Gather round children, I got a story to tell
cool story bro
someone read this shit and tell me if its worth it to read. Otherwise see pic related
Nice >>>/urbex/ thread, keep it comming pl0x
what was the loot?
Where is this place and what did you loot? Last time I went exploring I picked up a vintage PC but that's about it.
We picked up a DVD player, a cassette player, a bunch of CDs and tapes, old posters, and numerous floppy disks
shoulda shot him. you were carrying right ??
It's generally not a good idea to carry when you're also trespassing
smart, but looting isnt very wise when you /urbex for the first time; greedy ppl makes mistakes, you usually dump the stuff near a fence and pick it up later.
and i toitally would enter that flooded room in (pic 2)
ever heard of waders? water must be freezing this time of year; whats that orange cable in the stairs? carefull, water could be electified
We dragged all our loot to one room near an exit and went back for it when we left.
I saw some signs referencing that flooded area as a fallout shelter. We didn't go in there because it was already really cold and if we got wet we woulda got hypothermia or something.
You don't keep a pistol in your car? Weak.
White people doing weird shit again…
Fairly uneventful, really. Abandoned mental institutions are surprisingly boring places. If you really want to risk your life and get the shit scared out of you: go to an abandoned motel. They're prime real estate as drug dens and dump jobs.
Stop lying using green text. I said keep it in your car, dummy. Simple.
i'd say steel mills, and abandoned factories
Bump for interest.
its dead sadly
I love that son of a bitch
Concealed carry breh, no-one knows unless you get into a situation where you need it.
This was interesting, I enjoyed the pics, thx OP you werent gay or whatever today
They were just some autistic ghosts trying to spook you user. What did you find in the hospital?
I'll contribute
There was also a paint factory which had a giant graffiti mural of a skeleton guy doing heroin, but I don't think I have the pics I took any more.
try hanging