linux but you have to admit. It sucks ass to waste hours on issues that should've been solved.

Trying to watch a video on Youtube? Nope gotta fix it. When you fix that, you discover the sound is out and now you gotta fix the speakers. Uh oh, your wifi suddenly died. Now I have to fix that.


it just doesn't work.

I installed Linux on VirtualBox and it just works. Does it really break that badly on real hardware?

You don't usually read the news, do you?

your lack of knowledge doesnt mean that linux is bad, learn Xorg and xrandr faggot before posting something like this

Or worse, it goes fullscreen on the wrong monitor. And deactivates the other.

It's actually a hardware issue for me: my GTX 650 Ti has DVI-I, DVI-D, and mini-HDMI ports. During boot, it only sends the image signal to DVI-I, this seems to be hardwired. Now, my secondary monitor is a small CRT, and only DVI-I accepts a VGA adapter. So my main monitor has to go on DVI-D.

Now, I can set the OS itself to accept whatever monitor I want as primary. And, on Windows, games just accept that setting. But on Linux, nope. If there's a way to fix that, I couldn't find it. There is a workaround, however: before running a game, open the NVidia X Server Settings control panel, and deactivate the smaller one while I play.


no. people here are just retarded.

Why even live

Fucking bullshit cripplechan facist faggots trying to sell Linux





Bruh do you even know who Stallman is? He'd never support proprietary software that's been DRM'd out the ass like that.


a commie autist that eats his foot calluses in public?

Kill yourself



You're right. It's closer to 2000.


So do the anti-aliasing version. Problem solved.

false. at least 50% fps drop

Anti-aliasing was on in that webm. And the uneven line isn't related to that, it looks like that was drawn with a square tip.

Pic related, done with superior Krita.

Yes, the antialiasing option was checked but that wasn't enough. The stroke option chosen was a solid line. The antialiasing worked properly according to the solid line stroke but apparently, this wasn't good enough for Mr Autist over here. The way to reduce the "jaggedness" of the line would be to use a stroke that wasn't so strong i.e. a stroke with software edges i.e. the non-aliased stroke.

Gimp is the epitome of autism, this kind of stuff is why nobody takes it seriously.

Works for me™.
Xmonad + 2 monitors + proprietary nvidia drivers (uh oh) = works just fine.

You gotta convert the selection to a path.

This will make proper circles,even if I chose a bad brush preset because I don't like gimp and just used whatever was set.

It's just very specialized.
It's a very shitty solution for painting, people make it work, but the IM in GIMP stands for Image Manipulation.

Also, gimp benefits greatly from plugins, of which it has quite a few

The wavelet decompose plugin for retouching, for example, gives PS a run for its money, big time.

You just gotta spend time with it, it's a professional program.
Not saying it's not autistic, it certainly is, and I fucking hate GTK, but it is what it is, and it does its job very well, all things considered.
It's not horrible, I mean, it is, but that's only cause I like good interfaces.

Blender is very good, as well, but I can't stand the interface even though it's actually really good, because hotkeys are good.
I'm just a Maya man, and I didn't even like 3D Max because of the controls, and 3D Max certainly isn't trash.

This is how a circle tool is supposed to work.

Krita is better for image manipulation as long as Gimp doesn't have non-destructive transforms and filters.

What's this, a drawing feature? Holy shit, the GNU image manipulation program needs even more drawing features and not more image manipulation features!


WINE accurately emulates the Windows Experience®

Even MS Paint has a less convoluted way to draw circles and squares. These are very fundamental features of any raster image editor.

I agree that Gimp needs more image manipulation features though, seeing that a "painting program" like Krita is arguably better at it.

is it really though? i use gimp for some stuff but if there is something better i might jump shit.
is there a portable version of krita?

jump ship*

It's not necessarily worth switching to completely yet. It's kinda unstable and buggy and unfinished at places and the text tool for instance is complete ass, they had a kickstarter to make a new one but there's been no word of it since.

What really makes it better than Gimp as far as image manipulation goes is the kind of shit you can do with the layers, they're even better than Photoshop's. You can stack filters and effects non-destructively on top of each other by using group layers, and you can even use other krita files as layers (similar to photoshop's smart layers)

Gimp has a lot of fancy filters but honestly I personally never use any other filters than blurs and sharpens and color adjustments, and I do this as a job.

There's portable version for Windows at least.

nice criticism, faggot
chances are you'd have to do that in windows anyway



Windows > Single-Window Mode
U to use Fuzzy Select tool
Make things green with Colors > Colorize and/or Hue/Saturation and/or Levels

Might as well kill yourself.

yep. welcome to linux: the 'almost' desktop environment
sad truth is that these minor inconveniences really start to add up and annoy you when you use linux for a decade and they still exist
not shilling for windows since i'm a linux user myself, but windowsfags sure have a lot of things working out of the box

at least gnu/linux is built with that philosophy in mind
