>>I have a degree



Other urls found in this thread:



briefly surveyed the site

beyond the idiocy in that article (chiefly the assumption that university graduates are inherently bourgeois or class traitors), the website seems to be just another "edge for the sake of edge" kind of place

just look at the fucking "about" page

Did you watch the video?

buttblasted smug grad student detected, betcha have thick-rimmed black glasses and think you are real nuanced

you'll be thrown off your sandstone academic buildings isis-style soon enough, you smug sack of shit

the khmer rouge were right

Students are not all bourgeois, but most of them are parasitical on society.

Education in capitalism has been completely distorted, yeah freedom of expression should be allowed in the university, but when things like intersectional feminism start dominating whole departments, then it's quite obvious that you are not training workers or educators, but liberal propagandists.

The whole of humanites has taken a completely wrong turn, and I say this as philosophy graduate student. Imagine going to the May 68 student riots and trying to deride them for not having a "progressive stack", you would get laughed at by everyone.

Just wondering, is this sight right wing, or does it have leftist sympathies?


I guess not. The video in question being of an older lady, so not a college graduate.

This site is right wing as fuck, but likes zesty Stalin memes.


One of most exploitative occupations there is, tbh fam.


ITT: bootyblasted liberal arts grads.

Well meme'd, friend.

I did, then looked at the site, and got confused, because the lady saying 'muh degree' seems like what they are describing.

Absolute cancer.

I think the lady was started attacking him for the food stamps because he was white, it really demolished her idea "only blacks receive government welfare" that she hears from Fox News all the time.

Is this satire OP? I can never tell with stalinists.

Site is far left pretending to be far right for the lulz. I'm a fan.

Author slams identity politics and discusses the slums of the chans as class warfare: triggerwarning.us/the-plight-of-the-angry-nerd/

Sounds like a very smart plan.

It's eh, one of my friend's writes for this site.