They removed the fucking escape key.
Good. You have a big fat ctrl left of the A key, adjusting to ^] isn't that hard.
who cares don't buy one like most people
See you boys in line tomorrow morning.
Finally! I will never accidentally quit my RPG maker games again!
I bet Stallman is behind this. You can't spell emacs withouth mac.
>Post-publication note: this is an April fools post. None of it is true. Well, except the part about Apple actually mistreating users, attacking competing firms and barring GPL-protected software from their app store.
Hey Burgers, what's the deal with that tiny return key?
What the fuck DO you buy? In 3 years there won't be anything left. Windows laptops will be BIOS locked to only allow Windows 10 installations, Apple laptops will have no audio jacks, no DVD drives, no USB ports, no ethernet ports, and now no Esc key.
You can't keep using 5 year old hardware forever. Eventually it's going to turn into 10 year old hardware, and 15 year old hardware.
For making barcode accounts
Is typing a three-letter word too hard?
Anyway, it's because the GPL wouldn't allow Apple to stop people from installing modified versions and things like that. Apple's stuff is full of walled gardens and DRM.
But they kept Caps Lock lol
If you're happy with ancient Thinkpads, you can buy something like T400, X200, X61.
I own an Asus C201. I've changed the BIOS with libreboot and have installed Parabola Lignux.
tbh if you could create custom rows and binds and swipe between them then this wouldn't be that bad of a gimmick. its not like laptop keyboards aren't complete shit anyway.
cheap locked down mac clones or overly expensive gaming laptops, that's the future.
Or just getting a mac, that thing that all other laptops benchmark
that too i suppose. the future isn't looking very bright when business laptops are going full mac clone.
I love my 2011 MBP but it's not going to hold out forever
even if the hardware is reliable, the software just gets worse and worse
I find myself booting up my Open BSD netbook more and more these days
Function keys are pretty useless these days aside from games, but the ESC key is still useful. I'd remap the lower-left CTRL to ESC and the CAPS LOCK to CTRL instead.
How the fuck can use Vim on this thing Fuck you, I've already rebinded my caps lock to ctrl.
You still have the escape function as a touch screen button, it just means there's no dedicated escape button to use.
Wait so the top row is like, basically a touch screen or what?
I remap caps lock to escape on each computer I own.
But otherwise I don't have a shitty mac so I don't have to worry about the function keys.
does anyone use 'alt gr' ? i find myself pressing it as if it is left-alt, but actually it doesn't work
It is
So you can make it show whatever, and map whatever keys you want
Fucking neato
That depends on your layout. On the US layout, alt gr becomes right alt. At least it should work that way.
Secure Boot isn't mandatory. And that's an unnecessary feature in UEFI, not BIOS.
Macs don't even have Alt Gr, it's just a regular alt and both are used like Alt Gr on Windows.
SecureBoot is allowed to be mandatory now.
start a new company to produce the laptop you want, not that hard
my dream machine, i call it the meme machine.
Having backslash on the left is fukkin retarded!
Is he there to steal gets?
What a fuck up. Normies will buy the surface book.
so innovative....................................................
If you want the 15" model.
Which service uses the red frog icon?
Absolutely disgusting.
Pepeddit. A FLOSS reddit clone witha theme around pepe the frog.
So what? My 15 year old hardware works as well as it did 15 years ago.
You must be on a 32 bit platform? How long until that's dropped in your favourite OS?
They also replaced every single port sans the 3.5mm audio jack with a USB type C port, you even use them for charging the damn thing.
Get an older used Thinkpad (or a couple) and take good care of it. Even if the supply of batteries dries up you can just rebuild them (I'm pretty sure they use 18650 cells). That should be good depending on what you want to do with the laptop (there's still the problem of more and more websites needing heavy bloated JS to use if you want to use those sites).
In 10-15 years, companies moving everything to the cloud is going to be a much bigger concern than your laptop just being locked down. I'm honestly worried that it'll start being a visible problem in the early 2020s.
How is the build quality on that Asus C201? I figure it won't be that great judging by the older low end laptops I've used and how shit now days seems to have gone further down hill.
This post is so disconnected from reality it's cringey
You haven't seen the new iphone, have you?
Welcome to the fucking future.
whats wrong with newr thinkpads?
This cringey is so cringey it's cringey
Not him, but my favorite OS has variants for three different MIPS architectures and for 32-bit pointers with x86_64 instructions (to save memory when the address space is smaller than 4 GB), so it'll probably take a while.
I'm talking about the new Macbook, the 3.5mm audio jack is the only non USB type C port on it, it even uses a USB type C charger. I don't doubt that they'll replace the 3.5mm audio jack on the next Macbook though.
The nice thing about Canonical is they strike deals with the vendors and they created a tiny niche of laptops that have Poobuntu pre installed.
System76 might be the most Holla Forums approved of the lot since I've seen videos on YouTube of people opening and upgrading thare computers but there almost no reviews so I'm not sure how good they are.
The usb cable that comes with iphone 7 wont fit into the new mac. top kirk
I thought they were just a rebrand of some cheap Chinese laptop marketing to hipster webfags?
The salt on reddit over the prices is glorious.
that will be 200 $hekels for adapters.
yeah, it's basically a scam to pay talented developers too smart to get lumped codemonkeying for canonical chitlins.
Their augmented reality sand demo was pretty cool. They may take a position as a true integrator for ubuntu: they have a motivation to bring in modern shit like natural language voice input, cloud integration, or build up a matrix server to get in on next generation IM.
Hell they may even start shipping with elementary OS and really start stealing disappointed macfags.
RIP Mac Vim & Emacs users
I'm confused, is buying from them a good idea or not? I want to believe in the idea of a Linux oriented hardware vendor but they've been around for 10 years and there's almost no information about them.
I noticed they already have a iMac like all-in-one computer that could appeal to Mac users switching to Linux. you have a cute naming scheme where their computers and named after animals from Africa. It's a cute match for computers with a bunch of pre-installed. I feel like there products are almost marketable to normal fags.
Someone needs to start selling USB-to-USB routers. Convince Apple users they need NAT for their fucking USB ports and you'll be rich.
In some regional kb layouts you use AltGr+letter combos to input accented letters.
Those golden buttplugs for Tim Cock aren't cheap, the poor has to pay his bills somehow.
I'm using a 13 year old PC. Linux does wonders.
oh no, apple will lose out on the permavirgin poorfag Holla Forumsniggers
Why? I don't see why they wouldn't have compatible USB-C ports to continue to push that standard while still offering people the option to use their old headphones.
You hit the nail on the head when you said "marketable to normalfags" we don't mind digging through forums at four in the morning but my mum couldn't. They provide a service and it's a very good one, but not exactly aimed at us.
I've heard good things from people that work there though, so if you want a job or want to increase the number of paid gigs in the FLOSS community they might be worth your support.
I don't think anybody can tell you whether buying from them is good or bad for you personally.
How revolutionary and forward-thinking. Apple truly does it again.
Thank you for cucking the record.
Do you own a gun user?
You're gonna need one when chump loses.
Don't think any rope could support your weight.
What are you, like, from 2015?! I mean, really?!
Keep telling (((yourself))) that :).
Less than two weeks to live user, make the best of it.
Maybe hire a hooker, wouldn't want to die a virgin now would we.
You're so gullible. I could probably convince you to brutally rape every single one of your family members (not that you already do) for the sake of """"""'tolerance"""""". You should go rip that coexist bumper sticker off your Prius shove it up your ass and end your pathetic existence by Kurt Kobaining yourself with father's shotgun, filthy subhuman insect.
>>>Holla Forums
That's beautiful. I'm the original guy he attacked, and I come out ready to curb stomp him into a paste, and another Holla Forums has done the deed for me.
You seem triggered.
What's sad is you're not even CTR, at least they get paid to shill for Hill, you do it for free.
Go back to plebbit, goy.
Fuck off, kike. I'll make a bar of soap out of you.
You come across as an incorrigibly stupid person who ought to be gassed, for your own sake and ours.
meant for
(I'll gas myself for the indiscretion)
Oh man I should stock up on vpns for when chump loses.
The butthurt in Holla Forums would be hilarious.
Do you happen to have the "Excuse me, but has Romney already lost" copypasta? I've been wanting to modify it to fit this election, but I can't find it anywhere.
Except that Trump will win, unless the election is rigged.
t. Holla Forumslack
So anyways, aside from the retarded Holla Forumsacks, how do macfags continue to justify this?
How can you fucking take a workstation laptop, whose premiere unveiling included emoji buttons, seriously?
Why do laptops suck so much dick nowadays?
Not to mention, this is context (window) dependent, right?
I imagine this fucks plenty of workflows.
I'm sure macfags love to alt-tab just to change a song or turn their volume down.
Even drawfags expect that much.
If Trump loses, you lose though... assuming you're not some Syrian refugee or Mexican illegal.
I'll brush your inane commentary on Holla Forums aside.
It's a problem, because Apple have really pivoted away from catering to the professional market, while at the same time wishes to retain the brand name recognition they have with their "Pro" line of products. These days Pro might as well mean FaceBook Pro MAChines.
Which are all valid
Oh no an advertisement showed how versatile their product can be, this triggers me
You tell us, master of sucking dicks
They offer 16.10 too at the moment.
If you could shut up being triggered by Trump, that'd be great too.
I'm sure it's real in your head, Holla Forumstard
I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only half time. Does not having the lead before the election is over count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the election is still on? Donald Trump is still campaigning right now and he has been the best man in the Republican party for how many years now? He's running against one of the worst candidates in the USA who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the energy of listening to a biased liberal media. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking presidential candidates in the USA, he won by only 32 less delegates than Romney did in the Republican primary 4 years ago and would be winning the general if Hillary would just drop dead. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded comments like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and he Makes America Great Again. Oh look at that, Hillary ROTTEN Clinton just had a small rally when she didn't need one, just like Tim Kaine did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're just one shill making all these anti-Trump comments because you're a faggot cuck who doesn't like the team because they're winning. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking candidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a comment like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Go look at somewhere like MacRumors and you'll find 90% of people are shitting on this. Even macfags are sick of this shit and want real hardware updates that are useful.
So the functionality-to-thinness ratio has finally gotten to low for them?
Consider supporting alternative hardware manufacturers like System76 and Purism.
Ah... the 5k screen is a computer in itself poorfag
it's true and I honestly search for answers ... guides... anything
custom processors? crippled down Win10s?
Multiple Holla Forumsacks. I only wrote and
We really need IDs here
you're fucking retarded
the "I CAN PUT ANY BUTTAN THERE" is fucking stupid because it's, as far as I can tell, context-dependent, at the very least if they implemented global functionality they'd have to have a global escape key that's always there.
not even getting into the fact that the volume/song/play/pause global function keys were removed.
shaving a few fucking milimeteres off of a laptop when it was already able to be easily bent, like a fucking soda can, is nothing really special.
the biometric sensor could've been anywhere else.
for what purpose?
you can release the microcode for all of those. the only things that make sense for any of those is removing the cd drive bay as a design aspect for mobility.
How the fuck can I clear my cookies for this site that track me and remember me, but maintain the cookie that saves my site settings like color theme?
Jesus christ what happened to this site
it's odd really, they're making the laptop more and more like the smartphone ...?????
though apple's entire business model is based on the iphone, the past few years, so maybe it kinda makes sense or something
It's an apple thread. Of course retarded suburban neets with self-important political opinions are going to swarm to it like flies to shit.
Go back to 4cuck, this is Holla Forums now.
Fuck off retard.
They both put their trackpad and keyboard off-center. I don't know where this retarded trend comes from, but anyone doing serious typing knows that the B-key has to be central with the screen. The few times you will use the number block isn't worth the strain on you spine. It's like Apple is the only ones who haven't fucked it up yet.
They both put their trackpad and keyboard off-center. I don't know where this retarded trend comes from, but anyone doing serious typing knows that the B-key has to be central with the screen. The few times you will use the number block isn't worth the strain on you spine. It's like Apple is the only ones who haven't fucked it up yet.
Do the keyboards on this thing suck as much as they look? The travel looks extremely unsatisfying.
that's retarded son
1. Build your own
2. buy used
we had a lenovo thread where they made a deal and now it's perma bios lock, it was popular enough to be on Holla Forums for a bit too
They're pretty bad, I'd recommend going to an Apple store and trying one for yourself though instead of just taking my word for it. Their butterfly keyboard feels like typing on a touchscreen with haptic feedback that you can still set your fingers on without typing/feel the keys on.
is this reddit? who fucking cares
then this board would become even more Holla Forums
Just get a SBC.
What does one have to do with the other?
And it's already Holla Forums. Deal with it.
This. Keep your phallic audio jacks to yourselves, shitlords.
Learn to read you stupid faggot
lay off the nigger dick, it's rotting your brain