I Need HELP with My Arabic!!!!!
How Do you Pronounce THIS Bullshit!!??!!!
I Need HELP with My Arabic!!!!!
How Do you Pronounce THIS Bullshit!!??!!!
you're that faggot who wanted to fuck egyptian wymyn? tough luck and eat shit
eat luck and tough shit
Aye well Atleast I'm TRYING and Making MY DREAMS Come True, Unlike YOU so Give Me a Break ehh…
you don't fucking know me
& This Shit only gets More Intense…
I should really Organise This Shit like I Do with My Spanish (Food, Family, Numbers, Face Body Parts ect.) based on Specific Things, instead of on Random Words thrown together like This Arabic Shit …
your handwriting makes my eyes itch.
it's 2017 user, there are literally thousands of websites that can help you with this shit. why do you think anyone here speaks arabic
Because I Thought that there were people here with Similar Interest just like Mine since I Always See Posts in Here Talking about Fucking & Dating Arabic Muslim Girls, but I guess They are Not That Serious about it like I Am…
Can a Nigga Borrow a Pencil?
wew lad
you know maybe they aint so bad after all
No, I was Aware of the Tomfoolery the Whole Time so I Played Along…
But since I Brought it up and I Am Genuinely Interested in it I guess NOBODY In Here, Except ME, is Serious about it & Willing to Take it to the Next Level, so I Don't Care…
That's Why I Asked, & NOW I Know the Answer…
Find a Quran then shit on it and crumple the pages..That will make the perfect sound to the gibberish you are trying to pronounce
Why? Learn a real language.
& What would you Prefer??…
German, French, Russian, Icelandic, and Moonrunes to name a few.
heres a tip, faggot - dont write it in latin alphabet
good post.
what color would be "cipi", or "minorseckz"
Well I need to Write it in Latin Alphabet so I Can Understand it…
Do you Think I Know HOW to Write it in Arabic Script when I Don't even Know Arabic you Fucking Fool??…
I AM also Learning French and Russian…
That is already 4 Languages; Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian…
But Im putting More Emphasis On Spanish and Arabic because I'm More Interested in These 2 Languages…
What about you??… What have you Managed to Accomplish??…
When it comes to languages I'm studying French, Norwegian (Bokmal), Icelandic, and Old Norse.
nigger, the 1st thing u learn about a language is letters. U r clearly doin it wrong
Prove it
If threads up tomorrow I got ya back OP i live with a sandnigger whos asleep
if you want easy arabic women just goto south brazil. 11 million leb/syrian arab population and mostly urban.
plus they look better due to no cousin marriage and better lifestyle and more racially open.
but arabic is hard, apperntly calling dialects are a stretch, almost adifferent language.
Like moroccan arabic due to is french influence other arabs cant understand when they speak.
the rest can sort of figure each other out.
standard arabic youll be lost man. its already a level 5 language, You have to meet someone that will teach with that dialect otherwise youre really fucked
lol even among pua manosphere guys this is a hard fuck not worth but if you must. Itll be non practicing westernized ones.
middle east isnt PUA friendly, argentina looks like phillipines in comparison.
UK france holland sweden usa and sweden are your best bets.
south brazil is one but christian
well for starters just like learning japanese you need to know the writing system to understand it.
going romanji doesnt help or the arabic equivalant