Google Going After Protonmail

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confirmation that protonmail are bad goys.

Google is removing lots of websites from their results for whatever reasons. Danbooru's main page was removed as well, but the dumb fucks left a link to their Pools section as the first result for some reason, just like they removed Holla Forums but not the individual board results. Funnily enough, both Gelbooru and Sankaku Channel, which provide more "extreme" images (loli is hidden in Danbooru for anyone without a premium account) are still up.

Wtf is going on at Google?

quicksort is the best big o

Are they purging badgoy sites?

Danbooru is as tame as it can get for a porn or a hentai website. Even Pornhub has more extreme hentai stuff, although I guess the outrage for removing Pornhub from search results would be much bigger. That said, I can't understand why didn't they remove e621, Paheal, Sankaku Channel, ehentai or Gelbooru first, considering what kind of stuff they put in there. Gelbooru is basically the Holla Forums of Danbooru anyway, as it's where the "extreme" bits (read: loli) of Danbooru go.

I get that too, that's bizarre. You can't even use the reasoning that it's a porn thing when some of the first page tags are "kantai_collection" and "touhou".

However Protonmail is first result.

Not tame at all! There's much questionable on the site. Also they still host loli and even banned artists, it's just hidden with sadpanda-ish methods.

I know. Loli is still uploaded from time to time, but it's quickly hidden for anyone without a premium account, and as far as I known the only way to fet those is either by giving them 20 dollas or being an oldfag who was already registered when they introduced the premium quota.

Anyway, Gelbooru is still more extreme than Danbooru by virtue of leaving loli public and not having autistic mods deleting every image they don't like. Sankaku Channel is even more extreme than Gelbooru since that's where they upload all the odd fetish stuff that usually gets deleted in the first two. Even ehentai is more extreme than these since, even without loli, it still has "offensive for everyone" galleries and a comment section that loves to shit on gaijin cosplayers for being sluts (even though their galleries aren't much different from equivalent Japanese cosplayers). I really, really don't understand why they banned Danbooru and left all these other really bad goy sites up.

Btw, if I am not mistaken, when searching Gelbooru on Google, "loli - Gelbooru" is one of the first results you get.

There's the better_better_booru script to bypass the content hiding and remove ads and a few other things, not sure if it still works. It also requires an account on the site.

Also Google doesn't return universal results, I don't get loli anything for Gelbooru.

really, sankaku has more fetish stuff than gelbooru? I never noticed that. I've switched to maining sankaku because it has https and doesn't require plugins. Gelbooru should be considered a massive honeypot due to its unencrypted connection.

Danbooru went almost-full-retard with filenames recently. Full retard was when they had leading hyphens, aka program options.

I haven't checked Gelbooru in ages because of all the cancerous ads and furry shit, but good to know. More depressing is that Exhentai has HTTPS but it's pretty pointless because the images are hosted off-site and in plaintext.

Agreed, this is the shit

How the fuck are DRAWINGS a crime. It's thoughtcrime.

Yeah, Sankaku Channel is where all the futa furry shit goes. Things are also badly tagged so you may stumble accross many of these posts while looking for a dofferent character.

I can't understand Gelbooru, tho. With Let's Encrypt there is no excuse.

eHentai will never ever get HTTPS. It's simply not possible with their current infrastructure.

AFAIK, it's technically not a crime in America, but a guy crossing the border into Canada once got arrested for having a scanned image he drew of a fully clothed girl on his laptop.

Danbooru has the same stuff as Gelbooru, it just hides stuff like loli behind a paywall.


Sorry this doesn't make any sense. What's missing from the story?

I use an ad blocker That doesn't mean I like using sites that have lots of ads.

Yeah [email protected]/* */ And the broken CA system that makes encryption worse than plaintext.

Not really, Gelbooru aggregates from other sites than Danbooru. In general, Gelbooru has more stuff.

That was the whole story, he was detained for having a drawn image of a non-lewd girl.

I can't find the exact article, but it's a common enough occurrence that there's a Comic Book Legal Defense Fund just for this sort of thing.

Canadian Customs also reserves the right to confiscate any comics or manga you may have if an officer personally finds them offensive.

It was an image of 48 sexual positions drawn in chibi style, where the head is oversized with a small simply drawn body. To a typical customs agent it does like sex with children. They're instructed to see any anime as a huge red flag and the guy had it on his desktop.

In Canada even text is illegal. Japanese that are there and import loli material or view it online get a pass because of their culture, which is a huge double standard. Anyone interested in manga or art and isn't ethnically Japanese could be breaking the law by looking at drawings.

Which happened to well known furry artist.

Well at least there's some upside to this shit.

Of course, when it suits you you're perfectly happy to let the censors trample people. You're part of the problem.

Uh oh.

That was a joke, you retarded niggerfaggot. Do you really think that every fag reeeeeeing "YIFF IN HELL, SICK FUCKS!" is planning to elliottrodger the nearest furrycon?

Usually hey stick to poison gas.

You displayed no such ridiculousness in your post. Poe's Law is in full effect these days.

You've got a point there. Gotta eat my beans before I go.

Shitting on furries has been a chan meme for years. Where have you been all this time newfriend?

Half the people spouting it are serious. That's that other adage at work: Acting like idiots attracts real ones who think they're in good company.

Leave him he's autistic.