Nevar give up until IDs are removed, Holla Forumstards.
If you give up, your board will end up like mine. With a jew for an owner and 90% reddit while every thread is a template, a shill or derailed by some Holla Forums baitmaster.
An appeal from Holla Forums
Holla Forums is very strange. Everyone there is incredibly hostile, and the board admins seems to hate me for almost no reason, except for the fact that I have my own opinions and I use Steam. They don't like Steam.
They also make GamerGate threads, I mean holy shit, learn when enough is enough you cringey little autists.
this. Holla Forums is shit, and Holla Forums is rapidly following suit.
IDs make it far harder to shill. it's one of the reasons they work.
Oh so you must be one of those faggots with shit tase.
This right fucking here.Fuck ID
Only shills get buttmad over ID's. Normal posters don't give a shit
Reddit is the other way newfag
Kill yourselves. Steam is better than any other service and "cringey" is something all meme sites use. Faggots.
I didn't say anything about steam, I just pointed out that the reason Holla Forums doesn't like you is probably because you have shit taste, shit opinions and use words like "cringey"
The truth hurts.
You little basement dwelling fuck, I've been around here four years same as everyone else. I have better things to do with my time than sit on my fat ass and shitpost all day. Sometimes I want to have a discussion or check out the memes, but the board is all shit up by worthless faggots like you. Please kill yourself and stop being a drain
remove id
Shit taste pleb, go back to 4chan, Holla Forums is a place made only for the finer tastes. You together with the fagsquad that's ivading the chan in the last months are shitting up the place in a manner a newfag like you wouldn't understand.
The truth hurts? Holla Forums is full of strange autists on Holla Forums. Them not liking me is not the end of the world. They hate Steam with a passion. Steam is going strong and growing all the time.
"Cringey" is used by all sorts of people on the meme sites. Kill yourself. And liking Steam is not shit taste, FAGGOT.
I don't think Holla Forums is shit because of IDs
It's not shit just because of ids, ids are part of the reason.
We already have a Jew board owner
Well shit wouldn't have happened if dumb fucks didn't try to shill the fucking board to high hell so deal with it.
if you have better things to do than get off imageboards retard. Your entire shitty post is
Go back to reddit.