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Jewed, because it´s obvious why she dumped him.

Financial troubles?


NEVER. And I mean NEVER, fucking becoming a "house dad". Unless you're training your kids in how to properly handle a firearm, proper exercise techniques, or something useful, you won't be good at it and your woman will develop hate for you.

Women don't respect men, and men don't respect women. Neither group understands the other, and ultimately it always leads to one dominating the other in the relationship.

Why do women become such enormous bitches in breakups?

Spite. They want to do everything possible to hurt you, even though 90% of the time they are the cause.

The better question is: Why can't people recognize that they are the ones responsible for their ill fortune?

That would require wisdom, which women lack.

Tbh I would also divorce a guy cucked enough to be a stay at home husband.

He's a "stay at home dad" and she's going for full custody, translation: he'll wind up with at least joint custody and she'll wind up paying him millions in child support. She could be the biggest bitch in the world to me, as long as she keeps dressing up like a whore to play superhero and sending me the 7 figure neetbux who gives a fug.

No user, she was at fault. She wasn't taking care of her child, and her husband was being the responsible and loving father here.

Exactly. Any woman would. And does, whenever faced with the scenario.

There is a natural order to gender relations. Women don't like being breadwinners, it makes their ovaries shrivel.

But she's a stronk independent womyn et cetera

This is why people are so fucked up these days, you can't expect the woman to wear the pants and not fuck it up. Is she at fault, yeah sure but that's assuming she could ever be judged on the same terms as a man. It's like blaming the dog for attacking someone and not the owner for not training it/keeping it in check properly.

Happy Cunts Day!

Talk about digging your own grave.

We're all under the assumption she was a decent mother. I'd much rather step into the role of being a stay-at-home dad than let a fuck up of a mother be near my child.

These days, a child should be around their father as much as possible. Mothers clearly have been failing for the past century.

It's more like tying your own noose.

Yeah, destroy the family instantly. Don't try to do your role as a male role model for the kids, just fuck it up with a failed decision from the very start.
Good plan. You will totally not be fuck up like that.
Truly go ahead. Women verbally abuse hardworking men daily. I can only imagine your sorry life while she has to do the work. Women are not as merciful as men.

As opposed to what? A dead beat mother? Their family was doomed from the beginning. Ignoring the fact that they are kikes, and susceptible to genetic insanity, that child is doomed anyway.

Or would you rather the man work, while his wife also works, so that a fucking day care (aka the Government) raises them. Do you have no shame, or are you a government shill?

In this age of alimony, becoming a stay-at-home dad is the most sensible choice. She might be able to take the kids, yes, but she can't take you for any money if she's the primary earner.

Well good. Fuck them. They want to go work and be career women and earn equal pay and all that shit? Then fuck them, they can support us too.

You forgot:

Your first and last mistake was to consider women as equals. They are barely sentient uteruses.

Are you seriously asking what the alternative is ? The alternative is the normal family where the man works hard and the woman takes an easier job so she can raise the kids.

Will we witness the first female Brendan "Alimony" Fraser?

The Romans were right to consider actors filth.

bitch pls, he's a man .Didn't you know that allimony is for womyn only ?




That's it! After seeing all the shit like this going on "International Women's Day" I've realized giving equality to women was the biggest mistake we ever made. Women don't deserve equality. They are inferior to men. They were intended to be treated like property.

Feminists are less than 20% of them, likely with very (fudged) optimistic numbers.

wtf i hate vaginas now

and this is news?

That's not what Holla Forums calls genocide though, the shitty birthrates caused by kikery is just what allows soft genocide to happen by continously importing tons niggers and arabs from third world nations with exploding populations. If the borders would be closed the crappy birthrates progressivism and feminism causes wouldn't be much of a problem and certainly not genocide since the population is stable.

Solution: do not have children, do not seek sexual relationships. Here, you saved yourself 90% of the modern men's troubles.

It's still not really genocide

It is when you force mass immigration there. Like it is in Tibet.

How so? It's deliberate population replacement. You don't need to shoot people or cut them down with machetes to genocide them although that is bound to come later, early signs can already be seen. That's why I called it soft genocide, it's not direct sterilisation programs or such but other less direct means which yields the same result.

That's like solving a difficult problem by killing yourself, it's not a solution but an admittance of defeat and giving up.


That's not a solution you cretin.

Then say that then. Genocide by definition involves killing of people. White people being outbred by immigrants is not genocide and calling it that cheapens the word.

Stop being a faggot. It is white genocide, Chain.

Nope, it's ethnic/racial extermination and it can be done through a variety of means. It's also not outbreeding that's the means but mass immigration.

It was added to genocide, under Cultural genocide. Update your shit grandma.

All of which involve killing in some form.

I suppose you could argue that the terrorists blowing people to shit would count, but terrorists never kill enough people on their own and the Muslims kill each other more often than they kill us.

Some problems are best not directly solved, but maneuvered around alongside the path of less resistance as to evidence their absurdity. But of course, by all means keep complaining about women and society and the Jews, while dancing to their tunes and playing their games exactly like they want. It will end well for you, I'm sure.

Your "solution" is genetic suicide. Unlike you I like my genes.

No you retard. Let's say we sterilise all the kikes, is that genocide? Dictionaries and so on would agree that it is, it's just you who are to dumb to get that you don't need to physically kill persons to destroy a people.

Humans are more than their genes, you know. But keep thinking like an animal in heat, (((they))) sure won't use it to easily manipulate you.


Not really.


Human beings are animals by definition. You can take your assumed high status and die along with it.

Yes, really. The great works of culture you all are proud of, the great scientific advances of mankind, they're not product of genetic determination, but of the mind of a plethora of great people who weren't thinking with their fucking dicks.

Do you even try to read aloud your bullshit? They WANT cattle to breed as much as possible. Cattle who doesn't breed doesn't have a purpose, now does it? You don't play their game.

what did she mean by this?

Animals, yes, but the only ones rational and capable of achieving greatness through their works. We're a special case in nature, perhaps in the entire universe (as we currently know).

No you dumb twat. If you forcibly sterilise a person you've robbed them of their ability to have children. You've actively killed their children. It's the abortion argument.

Outbreeding does not fall under that category

Culture is a manifestation of the collective spirit of a volk, without the people itself around it is worthless and will be bastardized and appropriated by others. You have put the cart before the horse.

Don't you have a little altar boy to molest, Father?

Being a special case, does not mean one shouldn't have offspring. Procreation is mandatory for life.


No. This is dogmatic twaddle surmised from an atheistic holy book. Procreation did not create life and breeding is not some divine purpose.

I can almost feel myself getting dumber just by reading your posts so I think I will stop reading them. Mass immigration from a third world nation with an endless supply of subhuman retards to a first world nation leads to a destruction of a people, simple as that really. Even if you don't want to admit you kikes actively strive for white genocide you have to admit that's true. Destruction of a people is genocide.

There's were you're mistaken. Culture is, at its end, a manifestation of the individuals who form that culture. It disseminates and evolves through individuals and their works.

Think about it: were the great men from the past known for how good as breeders they were? Or by the strength of their works, their characters, their individual accomplishments? Then you start to see that breeding is not the endgame, but just another way of playing it.

Let others bother with the hassle of actually having to endure women and children. I'd rather focus on building my character and strength as an individual. At the end, is what you will be remembered for. There's no shortage of idiots who can't resist cumming on an open vagina.

neoneo/pol/tard in all his glory.

slow moving vehicle?

Goons pls go back.
>>>Holla Forums
Enjoy being childless virgins there.

I can enjoy being a childless virgin anywhere, and be at peace. Unlike both the retards who dream about finding a good woman to be the mother of their little spawns (they won't find one, ever) and the bitter /r9k/ virgins who mop and bitch about having no gf.


Not having to worry about female nagging, female psychological tricks, providing for children, child support, societal pressure, venereal diseases, potential cheating, earning and spending unnecessary money, etc. is a good deal, when all you have to do is keep your virginity. It used to be morally superior to be a virgin, too. I fail to see a problem.


Some people used to say that the solution for men worried about divorce and being skinned alive by divorce courts was marrying to more successful women and enjoying their money. I guess they were wrong.

If you parents thought like that, then you wouldn't exist right no to sprout that bullshit.

If your purpose is to be remembered and live an impressive life, then you have to achieve something great.
For some these are scientific achievements- which are getting harder and harder to do.
For others physical feats, also very hard to do, even less lasting than scientific ones.
The other is a political one or business one, leaving your name in history as a notable politicial or buisness owner.

Which one of these are you achieving right now ?

Normally, a philosophical one. But at this moment, I'm shitposting for posterity on an Turkomeni origami image board. Feels good, man.

Not an argument

Top kek. Dead and forgotten.

How? She can't take his money, she's the breadwinner. If he wanted to take her money he could, because she's the breadwinner. As for custody, she won't get sole custody because he's taking care of the baby while she's off on the Hollywood casting couch. He's fucking won. He's had all the benefits of being married to Scarlett Johansson without having to actually put up with Scarlett Johansson.

I bet use fascist the wrong way too

Let's see what the feminist judge has to say about that.

Only if you don't live in California, remember? Guess where this poor motherfucker lives?

We, the United States, gave niggers - literally trained farm animals - the right to vote before we gave it to women.

That should tell you all you need to know.

All women are feminists. Those that make up the 20% are just the more outspoken ones.

I know jack shit about the law and I have a question.
What if the child is 11+ and doesn't want to go with a parent that's filling for custody?
Does the law go "lol sorry kid" or does the kid get to decide?

You okay there Elliot Rodger?
You sound bitter as fuck, you're acting like every woman is a vampire. If you're in some libshit hellhole like Cali then move the fuck out of there and go somewhere where people have morals.

Women are not people and therefore cannot have morals.

Where the fuck have you been?
It doesn't matter who makes more money or took care of the child, unless the dude has severe proof that she hit it, and even then all it would take is a somewhat capable lawyer and a female judge and she'll still win.
The whole game is rigged against you as long as you're a guy, and has been increasingly turned that way in the last couple years.

It's using the UNs definition of genocide which is also used to call what is occurring in Tibet a genocide.

That people would be sympathetic to non-whites affected by genocide under this definition yet not sympathetic when whites are affected just shows how biased many people are on the subject.

b-but you need to play the game for the benefit of the white race! don't you dare not to play it!

Bitter? No. Unlike the Supreme Gentleman, I do not hate women because I don't feel like they are denying me of anything. They don't owe me a free vagina so I can enjoy it; if they all want to give it to Chad Thundercock, more power to them. In return, I excuse myself from playing into their silly games. Win-win for everybody.

Also, if you think you will find a "decent woman" in this day and age, well, you're in for a shock.


No they aren't. Even if we discount all the non-Western women, there are Western women who do genuinely just want to be housewives and stay-at-home mums.

What the kid says has a big bearing on who they go with but there are tons of other factors, such as whether the parent they want to live will be able to look after them, provide a stable home, that sort of stuff. If you wanted to live with your dad but your dad often takes long business trips, and your mum doesn't, you have to go live with your mum.

And want equal rights, and the right to vote, and half their husband's stuff when they divorce him when he gets "boring".

You know why most women don't explicitly say they are feminists? Because feminism has been woven into the fabric of Western culture so thoroughly that the bullshit it says has become the norm.

Being a cunt is what is expected of a Western woman today, those that profess themselves feminists in the 21st century want to go even further than that. You'll note feminist rhetoric has stopped talking about equal rights, they're now championing for more gibs, more privileges, more niggers and mudshits.

Every woman is a feminist, every woman is a traitor.

Even with the best lawyer in the world the best she can do is not pay him any alimony and maybe get full custody. Maybe.

MGTOW pls go

The courts will, 99% of the time, default in favor of the woman. You're a fool to believe the system isn't rigged in their favor.

He's right though.

Western women are complete filth.

99% of the time the man is making the money. How do you not realise how this works?
If the boot fits

Marry a good Muslim girl then, if western women are such filth

Because you're too retarded to understand that the law is designed to fuck over men?

Keep cuck pride alive.

You must think we're some kind of imbeciles. I value my wallet more than I value a mouthy vagina.

Not paying alimony and full custody IS the best she could want in this case.

Do you think that gif is admissible as evidence of cheating?

This topic is a very serious. If we are going to allow women to be independent and have jobs then they need a huge amount of propaganda to tell them that house dads are ummm desirable. Men get propagandized to like trannies, fat chicks, non-white women, be cucks, and find feminists desirable. But we all know how this will all end, rape gangs because men are supposed to accommodate women but not the other way around. Buy shares in machete manufacturers.

Stefan's wife does not care that he is a stay at home dad because Stefan brings in quite a bit of money from his internet rants.

Not being a conservatard is not the same of being a feminist.

it's possible but rare

you need to be really poor by comparison, also lucky to get a good judge, also lucky to get a good lawyer

I thought she was a lesbian. isn't she Ellen DeGenerate's ex?


Isn't that Portia de Rossi (Lindsay from Arrested Development)? Or is she Degeneres current "wife"?

Portia's her current one

It's really hard to be both "poor by comparison" and to be able to afford a good lawyer. And even if you are able to, she will be able to afford an even better lawyer.

Gotta admit, degeneres actually scored on that. I would sniff Portia's panties any day.

she was amazingly hot during the first run of Arrested Development, but nowadays she looks like some kind of witch


yes, but that's why I mentioned a good judge

if you, in this guy's case, are a stay-at-home dad and she's a non-retired multi-millionaire and bonus if you've been out of a job for some years, the judge can't do much except give you her money

Considering what we've seen come out of the Podesta emails, and knowing that DC and Hollywood absolutely run in the (((same circles))), this isn't entirely out of the question.



pic reminds me of that french film Martyrs or whatever it was. fuck that was a dumb movie.

She just got old, user. Between Season 3 and Season 4 of AD, 8 years passed. It's a long time for a woman on the end of her biological clock.

David Cross also aged like vinegar.

He was doomed from day one.

Let this be a lesson for anons who see some moderately attractive Jewess and think they would like to fuck them.

leftypozz pls go

it is
you have to go back

blow it out your ass

But why?

Wouldn't it be hilarious if people who wore che shirts were fully aware of that quote and chose to ignore it?

It was the plastic surgery more than anything, she aged more visibly than Jessica Walter in the same span.

Quite a coincidence because on the show they made fun of her for getting a nosejob as a child, then she goes on and gets one irl and looks even worse than before.



Relevant, lesson is to remain dominant

Yeah. That definitely was one of the things that started the downward spiral. We should have never brought them here.

Welcome to the JUST league

no, the JUST league

apparently she had an affair with michael pitt on the set of gits

wouldn't blame her tbh

Whites have transcended that, Tyrone.

fukken saved

He must be desperate or have terrible taste. Her body fell apart right after Iron Man 2 and that was half a decade ago.