wat do?
"Hey user, you're good with computers. Can you get Netflix to work?"
There is only one answer, and I'm sure you've heard it here at least a few times.
Write a frontend that looks like Netflix but actually gets the content from a piracy streaming site.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, unauthorized copying, or as I've recently taken to calling it, unauthorized sharing. Piracy is not the act of obtaining an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted work, but rather robbery or criminal violence at sea.
Many computer users make unauthorized copies every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called piracy, and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically copying, and not stealing.
There really is a piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only function at sea. Piracy is normally not used in combination with unauthorized copying: the two acts are basically seperate. All the so-called piracy is really unauthorized copying.
And so user lived happily ever after, not pointlessly spilling spaghetti in front of people simply because they have boobs. Because he did not have autism. The end.
These must be Scandinavians... faces are too pretty and bodies to slender for American girls.
Anyways, I reset the router, only if get to steal blondie on the right away from the party.
Ahh, I'm correct. They're Norwegian girls. Hi Mathilde!
So now we know how to reach her, one of us can expound on the benefits of free software too her.
I'm not having a good day.
The nice thing about Scandinavians, is that they're all autistic, even more than us.
What about Scandinavian Holla Forums users?
Holla Forums is too normie for them
So far into the autism spectrum that they write their own Kernel and version control system.
After helping some guys on the computer the other day, one of them turned to me and said, "You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"
That's where you went wrong user. Now you should have socked him in the face for the rude remark, but now you know not to share skills with people for free.
>to do
Fix their Netflix then wake up.
spoken like a true betafag
I ask them if they have $20, while checking AWS status page on my phone.
Reboot the router if AWS is not down, and give them my professional opinion that Netflix is currently experiencing technical difficulties if it is down.
Take the money and add it to my savings for a high end prosititute.
Holy shit bruh I can see your fedora from here. Do you offer to walk the good m'ladies to their boyfriends' homes too?
All those Aryan women. Not a single shitskin in sight. It sucks living in a multicultural city.
They're not jumping on your dick anytime soon either, champ.
quit projecting.
My gf is half Vietnamese half French. Sort of looks like Lana Lang from Smallville with bigger tits. I'm half a race traitor :^)
Normal would be having some wit and calling them out instead of being subservient. At the very least you could make a joke about asking for excessive compensation and banter while you do the menial task.
Not be a complete faggot and saying "I'm at your service, m'ladys."
Your autism is showing.
bad news m8
There are people working very hard to change that... just a few more middle eastern wars and African famines there will be more than enough enrichment to spread to the rest of the Nordic nations.
It's also called situational awareness. They're obviously teenagers, so definitely not invited by me. They're dressed in a relaxed manner so it's not a public party. Additionally they're eating in front of the TV and know me by name.
This concludes that my little sister is having either a sleepover or a "girls night out" or whatever, which means I should not try to hit on them lest I want my sister to hate me forever. It's probably also prudent to mention that their demeanor and poses indicates that they view me as a "trusted person", like a parent, friend or sibling. Attempting to flirt with them would just lead to awkward situations and broken trust.
But sure, whip out the fedora maymay if it makes you feel better about your aspergers.
you have the tism, m8.
Would you hand them all a bowl of eggs too?
Would they have to eat ALL the eggs?
Help them, because it is right thing to do.
Reply with
If they don't pay you to fix it. If I had a dollar every time I had to fix someone's shit, computer related, I'd be rich enough to start my own crusade.
oy vey dis the ansah right dere, charge the filthy goyim microtransactions for everything inside your own house :^)
I'm not good with computers, I just pretend online.
Torrent you fucking faggot.
Figure it out yourselves you fucking nerds
Grab my shotgun and ask how they turned Holla Forums into /g/
kill yourself?
Hook up your tricked out and overclocked OSMC box you made out of a Raspi2, filled with third-party Kodi repos with questionable legality (and of course added OpenNIC DNS server with DNScrypt plus Unbound), then simply download Exodus and show them the superior full HD quality at no cost except for the ISP.
While you're at it, show them CCloud and get them to cut their cords.
Actually you're supporting freedom-destroying software and services. You're actually doing them a disservice. Instead, propose that if they must watch copyrighted content, they do so from local copies, or that they use sharing sites to obtain this material.
Such is life for the hacker known as Eight Chan.
I go back to halfchan.
>cd /tmp; wget dl.google.com
You had me until you installed proprietary software.
If I fix this, we watch Madoka.
Steal the girl on the front left.
how do you "steal" a person?
I like the face of the front left one better.
Front right IS the fairest and isn't making a retarded photo face; just a natural expression.
Installing proprietary software once isn't too bad if you end up installing Linux for a qt because of it.
What's the point if you could install Chromium instead?
Netflix doesn't work on Chromium (without negating the point of using Chromium over Chrome anyway).
how did the movies get inside your notebook?
ping my dick . com
Keep talking like that and you'll never pass on your genes.
M'lady I understand, but what's wrong with "however"?
I can't really think of a context where something like this would take place.
Unless I was dating an 18 year old, and these were her friends. I'd probably help then.
2/10 you didn't even do great dude
Can you post that image again? You know which one
the autism trailing that tweet is bugling
this is something Stallman would definitely say, but apparently the EFF was half-joking
Hey ladies, did you know that Netflix is powered by FreeBSD servers? FreeBSD is a free open source operating system with a very permissive license. Let me tell you about how Netflix optimized a TLS implementation so that you can watch videos over secure sockets.
This one?
What the fuck? Did someone actually make a pepe image of that thread?
Sounds a bit too formal IMO.
Install Chrome, tell them they suck
I did actually have this happen although it was with a 27yr old single mother of three that moved into my household and the computer in question was a bestbuy special Windows 8 machine that I had already moved to Mint Cinnamon when the grandma owner got pissed over the Windows 10 nagging.
I installed Chrome and helped them tweak brightness over HDMI and they were happy. Wish there had been a better option but fuck at aleast Nutflicks works on linux now, that was always the killer thing for linux that made me have to reinstall Windows for oldfags
How is it possible that it was posted in 2015? Fucking stupid time passes so fast