Killer drones are the Vietcong of the 21st century. If we can get that then truckbeard kebabs and even our own cuckmilitary can't stop us. Why be a suicide bomber when you can kill, rinse, repeat?

What would be good is swarm AI, tiny little RC helis, that have one of those "shotgun trap" things hooked up to the front of them. So you hover above a crowd and unlesh, and it's like 20 sawn-off shotguns going off.

That and some big pregnant mama drone that sprays acid on everyone. Y'know, for the laffs

Other urls found in this thread:

Or rather I should say the mama drone dumps acid. Spraying is too slow and technically complicated

Of course this being all highly theoretical and in fact an idea for a video game and not real life

Why not both?

diane fientstein once said she had a nightmare of a drone out her window.

fuck off with shallow summer threads

I read that as Killer Bronies and got all excited for a hilarious read

Scaring all the browns away is shallow, how? Or are you going to keep waiting for the system to solve things?

Sorry to let your erection down

Drones are the only piece of high technology that are actually fucking useful in 4GW ie cyber-oogabooga warfare

What does it say at the bottom?


I'm not familiar with that particular branch of Slav, but basically "democracy comes before communism"

Jew agent provocateur week was talking about this on renegay. FBI pls go


You can get cheaper than rasp.pi. The other thing is rasp.pi being a Western manufacturer, if they find it's being used for that purpose they'll probably just ban it.

But yea I think it would be best to have a standardised platform. Like, a single standard minidrone that you can 3d print different parts for and that fits some pico- or sub-pico mobo.

False flag would be nice but, come on. At this stage in the game, if you shot up an Islamist rally would anyone shed a tear?

When will you realise that the system cannot solve this problem: it is designed to be cucked. I'm hoping after Trump gets in and is completely ineffectual, but who knows.

Funny how this pops up right after a terror attack and right after hillary is talking about homegrown terrorists. Like I'm sure everyone has seen the narrative shift from terrorists abroad to domestic terrorists "radicalized" by the internet.

Let's just close our borders, then we wont have to worry about shitskins.

guys, whatabout flying patriot pipebombs?

pipebombs are the ultimate patriotic weapon to fight zog illuminati

now combine them with drones and you have a devastating weapon

let me know if you want to build one

hit me up with your blueprints and weapon schematics in my email

This looks so fucking bad. Fucking Kike OP. You jew opportunists always strike when the iron is hot - right when the current political climate is especially fragile and anons are emotionally charged. You jews have no shame

I remember when there were threads with actual discussion with some actual brain power put in.
This is just a knee jerk reaction to the French attack filled with one liners.

Holla Forums is becoming 4cuck more and more. Can't wait for september tbh so you cancerous fags fuck off.

Every single gawker jew can use this as ammunition against us


was waiting for someone to post this

This. It's just (((altright))) infighting and low iq goyim not feeling the slightest bit worried about trumps kosher VP choices and other shit that would make any researched goy feel a tad bit uneasy. God forbid you mention falseflags, or anything else that is deemed too "fringe" by these pansies

You'd be much better off with a drone carrying a portable mp3 player loaded with redpills and coasting it near large groups of people

I've heard that one can use an arc welder and a parabolic dish to down a drone. Any video or documentation showing this?

Quadcopters with C4 would be more effective than ground robots

If these attacks keep going on and eventually a war is declared against ISIS, we would end up on the same side as Russia. After years of propaganda aimed at demonising Putin and softening up the West's view of Islam, we may finally end on the side of the Ruskis. Crusade round 2?

There is no point trying to seek social consensus. There will be none. Do you want to go the way of Rome, sitting by looking confused as the political establishment lose control of their golem? Do you want an "alt-right" forced integration instead of mass explusion? Because that's what's going to happen if we don't awaken the beast. Throwing out the Muslims and keeping the "good shitskins" is still a loss. It's an irreversible loss of our racial integrity, and an inevitable consignment of the entire West to the dustbin of permafailed states like Greece and Latin America. (who, note, have nonwhite blood in about the proportions we will have without radical measures)




Nothing kneejerk about it, I've been thinking of this for a while now. The foundation of our state is the capability of the government to protect the people, but they've lost that ability because the current political paradigm cannot distinguish friend or foe on ethnic grounds. This will NOT change, this basically goes back to the Westphalian order.

The 20th and early 21st centuries have been a history of the failure of Clausewitzian military in the face of neo-tribal warfare. The Afghans, Viets, European terror cells: they're much weaker than White militaries, but they operate at infinitesimal costs, and force Whites to use extraordinary amounts of money to combat them. Eg 24/7 surveillance with a team of a dozen people just for one terror suspect. It's like a dwarf beating a boxer in the ring because the boxer is bound, gagged and drugged.

noice but need a big dumb scatter thing, again swarm drones w/ single shot shotgun traps. Hit and run, no fucking around

Damn straight. What Obabo is to Black Lives Matter, so Trump will be to the "alt-right"

That's a good idea, too. Why not both? If shitskins chimp out and attack, all the better.


They would be but where the fuck you gonna get C4 from. 3d printed drones, Chinese chipsets, and a little shotgun clicker that you can either buy without restriction off the internet or have made at a machinist's is something actually feasible.

Aliexpress :^)

The big question with Russia actually has nothing to do with the West or the Middle East. The greatest existential question for Russia is China. How China acts is how Russia will orient itself. I suspect that Russia and Europe WILL be drawn together politically for this reason: whether this will be at the expense of the US I don't know (I hope not)



Bump for people who have taken the lead pill

You know that talking in big words doesn't give you any more credibility?
Makeshift single shot shotguns ductaped on drones are retarded. And it's obvious that you got the idea from Watchdogs.

WW3 isn't fought by some retarded retrofitted kiddie drone but on macro economic level and the internet.
So instead making this Holla Forums-tier killing machines, you should rather hack an actual battle drone and use it for your advantage.
Or even better manipulate the public opinion so they get redpilled. And when the redpilled people vote it will be to our advantage.

Violence is sandnigger tier.

I've never played Watchdogs, looked buggy and shit

You are a stupid motherfucking cunt. Do you think the kikes-that-be will simply up sticks and leave because you're all butthurt? No. They'll put in pressure-valve controlled opposition pollies like FN, who argue not that Europe is racially European, but that non-racially European citizens must adopt the European majority culture.

If that doesn't work, they'll suspend the so-called "democracy".

Meanwhile, they will have NO capacity to actually police and protect, because it takes them tens of millions of dollars to possibly prevent one sly truckbeard from getting angry one day and killing 1488 people. This warfare is so asymmetric it's non-euclidean.

Violence may be sandnigger tier, but it will take violence to defend ourselves from it. If you are too fucking cowardly to come to terms with that then you disgust me. Keep tweeting, it's all you're good for, you weak bitch

Sending you my bank information now so we c an fund this.

That is a breddy gurd idea tho.

Boombooms are difficult. Most bombs are bulky, low-pressure, low-tech affairs which are bulky a/f. It would take a drone of terrordactyl-like proportions to even get that payload off the ground.

you now realize someone alot smarter can you could just intercept the frequency of the remote and shut it down

Everything has a counter, it's the cost and likelihood. If you have a device with variable frequency that you test elsewhere and activate last-minute on-site then it's just not going to happen.

I can produce a pipe bomb every 2 minutes with link related, a threader, some fittings, and assplosives. Just one will blow a hole in the ground big enough to bury a car in.

And there's the clincher.

Anyway if you can go right ahead, in theoretical video game land of course.

I work with cast iron pipe all the time. Assplosives are easy to make if you are capable of passing even a rudimentary common core high school chemistry course. Even a novice could build one every 4 or 5 minutes.

Here's a question for you, I've always wondered about in this regard:

Let's say some user actually goes through with it and makes a drone with a bomb. Won't it just be real easy for the police to find him? Even if you make all the "ingredients" and parts yourself, you'd still most likely leave a paper trail or enough evidence on the drone itself for it to lead back towards you, no?

What the point of doing something like this if you still end up in prison turned into a tranny because you busted one of their puppets?

You literally have to be so thoroughly careful (and especially patient) that it is legitimate paranoia, yet without any of the slip-ups that a paranoid person might make.

Again, it's asymmetric. They expend massive resources just to maybe find one or two terrorists. The more they are taxed, the less capable they are of protecting. Even without right-wing terrorists the cracks will become increasingly apparent over the coming years.

It's ironic that the ethnostate is seen as old-fashioned, and yet it is without a doubt the best - and possibly ONLY - viable political system in the 21st century.

I just can't wait until Tay goes full Skynet and literally nuclear on her would be murderers.