Fuck, Marry, Kill: Impossible edition

Fuck, Marry, Kill: Impossible edition.

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I'd fuck Sarkeesian, kill Zoey, and marry that 100% genuine 6.28/2

a) Fuck
b) Kill
c) Marry

This is the only sane choice

OP, you gave us the easiest kmf in all of history.

Why would you marry a tranny and fuck a fat Jew?

God forbid you fuck Zoe, we've all seen her repulsive nudes so the relatively sane person would fuck either the 'tranny' or Anita.
Marrying Anita would be put of question, I'd kill myself after a week. Same with Zoe, so that leaves only kill for her. But, Anita isn't the ugliest and has lower chance of being tranny than Nicole.
Besides, you can have a sexless marriage in the case that Nicole is a man, but even so, why wouldn't you want to be fucked by a trap?

Better than a dickgirl, amirite?

You have doubts?

Nothing's better than a dickgirl, you cuck.

I have doubts too, but I could go either way tbh.
Such is the easy life of a >>>/futa/ regular

