Holla Forums and people like them do not believe in climate change. We will all die because of baby boomers and old men.
Holla Forums and people like them do not believe in climate change. We will all die because of baby boomers and old men
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This. Also:
Quit your fearmongering. There are plenty of real things for your generation to worry about that you refuse to acknowledge.
The Earth's climate changes over time. Humanity has nothing to do with it and cannot do anything to prevent it (at current or foreseeable technological levels).
We can change climate regionally to cause famines (dust bowl 1930s) but globally its not possible.
the real problem are those 3rd world shitskin fuckers, causing disease with their bad hygiene, eating up every damn thing on the planet with their incessant hunger and endless ability to reproduce.
White people need to start a genocidal war to cull the darker races for the good of the planet.
The Earth releases hundreds of times more carbon dioxide than we can ever produce.
Maybe if nearly every major prediction put out by climate change proponents didn't turn out to be false, more people would believe in it.
And it was already there at the Earth's creation from a proto-planet, not artificially catalyzed by super-apes.
1.) Global Warming will not kill anyone, even if human-caused global warming is real. The worst that will happen is it will inconvenience us with extra economic costs. Even most climate scientists will tell you this, but that doesn't mean governments shouldn't be preparing for it, at least from an economic standpoint
2.) Climate change has been happening since the Earth became a thing. We are just coming out of a mini-Ice Age, so its natural for the world to be warmer than its been the past couple of centuries.
3.) That said, there is nothing wrong with wanting to push for renewable energy and cleaner air quality
4.) Holla Forums didn't say that you shitposting faggot
But Trump did. He was pretty cool until he said that we should keep using coal. Meanwhile China is now leading the world in renewable energies since they just finished catching up.
The climate is always changing ever since before first life forms on Earth
Currently there is a meaningful human influence over the weather, but it can't be acurately quantified
If every single country on the planet make were to sign and strcitly obey all climate change treaties ever made, we would manage to merely partially prevent the increase of the global temperature from heating in 100 years,
What could really help? Put solar panels on top of every car and every home, ban fossil fuel, stop the production of certain kinds of meat, but of course those things are not viable.
What do you think of places like Whole Foods?
You're still a lying buttnugget though
Go to bed, Al.
So far the policies applied don't seem to reflect that vision.
He and his advisors would be fucking insane if they expect long term economic growth while not investing a penny into renewables. We're passing the crossing point at which renewables are becoming cheaper than other, more polluting, sources of energy.
Even if he doesn't believes in climate change, he still follows economic logic.
How do we know they're not man? HOW DO WE KNOW?
The most dangerous things currently in the food industry in Monsanto's GMOs monopoly. Sugar is bad, espically "high fructose corn syrup".
The FDA Food pyramid is wrong because it contains too much wheat.
Eating 6 times a day is retarded specially for diabetes. Intermitent Fasting is healthier.
If you were to get even more paranoid about what gets on your mouth to the point of avoiding food processing you should also avoid brushing your teeth because of the fluoride, but that's little too much.
Yeah I always wondered about that.
That was just because of grain lobbyists, there was a different proposed with vegetables at the bottom. Pretty well documented, not remotely tin-foiley.
what a fucking pansy generation. we are supposed to not eat meat when baby boomers jetsetted around the world with the jews consent.
of course its fucking haarp what else could it be?
gaetan dugas the aids patient zero, "i have gay cancer and now so do you" flew around dumping his aids spunk in asses around the world racking up airmiles and never felt sorry for causing a global epidemic or carbon emissions. im not gonna feel sorry eating mcdonalds once in a while, fuck you op.
Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the left to funnel money away from the oil and coal industry and into their own "green" industries and phony research. Its a good scam if you can get into it.
97% of all scientists on the planet are either part of the hoax or have been payed off to say they believe in it. The intelligent among us know better, because we don't waste time studying so called "science". We get the real facts from reliable, non-biased sources like Breitbart and Fox News.
Science is also hoax, intended to discredit Christianity. Only god can change the climate. So called "technology" based on "science" is in fact powered by Satan. The left does not want you to know this.
Well, there's plenty of tinfoil material surrounding government dietary guidelines. In the end it doesn't even matter whether they are inept or malicious, the result is the same.
Here are some more non-tinfoil reasons why eat so much wheat:
1. Wheat requires very little water and dries on the stalk
2. It has the longest shelf-life of any grain, it stores remarkably well.
3. It has a very high protein content
4. Products made of wheat hold their shapes (Bread, Pasta) and the gluten while bad for your digestion is perfect for binding ingredients together.
gaetan dugas and aids
They're also leading the world in environmental contamination.
Young people nowadays sure do lap up any stupid thing a (((baby boomer))) tells them so long as it means they can get gayer and lazier. Wikileaks already exposed that climate change is a fraud but only young dipshits believed in that kike nonsense anyway. I remember when we were all supposed to die from global cooling by 1990 so we should behave like niggers and not plan for the future, etc.
fuck off rabbi.
you do realize its fake and a scam right?
are all Chinese beaches like that?
oh dear. Holla Forums knows better than the kike stooge scientists? what a retard you are. facts count in science, not chan memes and god.
you're confirmed as an idiot.
debunk and