Hear ye, hear ye! Here ME Sergeant koner. I am a representative of the gay defense force and have brought a call to arms.
Join US the gay defense force and help us defeat the gays that are attempting to homofy this board. I am sure you all see the gay fags from the pony thread and even more severe this faggot thread 8ch.net/b/res/6716857.html Even though they post straight hentai and porn they hide their gayness with spoilers, just take a gander for yourself if you dont believe me. There is also a plentiful of tranny threads and faggots trying to normalize them.
Help us help you because i for one will not let gays take over. Respond this post if you wish to join and we will begin formulating a plan of attack.
Cameron Butler
Until more soldiers join our force i will be posting evidence of the gay's degeneracy on this board.
all found on the gay thread
Christian Anderson
You need a batch of manly men?
Jaxson Garcia
we need to stop them
Juan Reed
Yes we need MEN who are strong to defeat the sissy fag boys.
I agree commander Community
Justin Russell
Manly man here, joining the fight.
Nicholas Phillips
This made me chuckle. Thanks user.
Hunter Brown
Good we need all the manly men we can lay our hands on!
Nathan Torres
In fact, m-maybe you could climb on top of me afterwards and wipe your cock over my face ./// That would be hot.
Just observing these heathens is making me sick to my stomach.
William Anderson
I am glad there are at least some who are interested in fighting the good fight but please for the love of god put on some shirts.