BBB successor

Why the hell haven't we talked about this yet? There's a successor to the BeagleBone Black from this year called the BeagleBone Green. Since BBB was easily the most shilled-for SBC here on Holla Forums for quite a while you fuckers got me to buy one anyway; I figured it'd be neat to talk about this.

In a nutshell, it's the BBB but with ports for Grove sensors. There's also a wireless edition with wi-fi and bluetooth built in. Other than that, the Green has the same specs and connectivity as the Black.

BBW when and also SBC general.

Other urls found in this thread:

WTF are those black things in 2nd picture?
They look like something that breaks easily.


I think they're wireless antennas.

It isn't a successor you dipshit, it's just a different configuration for different applications. It even says that in the first link you posted:

Can't believe people waste their money on this.
I bought a C.H.I.P. on kickstarter for $9 (really $13 after shipping) and it has the exact same specs and runs a recent kernel. It's shipping to the general public next month.

IT says R8 cpu but I can't find anything else on it.

Just looked it up and it is a 'real-time' ARM processor.
So why the fuck are they running vanilla linux on a processor designed for realtime applicatons?
They should have something like FreeRTOS or seL4.

Is it possible to install Gentoo on C.H.I.P.?

The bootloader and kernel are libre and aside from the kernel and some high-level packages it runs proper Debian. If that's not enough for you to install Gentoo you probably shouldn't be installing it anyway :^)

I have one as well, pocket chip specifically
I run MOC on mine because after finding out about the kernel shit I decided to put off my plan to play SNES on linux with RCA jacks till after I get a couple more so I don't have to switch for fucking video drivers

I would like to point out some things too
you can swap verisons at least, I think its the kernel

also Beagle has an Ethernet port and chip has a video out, important difference

Hey kids! I'm Spanky the circuit board. Don't masturbate to traps.

Why can't we get decent SBCs?
Why do we have to live with SBCs and not tiny MBCs?

Supposedly they're part of the whole "Grove Sensors" thing which is basically the whole point as to why they're reintroducing BBB as BBG.

Essentially it's a simplified version of USB meant specifically for simple I/O like buttons, sensors, lights, sensors, etc.

I like it

I'll do what I want Spanky



I have nothing but disgust for you who got my hopes up.

Let's not leave out the fact that HDMI was removed to make room for the Grove sensors. Just fuck my bone up fam.


It's always the simple things that make me laugh.


what's the best semi freedom sbc for streaming video? built in wifi is big plus

See for yourself lad.

I have a question and this seems like the place. I have searched and cannot find the answer.

Let's say that you have a couple of devices. A PIC micro, along with a crystal and some transistors, that uses pwm modulation to control a led driver.

How do you connect both these devices on the same power source? Considering your voltages are within acceptable limits.

Back when I was reading about electronics, I remember that when you have devices wired in parallel the current that flows through one affects the current to the other.

Will a simple voltage regulator also regulate the current?


i already have NERD. I was just looking for other suggestions, there's always new SBCs coming out.

In parallel of course, connecting something in series means less voltage will reach both components. So if you have a 12V power line and two 12V components, your only choice is in parallel, assuming you have enough current to power both (Which will get split, so check the current range of both).