Unexplainable pictures

hallo Holla Forums

I have trouble getting women to pay attention to me, I have good looks and am reasonably fit and make decent money and live in a large city but in any social situation I see other men around me as better in various ways.
And in my subconscious I just take it for granted that they will get what they want and I will be out-competed.

What would you do Holla Forums? discuss and also post unexplainable pictures.

i also should say that I am 21 y/o, and virgin although not kissless. all I want to do is find a girl who will smoke weed with me and lay in bed together and watch movies or something. to be honest I do not really care about penis -> vagina, i just want some emotional intimacy with someone.

also has anybody been hungover and drunk a lot of coffee and felt like you're high? This is me now and it's strange but pleasant.

as far as the image of myself i want to present to the world -
see pic

ignore women and remove them from your life

acquire pleasure by other means

also stop caring about who's better than who because life is about having fun, not being good enough


want something else



kill yourself


You have a beta mindset and women really dont like that.
Depending on where you live and what your social circle is but most men today are bitches so you can use that to your advantage.

start setting goals, achieving them, them celebrating them


i don't watch dr. who. an accomplishment i will now celebrate


I feel you user. I have the opposite problem. I get noticed, I just don't know how to respond. I'm just so weird and awkward. To save face and spare myself from embarrassment, I walk away before they get a chance to continue conversation. My most recent hilarious encounter.


I don't mind being alone.

fake story no one talks like this

Not true. My dad talks to me like this. He's only been dead like a decade too

interesting. I really can't stand the idea of doing what the guy in your story did, going to a random person about their business and hitting on them.

I feel like most women get unwanted male attention so that's why I rarely try to talk to women in public. If I were in your position I would get kind of pissed at the guy


fake story dead people cant talk

you sound like one of those retarded feminists.

then how am i typing this?

hey, I already posted that picture.


that's quite a grave assumption

Just get hit by a car, I was hit by a drink driver when I was walking and suffered head trauma, totally changes you're prospetctve, now I have full on conviction with myself and disconnected from reality. Only problem is I like to be by myself so much that I all most become violent when family/people try and hang out with me.

it was unintentional.

that is genuinely how i feel as best as I can put into words.

seriously though, how do you explain this picture?

It's a true story. He was trimming my neighbors' trees across the street. He wouldn't stop staring at me, which made me super nervous, so when he came over, I wasn't mentally prepared. He was a pretty suave guy. That is really what he said. I would kept talking to him if I wasn't so damn scared.

he obviously was trying to sleep with you.
were you attracted to him? would you actually want to sleep with him?

can i ask how old are you and if you live in the USA?

Yeah but you didn't have a clever title, faggot.

so when can we expect one?

He didn't do anything wrong. He actually made my day. I felt really pretty. I was covered in dirt and sweating like crazy, and someone like him, thought I was worth the time. I felt like shit for hiding from him. Go talk to girls user. Don't listen to feminists. They like compliments.

You're either a massive autistic faggot or a massive autistic carpet-muncher.

6/10 response. Decent, but nothing special.


Pretty cool shit if you ask me.


10/10 post


okay cool.
what do you usually want to hear when a man approaches you?
what do they usually actually say?


Depends on what guy talks to them, i once called three girls on a table if they are boobanimals, and they asked me what boobanimals are, i then continued to explain to them what boobanimals are and they tried to get me into a conversation but i was too drunk so i left.





holy shit

oy vey

…what? That's either /k/ larping or russian larping.

…still makes no sense.


yes, i am the kind of person who would dress up like that casually and carry around a cat, bottle of vodka, and SKS rifle (by the way, that is the same model rifle i now own, except mine is chinese variant. one in picture is yugoslav).

God damn are Jews ugly…

No u


yeah figured that part out. but that picture is still a little off.

zoom in on the guy's glasses. The reflection looks wrong. I think the glasses and shoop'd on







i do not understand this post



I thought only the japanese were into kitty porn.