Holla Forums tattoo thread. post your leftypol tattoos
Holla Forums tattoo thread. post your leftypol tattoos
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If I got a tat, it would be a nice hammer/sickle style piece.
Nothing wrong with a good looking tattoo.
Lel, tattoos are typical degenerate leftist behavior.
Could you get any good commie tattoos in prison, though?
tattoos are for lumpens
Absolutely degenerate. My gott.
90% of people regret their tattoos.
Fuck off, morality police
I've got a couple of tats, none related to communism or anything though
tattoos are for spooked individuals
Not me, my tattooie is special
Haha spooky my friend
the best
commie prison gangs when?
I don't have or want to get piercings or tatts myself, but other people can get them
When commies start going to prison.
Just vote trump and we'll have them.
it me
I can see it now. Trump gives a speech about how "harrahble" communists are as he rolls out new bipartisan surveillance and anti-socialist laws a-la Bismarck while soc-dems ineffectually protest as usual while the more rightist liberals cheer for the triumph of the American Way.
ITT: an insecure idiot craves for reassurance for his shit-tier lifestyle choices
and it's him: reddit.com