why are there so many cucks in computer science? what can we do about this?
just pay everyone in a company the same hourly wage.
why are there so many cucks in computer science? what can we do about this?
just pay everyone in a company the same hourly wage.
I can't believe people like that aren't completely aware of what they're doing when they attack meritocracy. That seems to be more than the rank and file useful idiot.
Sure. I studied intensive math, physics and CS 44 hours a week so that Rajesh Satyapooh ca make as much as me with 30 hours a week in a codemonkey bootcamp.
It pisses me off that it tries to conflate paying people of different backgrounds the same for a given position with paying every employee in a company the same.
And then he suggests that pajeets should be paid the same as a more competent, more qualified seasoned employee because that way it's "just", whatever the fuck that means.
Meritocracy is a double-edged sword because only the one who gets acknowledged for their work has a say.
People may overstate the role they played in a project, which is effectively the same as resume padding. The opposite may be true: if others refuse to acknowledge your work, you're screwed.
as in not giving you the credit you deserve.
On a serious note though, what qualifies as a codemonkey bootcamp?
Millenials cannot be saved.
fucking commies
I can fight credit thieves, and HR has a motive to identify the real talent. I can't do anything about gommie wages but quit.
Government jobs are like that here, no one is willing to carry a shit team because they get paid about the same so everyone works at the lowest possible efficiency at all times. The only reason I would support this is because I know it would destroy SF.
India has a lot of degree mills that pretend to be real universities but are just some guy on a non-designated street teaching Java.
Nice meme, Durresh!
There always will be that prick who wants to hog all the credit or try to shut down all criticism because they didn't play a part in it. You have to learn to speak up for yourself or you'll always get stepped on.
Better "solution": paid maternity (and paternity!) leave, encourage women to ask for raises as often as men do, encourage women to enter certain professions at the same rate that men do
The wage gap is not due to discrimination or anything of the sort, it's the fact that women don't choose or follow through on high-paying occupations as frequently as men.
Liberals pls
Makes sense. Why should different people, with different qualities, have different outcomes? That fascist pig is not advocating for enough equality however. Is it not a crime against equality that ugly people don't get to fuck hot people as often as beautiful people do? Aren't you sick of seeing skinny people getting less diabetes than fatties? Why should smokers get lung cancer more often than non-smokers? It's 2016 people.
Even fucking Socialism says "to each according to his contribution." You might be crazy if your idea for wages makes Lenin sound like Monopoly Guy.
1. Allow employees to hold multiple jobs at the same company concurrently
2. Equalize wages such that most people would be earning about the same they were before
3. Fire idiots from jobs they aren't capable of
Problem solved.
While men do all the work. Brilliant.
Prolly a commie to be honest
Capitalism = meritocracy
Capitalism's mantra:
>From each according to his desire, to each according to his merit
That's not any capitalist's mantra
not yet, my ignorant goy
A real computer scientist would get rid of as many problems with one solution as possible. Get rid of women working instead, much more efficient.
That's not how a computer scientist works because mathematics does not work that way.
If you had bothered to read, you'd know that the kike that wrote the article meant that everyone should be paid the exact same amount of money within an organization, regardless of the job they were assigned. This means that a recently hired codemonkey fresh out of high school college doing web-dev shit gets paid the same as a guy who's been working on the company's backend stuff for 5 years.
You're gonna need better bait than that.
Capitalism has always been that you have an owner and you better get back to work slave for less pay, less benefits, and longer hours or you're fired. It's better than working for free with communism or gulag for you, but it's still a broken system. The jews love capitalism because it's so easy to manipulate with bullshit like trickle down capitalism. It's a broken system by design.
Spoken like a true faggot who's too much of a pussy to negotiate. If you see your boss as your owner, that's a problem with your own perceptions. Let me guess, whenever you have ever been offered a pay rate, you accept it outright? You only apply to one place at a time?
Because college is a fucking scam. No one gives a fuck about your advanced math and physics and whatnot. Capable people show their skills through work. If Rajesh can code his paygrade, good for him. You enare an entitled millennial shitstain who expects shit to fall into his lap "because i went to college." get fucked.
So capitalism is the broken by design and your method of communism is obviously perfect.
What's it like being an Offendotron, OP?
not even once
Thank you for posting this, it serves as daily reminder that modern leftism is mental illness.
Why not, don't you want to see them fail? And I don't mind people getting paid more than they are worth, that's the company's problem, just as long as I get what I'm asking for, granted this is probably impossible under such circumstances but that's not my problem.
No, that's childish, working for someone is a trade off, I do some work, you give me some money, if you don't like it fire me, if I don't like it I'll quit. Only people who live beyond their means are in a position of subservience.
You're ignoring the fact that at least in the U.S. the society is set up in such a way that the majority of people are to be made to work outside of their means.
Consider the importance of "building credit" which comes mostly from having and paying off loans. Credit being so important that it is even a factor in you getting a job, even a menial shitty job and some may argue it is an even BIGGER barrier there.
Being in debt in one way or another is the absolute default to simply living in modern U.S. society. If you aren't currently paying off some sort of loan for something you're looked at as an alien and are even taking a hit to your credit scores which is hindering you from getting a loan when you actually really need it.
You are also not considering a very flooded job pool right now that is only bolstered by the fact that on the lower scale of things you have immigrants hopping a border and on the higher scale of things you have immigrants being imported as "consultants" with H1-B work visas.
Did you hear what happened to Disney? Look it up.
In all honesty, you have to be rather lucky and then cautious and smart to not end up in a position where you're absolutely dependent on a consistent cash inflow.
Being one of those lucky few it does really help to pull that pressure off and give you so many more options that many other people simply don't have.
Especially men since men generally don't have a social/society safety net.