The pleb is you.
Gets custom mechanical keyboard to show how l33t he is
Wither or not there was a numberpad did influence my laptop purchasing decision, don't get me wrong. I would indeed rather have a full set PC keyboard than not.
But what purpose does it serve in this day abd age? In the old days it was a phone dial for connecting to terminals or clients that doubled as a calculator panel for math and accounting. But us there really any purpose it serves today other than being alternative keys to the top number row?
I find it faster to input long chains of numbers with the numpad.
How often do you do that? I don't do it often enough to justify a 4×5 block of keys.
it's necessary to use numeric keypad for data entry jobs, but fuarck being a mindless form/captcha filler.
literally when writing numbers: IPs, using the calculator, long numbers. Maybe even for rhythm gaymes like Pump It Up (using qeszc is just not the same as 79513).
Also, fuck compact keyboards. I use the arrow keys, PgUp, PgDn, Home and End daily for web browsing, or when editing text on any input form without vim or emacs key bindings (this post included).
You can input numbers 500 million times faster. 10 digit numbers are typed almost instantly. If you don't understand this then perhaps you are a pleb.
As a touch-typist, I type numbers much faster on the main number row.
Whenever i'm logging into systems for either my workplace or for university. Both of my ID codes are ~9 characters that are slow to type on a numberrow
Playing DFO
oh no what will i do
maybe buy a mechanical numpad?
better to have something minimalistic that you can add onto, than to be stuck with something that only takes up space
Seek help
Oh I was wondering how I ended up on /g/
You're probably the type of faggot that uses a mouse to manually click and drag the scroll bar.
Vim keybindings are comfy as fuck. Why should I waste my time removing my fingers from the home row and move my hand all the way down to the arrow keys or mouse just to navigate a page if I could use hjkl instead?
↑what this guy said↑
Sure they will :)
Disgusting. you should use zH, CTRL-D, CTRL-U, and zL.
You'll eventually grow out of your keybinding autism when you realize that in the you can't configure the bindings of every program to your taste.
I can still uninstall every program with shit keybindings to my taste.
you could be using a prebuilt from a thrift shop that you got $100 right now, why aren't you?
Of course it doesn't. I meant Filco in general is pleb-tier.
Only thing worse than a missing numpad is the arror kyes+numpad combo. I've got the combo on my CM Storm mechanical kb and it sucks ass. You can no longer use the arror keys by touch alone (a really big deal for me tbh, but got somewhat over it by using the emacs binds with bash etc). Numpad can go fuck it self 9/10 times, those cases being garry's mod (kek) and long numbers but idk.
This one's pretty nice, and it has blank keys which discourages you from looking and is nice for rebinding keys. And who thought those round logo keys were a good idea?
Well shit, I saved the wrong version. Mine has a normal enter key.
is your desk a bucket?
It's such an arbitrary complaint, that someone uses a different keyboard
stop trying to lure us into your massdrop scams geekhack merchant.
complete idiocy
in b4 le muh dvorak
I can touch type just fine, thanks for your interest (120 wpm on a good day). Unmarked keyboards are just fucking stupid and pointless.
Enjoy having no ISO key, faggot.
it's a big deal for most non-US keyboard layouts
No it's not nice. It has a numpad.
I had one of those guys walk around. He had to use the mouse to scroll through the code, because it didn't occur to him what the whole point about those keyboards was.
tfw Vim master race
ducky zero is the only choice. everything else is a waste.
That's what altgr is for
Alt Gr isn't gonna give you the < key (most frequent use of ISO key) back. You have 3 options:
1. map < and > to some key combination
2. alter keyboard layout
3. use another layout like US International.
4. don't be a retard and buy an ISO keyboard
1 and 2 require setting up, and possibly additional software and admin rights depending on OS. Plus it fucking sucks every time you use another computer.
3. can be set up in 1 or 2 clicks and works great until you realize apostrophe (') and quotes (") require pressing space, else you get acute accent and diaeresis.
US Alt-Intl is fantastic, except it's Loonix only, and all dead keys and special characters now require Alt Gr, and sometimes even Alt Gr+Shift (awkward as fuck), which negates much of the benefit of switching.
So, in short, 4 is ideal.