guys, anyone have experience with herpes here? or any other infectious disease?
Guys, anyone have experience with herpes here? or any other infectious disease?
use colloidal silver
ok i googled. but there is no cure for herpes. so im guessin this one just keeps the immune system up huh?
You can believe that if you want, I know people personally who cured it
Raw Vegan diet + Colloidal Silver
yeah, no
nice smug k
herpes will literally kill you
okay thanks for heads up
you're going to LITERALLY die like now omg
neato. better dress my "might die anytime soon now" dress
I have autism. Ask me anything
I had AIDS…
… but I got betta.
you better wear your "im going to fuck myself to sleep tonight" panties you sarcastic asshole
i had chicken pox
the only people that get fucked up by colloidal silver are people that try to make it in extreme and unconventional ways. I know people who've been drinking colloidal silver by the gallon every day for years who have perfect health
Pretty much everybody has herpes. If you had a cold sore as a kid you have herpes.
Its just those nasty fucks who use their genitals as a clown car have problems with herpes cropping up all the time. Its dormant in nearly all non-degenerate humans.
I have experience, though I do not have English as my mother tongue so maybe I will not be the best to explain if asked. But qualify, I was a member of the Unit 731, later Soviet biological and chemical program. Currently Russian experimental tech of biocybernetics in particular.
You can ask me what you want. I am personally compromised, such to live long but not in good condition ever. Infectious diseases are rejected by time, absorbed for immunity to improve the vaccination of soldiers of the future. This it not a regular person's reaction and it takes many years to build immunity, regular people would die being exposed suddenly at once to the vaccines made of a compromised person's sample.
i dont get y u got triggerd famalam
oh? tell
yeah good luck preserving muscle mass with that diet, sissy
is it a popular thing? never heard before tbh
i dont get. if you alread have a type of herpes, how would constant sex with people who have same herpes would cause any problems?
navy seals?