Up for some old japanese raid ?
Up for some old japanese raid ?
Other urls found in this thread:
this is weird
How long does this gay shit go for
What do you mean ?
The stream, how long will she be on for?
No idea, shes boring anyway, moving to another one.
Try to move to the one with less ppl on it
why are gooks so fucking ugly holy shit
An old Jap thrash who smoke cig. This is so fucking weird.
Found this gem also earlier.
post what person your on faggot
making them bane post is pretty fucking funny
She got boring real quick.
Where are the ones that read it out in english? How do you find those tyes
She's more interested in her weird chink game
any luck ?
My sides, get in here faggots, shes responsive.
still searching, saw some nice tits though
Fuck, she closed her stream.
The dude is insane with his base.
She can speak english
She's also singing too
Fuck, it just closed.
looks like she ended it, fuck me man
I'm going to try and get them to read Moonman lyrics
They're reading shits
every time, its like they are onto us
After screaming "PLEZ JAPANEZE" for a good 5 min, he closed the stream. kek
post the fuggin link
They seems to be on a timer, like, after 30 minute the stream close or some shit.
what the fuck is this website? Is it like YouNow for japs?
Good old jap raid.
Is she rly living in her car ?
No idea, I'll try again tomorrow. Its like 3.am in japan right now, the normal japs are probably all alseep.
I think I figured out how this site work.
top kek
my sides
we need to find someone who actually speak a little bit of engrish
Our babes are too shy for some reason
Basically, they're only streaming 30 min at a time, so you have to follow them and check the follow link when they appear.
maybe we need to find a different website
lol link pls
this is the only one I know of and its probably the most popular one out there
Anyone up for some more ?
She says she speak a little bit english
shit op
I got rejected hard by her, she might be a tsundere
I don't have the time right now
download hypercam or some shit you cunt
I will record it.
It's not her first rodeo.
shes not biting
New channel?
I miss my waifu, we had a connection.
Meant to post that
cmon man thats mean
the hell is timeshifting and why can't I join
Some channel you can only watch 30 min at a time, so that channel was ending when you joined. I think you have to pay to watch more ? But hell, I cant read japanese.
how remarkably jewy
I've already tried getting her to dance
I've missed this shit
shoe on head
Get in here, she's cool.
same, maybe just maintenance ?
says maintenance for me as well
"We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience. We are doing everything we can to get back to you as soon as possible!
* Maintenance times may vary depending on the issue.
We are currently performing maintenance on the Nico Live Player system. "
well shit
But, how will I ever reach my waifu ?
is she sick?
If I pulled that off would she die?
Maybe, I dont know how japanese women works.
c'mon user
Sorry, haven't been on a chan for years, im litteraly a grampa.
It was really just a maintenance, site is back up