shitposters assemble! time to shitpost some ponies! every pony is welcome here
Pony Holla Forumsread
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off pony fag
shhhhh it is ok. you are welcome here!
be accepting, its all contained to one thread.
that last one took forever to kill.
always refresh before baking.
good night.
Nighty Reecey!
I can't even remember 2. I'm not even sure i've seen it anymore
I'm dead.
The mad man actually beat me to it
Nah but really whats up?
Yeah, I usually try to do it at 625 just in case the thread is moving fast, but damn, no one was posting in that last one.
Sleep tight
good night.
it was the one with the aliens.
Heya Skitty!
Hey hey
it's the pagan holiday of superbowlia.
everyone is probably decorating the superbowl tree with their families. and singing football hymns.
I'm practicing drawing the head.
I must get to know the human body as quick as I can.
what's up with you?
Nah mate, you're alive and well. Enjoy life; it's full of kitties!
Hey, you're too macabre. I want to hug you until you stop feeling like that.
I thought the first one was two movies. Din't think they added aliens till like four. Just ruins the whole premise
Humans are fun to draw. Are you doing a realistic sketch or animu or what?
Gonna eat breakfast then continue cleaning up a bit. Cleaning out this fridge is going to be nasty. Its all mildewy. Drawing sounds fun. i'm going to do that. Going to start my other shit drawing from scratch sort of. Then have dinner with my dad prolly getting pho
Yeah its a nice thought but i'm actually feel a bit up today
oh shit I forgot all about that. Today's the day someone hopefully destroys the New England Patriots. Huzzah!
Heya Rubles!
howzit goin?
naw the second one they added aliens and it got real weird. its not one of Connery's better films
you'll never be able to meet all the kitties.
just to get a feel for the proportions.
oh? that sounds like a very productive day.
Then I'll hug you anyways! Got any plans for today?
Perhaps, but you'll be able to meet enough if you go to Cat Island.
I was planning to move there eventually.
when I get up the nerve to murder everyone I know. and have to run from the law.
i'm rooting for the falcons, but my superbowl prediction computer says patriots are heavily favored.
i can't wait to see what new ad campaigns the ad fairy brings us. maybe i've made enough sacrifices to the goat god to bring the original most interesting man in the world back from mars.
Aw funess
One of my few. I'm hoping to have more of these.
A handful. Cleaning out this fridge fucking around. Now I wanna get some drawing done too. So i'm prolly gonna go eat and get started
Football is for girls
real men watch mixed doubles tennis.
I hope so too.
staying still for too long drives you fucking crazy!
hes done other bad ones too like Zardoz
yeah the Pats will probably win, its rare we see good defeat evil, but it CAN happen, look at the elections for instance! haha what happened to him did he died?
Sounds fun!
You don't need to murder anyone to move to Cat Island…
it's true, but really i just don't want them to win because i would have to drive home from the superbowl party through riot country. it would be a nice win, but i don't see the hood niggers letting it pass without a celebration. and you know how fires like to break out during their celebrations.
if I murder them all it's not like I want to rot in jail. I just got the hang of styling my hair to where it brings out the feminine features of my face.
I won't last two weeks till I'm swiss!
I think they only do that for basketball or for dindu nuffins. I dont recall a lot of superbowl riots.
new chickun!
Thanks, heres the original!
Cake party represent
What feminine features? You're too Scottish.
well, there goes my last bit of self-esteem.
okay yew faggits
this is the only pony pic I ever saved in my whole life
it's nice.
but a little too autistic.
fix it.
lol. Don't be like that.
I was just kidding. I know I'm hot as fuck.
what's up with you, aku?
it's started already?
Don't think so, none of my teams are playing, but I wanna see some cinematic quality commercials for soda.
thanks! someone on derpi liked it too haha
So what're you up to cat?
reading "drawing the head and hands" and practicing drawing heads.
jesus christ these faggots are mad. props to whoever posted this.
I feel like I always draw hands too small. Faces are fun imo.
it's better than drawing massive fucking yaoi hands.
and yes. yes they are. though, I won't be doing expressions for some time.
that's a good expression.
very punchable
why than kyou!
Show us the fruits of your labor, please~
socks says the skulls I drew look like orcs. frankly, I'm offended!
What about eyes?
I guess I could punch it in the eye.
No, I mean drawing eyes.
I'm sure that in a few years you'll have it down.
thats what i build this evening
I can't get them the right size. but I'll get better.
a few years, many tears.
hey rappy.
nice. thank you.
Size and position are moi importante, but they don't matter as long as its aesthetic.
Still working on this.
nice dude. you got a tablet? or is this a mouse drawing?
Going to the gym, be back later
stay safe mang.
Nigger cat
Mouse drawing.
I really should upgrade.
Using a mouse makes it harder than it needs to be. But getting used to a tablet without a display can be just as hard.
You know it big boy.
I hate fags
Canya intermittently tell me the score?
Falcons 14
Patriots NOTHING
Go patriots!
yes that
also I hate kids
Where is gatito at? I got some leche for him
Falcons just ran 82 yards into a touchdown. GOD FUCKING DAMN!
Can't just see the score on tv and be happy or mad about it, just have to scream about it.
Did you see that foot down though?
He totally got the ball in the strike zone.
The only things I've seen are the libtard commercials.
Ugh. I know, right?
Did you see that fucked up coke commercial? They had the Mexicans and towel heads singing.
Little nigger stole that car.
There was more? I thought it was just budweiser and audi.
Patriots: Well we're down 21-0, might as well throw a field goal so we don't get completely humiliated.
I dunno. I've been in the bathroom for most of the game.
They got lady Gaga to do halftime?
Why not?
Haha. Gaga is fucking killing it!
You go girl!
When was the last time she wrote a song?
Hi travisposter
Hey user. How goes it?
Drunk again. Today has been gr8 so far.
The commercials sucked this year.
I'm alright. Travis bombing a thread on fag chan.
Why don't you show them how to suck properly then
I'm not a slut.
Link? I can assist you in the bombing
Patriots playing a little reckless…
I don't just keep posting until the limit. I post 3 pics. Maybe one more. And If nobody bumps the thread after that I let it 404. No point in posting if nobody is in there. Here's the link.
That sounds somewhat complicated. I'll just make some fresh travises and drop them off here instead
inb4 the young turds worship the liberal commercials
Everybody is just ignoring them anyway.
I'm home
welcome home!
How's it going Cate?
I'm ok. How about you?
Physically tired from the gym, but I'm good, hungry, cats crying as well, he wants me to keep playing with him but I have to have lunch.
Didn't realise that gif said you're a faggot, huh, maybe I should read it next time.
Cats calmed down and is cleaning himself now.
What've you been up to?
I did that with a gif one time. Didn't know it said do it faggot. I've been up to the same old shit.
As my friend said,
We're reaching levels of double think that, are not only Indecipherably high, but also should not be physically possible!
Fair enough.
does it ever feel monotonous?
Just doing the same stuff I mean
Yes. It does.
If you could change it up a bit, what would you do?
time to cum in some skittyhole. Get on thread, bitch.
G'day blewbly, how's it going?
be nice to skitty. this is not appropriate
im good, its football day here in the US so bread is slow
i know, i know. he likes 2 at one time and only one is offensive to him.
Yeah, tense was telling me about it.
He said he dislikes the patriots cause they cheat a lot, other than that, all I've heard is that Lady Gaga said or did something stupid, but tense said that was just hyperbole, I haven't seen or heard it myself I don't know what happened, and I also know that last year was the most watched game of all time, that's basically the limit to my knowledge.
How's the game going anyway?
G'day, how's it going Solaire?
I don't know. Go outside maybe.
When was the last time you left the house, may I ask?
I never care about football, but I do hate the patriots cuz they're cheating ass holes. I think the falcons are going to do it!
I leave all the time to go to the store and appointments. That's about it.
at least my ID is kinda rose colored.
well this is new
Oh, hey Rose
sorry gov'
he'll be back.
How's it going, Sir Scootsalot?
Tired, wanting a soft mommy to cuddle, you know, the usual. You?
I don't doubt it, we have a team like that here, but can you link some instacnes of them cheating?
I'm curious to see cause rage inducing videos are fun :3
So you've never gone out to just go out and have fun or anything?
I know what that's like honestly Cate, agoraphobia has caused me some issues as well over the last few years.
When was the last time you went out with mates and had a meal or saw a movie or something?
I'm good, having lunch.
Gaeburn will return one day to molest all bread boys
scooterific. you?
rose as in the shade of red, babe.
I hope so.
the main one was in last year's pre-superbowl game where they deflated some of the balls to make them easier for their quarterback to handle. They won the game and then the cheating came out but they were allowed in the superbowl anyhow
me too *hug*
I can't even remember.
Holy shit really?
Fuck me, that's actually really bad.
you left me hanging the other day, what's up/
somethings on your mind.
Do you still talk to your mates at all?
yeah, I was smashed.
and trying not to puke my guts out!
I did though. and still feel sick.
What were you gunna say though?
No. Except for the ex. We're still friends.
Oh, what's on the menu?
I'm trying to remember. it was probably something depressing, right?
My most favorite part of the Superbowl. I think I'm starting to like Lady gaga now.
True, true.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you moved away from where your friends were all at didn't you?
just some subgay
I was entirely worried.
Kek, maybe that's what I heard in passing was all the retards getting upset by her singing God Bless America instead of some trash song.
I dunno though tbh
was I suicidal?
sorry if I seemed that way.
instead of disqualifying them or anything, they suspended the quarterback for like, 1 game and fined the team 100K. Its some bullshit tbh
No, no nothing so drastic.
I can't remember the words specifically tbh Hon, just that it was a little worrying
we had an entire team here caught out doing drugs, like, every single member.
They didn't get any punishment at all
haha at least they didnt win the championship
sorry, I was probably feeling down about that thing I mentioned the other day.
it's been lingering in the back of my brain like a mad cunt.
I did move around different places foe a bit but I've usually never had any friends other than girl friends. I didn't keep in touch with any childhood or school friends. I don't have a Facebook either. They must think I'm dead.
Messaged you on steam
Facebook isn't entirely necessary honestly.
and with how it's becoming it'd be better not to use it if you can avoid it.
It's probably pretty difficult to meet and make friends when you're not really going out in any way meeting them hey
I've had similar problems but I'm lucky in that, I've kept my highschool mates
Kinda relieved she didn't get political. Maybe the left is starting to calm down?
First overtime game in Superbowl history.
Why is it overtime?
its tied, 28 to 28
they did the thing!
goddamn patriots
Holy shit this guy is actually really fucking good.
I usually fucking hate rap but this guy man, he's actually good!
He got another ring.
I want to see that son of a bitch do one more Superbowl, and lose.
He's just going to make it to 80 and he'll have 10 rings.
Then somebody will hit him and he'll break in half as the clock runs out.
needs one for every finger
Anyone here have experience with single action revolvers?
Are yoiu still about Cate?
I'm thinking about getting one and want advice.
penis inspection day is coming.
don't get blind sided.
The executive order Travis will feature Tidus.
War Pig probably knows a thing or two about them
I'll try to be ready and clean under my foreskin every day to be ready for Gae's return
No, just get a semi-auto.
gross. it looks like a giant earthworm.
If I wanted one I would ask for advice about them.
Any idea the next time he'll be in here?
Fucking IDs now. I seriously have to swap around IPs just to samefag? Newfaggot is easily 100x worse than dysnomia
I'll pull him for you soon as he's on.
I didn't even realise tbh
it's great fam.
Its terrible
Dysnomia pls come back. I'm sorry for saying you were the worst BO in Holla Forums Holla Forums history
what a cute girl
Is it ghey tiem?
Okay, but we'll probably be hated for it later
Her name is Twilight Velvet, how can you love a mommy without knowing her name?
with my dick.
How's it going Reece?
that's just an enlarged clitoris
a feminine dick
bit meh is all thanks
how about raptor?
Do you love your own mother with that dick?
of horse I don't
Have shame.
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hello there
hello tiny friend
Gae, hey Gae, have you seen the new Vice President? Guy's areal shocker.
I know…
I bet you don't even kiss your mother.
How goes it?
oh hey. your ears must have been burning.
not as often as I kiss yours.
Nigga, be real now.
snails has a mom I guess.
what do you think of donkey horse mom?
I'm going to need more images for analysis.
hey khan-khan
just de tings with de other tings man
how R u?
as in the "one in the pink and 2 in the stink" kind?
My whole head is burning, I'm sick
She looks a little young for me, tbh.
How've you been?
oh, I'm sorry to hear that?
what've you got? aids?
mule regret posting that.
No more like if you like men the dial's going ten.
hows a good boy?
How ya doin Gae? We all missed you!
Hey Khan!
alright, not much has really changed for me.
How has things been here?
Nah, just a fever
Not just a dance fever or yellow fever like I usually have, a bad fever
So he kills straight women?
not the best thanks
how uhbout you?
Kek. Nice work user.
I see.
hopefully you get better soon.
Just electroshocks them into good housewives.
Hove you been? I feel like it's been forever!
I got into bed for a while.
These threads aren't infinite any more? What happened?
New mod broke the cyclinic seal.
well, if things are goin good its ok if they dont change. Things have been good here! You uh… you heard about Squirrel right? I dont know how long its been since we last saw you.
Im ok. Anything I can do to help?
Hello Holla Forumsread
same old, been busy
Ah, gotcha.
Squirrel's dead
Thanks fam. I try
I'm ok
You're actually here?
before anything else, news update.
Squirrels died, we were informed on the second of jan.
Tetra's vansihed,
and i dunno what else.
How're you?
as in actually dead or doesn't post anymore?
I'm alright.
How are you?
I'm going to need to go again soon
If a Holla Forumsread isn't real Holla Forumsread, what is it made of?
maybe a different grain
Hello rose how're you?
hello I think i havn't met you before.
Died of cancer dead. Never told us about it, and then had a relative tell us she died.
Reminder that this thread causes cancer
Dead as in died of cancer
She died of cancer and never told any of us.
Her brother informed us.
She's gone.
Holla Forumsread is kinda like marble rye
except with shit, instead of bread.
I'm ok. kinda sick.
what's up with you?
my condolences
I'm very poor at communicating properly around death.
I apologise
Kek, yeah you have. I made these
One Holla Forumsread to rule them all!!!
The Falcons won the popular vote.
I, and a cuople others are really gutted.
it'll be right though.
How're you?
i dunno, you free for discord?
she passed away, died in glorious battle with the mods. and also cancer. but still, her spirit has found its way to shitposter valhalla
It's cool, I have a similar problem.
the lord of the breads.
who would be sauron?
nuuuu stay and shitpost!
i can in a bit
okay thanks
I'm okay
I need to rest
I wish you all the best~♥
oh you're travis poster hows it going?
fine I need something to do because i'm bored
Nate silver should probably quit making bets.
Gnight Gae
watch re:zero!
more than likely.
sleeo well gae.
Please come back more often.
Nah, Cate is the travisposter. I just make travises and drop them off, usually here.
Drunk, and tired.
I just won a game against a cs go player with blossom as his avatar.
I think not
im there
Hey Skitty! Gaeburn was here!
Holy shit.
I just made this btw.
Proud of me guys?
My paint skills are improving!
donde esta la reeceypet?
and all because of russian hackers!
it's very nice rappy.
I'll be printing it out and putting it on the fridge.
Russians be hackin the NFL!
that's nice but he's a racist douchebag and doesn't like me at all so meh
and the patriots are all nazis!
is it good?
oh idk I thought travis poster cato was the only one who made original travis and everyone reposted them but idk.
i'm in too
I was asleep.. and also im not a football fan and stuff so I didn't bother following what happened, who won? I'm guessing it wasn't the falcons and their D?
I think so.
it has a cat trap!
I've never made one Travis pic. I only post them.
oh heh
well thats not very nice at all = ( I'm sorry you guys dont get along. Maybe I can solve your friendship problem and then write to Princess Celestia about it and also cuddle up with Gae and hump his leg.
Hey Mira!
woohooo discord cuddles with a reecey!
what would you do if you went to your moms house and saw she was drinking coffee with travis and it turns out they met on plenty of fish and they started dating irl
yeah i know. you are crazy waking up at eleven. it was possibly the greatest super bowl ever played, record setting in multiple respects. thrilling. but yeah the falcons and their D did not win
I'd ask her how many times he plowed her.
this fuggin deer meat
jfc it's so good
From what I can tell that's pretty much what's going on on twitter.
The election never ends.
Nowadays I'm the only one that keeps the glory of Travis alive in new edits. In recent months Disco was the only other person that made travises and had an identity attached to him.
It's true
Your stalker reporting in
Yep, probably am crazy tbh, idunno
How're you sir? still with family and stuff?
hey blew how're you?
i havn't seen disco recently but I also havn't seen much travis recently either.
Oh God this new ID thing opened an entire world of things unknown
so you were the other travis poster person all this time oh god
i find dis 4 u
Nice work user.
yes. good i guess. yes
im doin good, and you?
I didn't think that would be surprising. I thought the way I type is easily recognizable.
Travismaker is Skittys stalker. Wew
hbu tho
I'm starting to like Pirs Morgan more and more.
he was so terrible before. what happened that changed him so much?
just bored and still a little buzzed.. was eating deer meat, it's really good lol
also playing wot now….
this SP I C is really fun to play
you have coconut oil? what do you do with that?
I to want to know
I'm typically OK at being able to tell the difference between people by subtle differences in the way they communicate, to me, your particular way doesn't stand out at all so you blend in
nice. how did you prepare it?
wot had a couple decent commercials during the game, must have spent ten million dollars on two thirty-second spots.
are you getting close to that two five one yet?
yeah, i could tell you but i'd rather show you..
nah dude
it was so stupid
coconut oil was super trendy for a while and white people thought it would cure aids cuz hippies said so.
Trump became a Republican.
I know he's a yes-man, but at least he's tolerable and not saying crazy nonsense like "people who are pro gun should be all lined up and shot"
daily reminder to stay hydrated
Hm, it checks out. he still sux, but has made some real strides forward
Maybe he'll make some friends.
it was already prepared, they gave it to me like 3 days ago vacuum packed in some marinade so I just cut them open and chucked them in the crock pot over night and BOOM, it came out tasting fuggin SPECTACULAR.. in the morning.. it was really good, I can't emphasis enough on how good it was
poor deer… I feel bad they're just out there tasting so good.. it's no wonder they're always so skittish when they taste like that
fuggin wot
wot had nfl commercials? damn their jew tactics really must pay off
yep, the tanks fully upgraded so I don't have to be spending XP on that and can save it for the Ru 251 now.. 7k xp atm with 85k to go I think
pshh, it's a lot but w/e I'll get there someday just playing casually
lol ok
Based Pence will win if he runs for POTUS. Just like Trump, he would be the meme candidate.
I doubt it
isn't he religious to an eerie degree or something
oh so you are an indian giver, giving it to barracho friend.
exactly, it's strange that animals this tasty can exist when you would think natural selection would make the tastiest animals extinct. yeah, two, and they were sort of funny for a virtual tank company. i think you can expect and influx of new shitty players. i guess as long as the one you are using now is fun there is no rush
Yep, also he's crazy and was a shitty governor. But just as much of a meme, or maybe even more than Trump.
fuggin wot
I gave them a bunch on a plate, hows that make me an indian giver
that shirt really amused me tho
since I'm playing tier 8-10 battles, you wont really ever see new people, only people who have played the game for ages.. like me.. unless they bought a tier 8 tank but ppl don't really do that when they're new
so what'cha up to? sorry about that other day we tried watching that mission impossible movie when i was drinking… i feel stupid over that.. i get weird when i drink..
tfw travis is 8chans only meme ever
or wait, Holla Forums didn't make them
nvm Holla Forums has no memes rip
you gave gift that was gift to you qed indian giver
wow u
yeah i want it
i figured that, but maybe you could stop by the lower tiers for a quick laff. im watchin footloose and decompressing after that game. i think this win made my week. if they lost i would have to drink to sleep and think about depressing things, but now and i can listen to this gay ass soundtrack and feel like dancing. don't worry about something silly like that
Nice work user.
Hey, Ho'ws it going?
oh hi Dissy!
sup babe
How's it going?
Why does blewberry get triggered everytime he sees his picture in an edit?
I'm Not Disco.
that's not even what indian giver means
r u memeing me rite now
yuh huh
look skitty! a new page!
why would you include me with someone the likes of blewberry
how unimaginably insulting
pretty good fam. im riding the wave you know?
you a rich nigga yet?
psshh i dont care what it means u still an indian giver
Your face has made it into a good number of Travis pics. Disco is not the only person who's going to post them.
When did that happen?
… you… you realize there are IDs now right? Youre the only person who cares, Dissy.
the guy holding the thing behind trump has a picture of my fugin forehead in it
it's stupid lol
Why is blewberry so retarded?
I didn't even notice that till you pointed it out. And again. I don't make these things.
Nearly, actually earning money in the market game, though I'm sticking exclusively to tech stocks.
Also doing daily trades, so, hold the stock for a day, becauset rading american times around work is impossible
Blewberry thinks I'm Discordio.
why is discordio made of salt
He's not Discordio blewbly, It's cate.
Discordio is the skitty stalker
Shuttup Dissy.
Well yeah but it seems to get on his nerves a lot. Wait then who's the guy who keeps trying to force me into being a meme?
pretty inconvenient but there are other markets yes?
but things are going well so keep that up, good job
nah, travis poster two is skitty stalker
No. That's not him either. That guy makes Travis pics too.
are you saying that because of that stupid steam profile chit RKs been whining about
i wanna make it clear I never even gave them that account and i just let them use it cause they came whining at me before that he kept getting locked out of his other steam account, i had a bot account and told them they could use that one on the condition he let me use it occasionally so I could ban evade when i kept getting banned from other steam groups then one day he changed the email on it and locked me out, i took it from them and didn't feel bad cause I asked him repetitively to let me get back on, then one day saw him log in, deffo read my message and he logs out and gets on the other one and changed set it all to private, changed my avatar from american psycho to rainbowdash and renamed it to RK alt account so I just decided to take it back since he made that decision and made me realize he wasn't as cool as i thought
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded right now.
Do you really think you're not the one that comes off like a triggered snowflake that starts acting like a retard when you see someone did something you didn't like? because that's definitely what you look like when you act like that.
Yeah, I've joined an ASX game, but I'm waiting for it to start in feb the 23rd I believe.
Oh my bad
Yeah I'm Disco
im also jew
gas the kikes
He thinks I'm Disco.
what makes you think that?
no im saying it for no actual reason besides that it seemed to bother you and this is fun to do sometimes, sorry.
but this is interesting i guess. but i kind of knew this just not all the details.
how many monitors do you have? i think you need at least six but if you only have three right now don't worry you'll get there soon
Hehehehehehehe you're like a gun, except instead of bullets or a barrel youre just a bunch of triggers held together by a thing piece of wire.
also, please. I always act like a retard.
shut up Dissy no one loves you
but naw I know youre Travis poster, the troll face and Georges kinda give it away.
SOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo triggered
Yeah no shit.
i just havent seen that guy who does reeceypet and used to impersonate me in a while and I miss him, and I miss calling him Dissy = (
Just the one.
Well I'm sure Disco will come back to spew hatred at you. I have seen him post user. He was posting gore and columbine webms. He didn't say anything though.
uh oh. well it's better than no monitor and it gives you a nice goal. do you have some type of app to check things when you are on the go?
idunno what to say
oh no I dont mean dissy, he's dead to me, I just enjoy calling that guy dissy. I'm pretty sure it's that gohst/boo guy.
then look at this dope ass catch
Well they will both probably be back. Don't worry.
Not as of yet, my phones being unreliable to say the least.
Nothings really changed since we spoke on it last, still reading, still watching the market, and stuff.
Just basic stuff.
awww thanks *brohoof* im eventually going to have to post another pic of myself, try to get them riled up, but I'm hoping I can make them debase themselves a bit first
how often do these people break bones in these games
fingers, their neck.. or somethin
soon you will be able to get a more reliable phone. but yeah, good stuff. i have not developed positively in any way so you're doing well
not that often actually. they are tough men
there are injuries during the games but usually nothing too serious
Why do you get so triggered when someone slaps a picture of your fugly face on something?
If you post a new pic it will deffinitly rile them up.
Because it hurts my feewings = (
haha Ive been toying with the idea. I'm going to wait til they post some diaper ponies though so I know they're really interested
He's the only one getting "riled up". No one else gives a fuck.
I just want him to post a new pic.
you give a fuck enough to try to convince people you dont give a fuck
I'm not trying to convince shit. I'm just saying that you're the only one getting pissed off about the shitty edits.
but youre all frowny.
I wanted to ask if you're ok, you seem a bit off if I'm honest.
Youre sweet Raptor, its nice how you worry aobut everypony *hug* hope you make time to take care of yourslef too
do I? how? i don't know, who among us can be truly said to be ok?
Thanks Blewbly~
I've started to the last 3 months.
Yeah, I dunno, hard to say.
but you're probably right.
How's your gyming going?
Ive noticed, its really nice of you.
What makes you think that?
sorry if i was being rude or something
i am like sixty miles from the nearest gym right now, but i am going back in a bit and plan to hit it real hard. wanting a fresh set of beginner gains, won't be able to move easily for a few days. update on your progress?
my hairs back to about an inch long now but i really feel like I'd rather just get a buzzcut.. with the zero on the clipper..
May be that you're just tired and that's what I'm noticing.
You weren't rude or anything, it's ok, really~
I've started a new training regime, did the first day today, doing it again tomorrow.
Interval training followed by legs, lots of legs.
I could barely used the stairs by the time I'd finished, so that's going well still.
Weight loss has stalled, for obvious reasons, but I don't reckon it'll take me much to start losing again.
Whenever I cut it like that my grandparents scorn me and say it makes me look like a cholo.
okay good.
interval training is fantastic, and focusing on legs is great too. giant muscles that are too often ignored. i love that feeling with the stairs, or trying to get off of a couch. spaghetti legs mean you did good. yeah, you will get right back to that no problem, once you're ready.
grandparents know best. i think you should grow it out
grow a mullet
do it fgt
83k xp to go
this is a slow, but entertaining process. I think imma start trolling people with my light tank, like just frequently getting in peoples way and pushing them out of cover and see how people react to me being a massive dickhead
Lo que pida
My legs were shaking more than a leaf in the wind, and that exhausted muscle feel hasn't abated at all yet so I definitely did good, but I didn't finish the routine, I had to stop short.
I didn't do incline leg press or calf raises as a result, But I did well still I feel.
back to the good old days. won't do much for your winrate but the salt will be tasty
it will look good
i tried doing it just now.. but I feel like something on my chest when I start being like that.. I just can't do it lel
nvm that
yeah it sounds like you did. doesn't really matter if you finish the routine or not as long as you do what you can. calf raises aren't as important as the other stuff, tough to get gains there as it is mostly genetic
that's a good thing i think.
My fucking sides
2 am here
posting to see this newly assigned id. If its gay i shall never return.
eh it could work i guess
they should enable country flags
no they shouldnt
ask em
fuck this shit im out
True enough
why not?
que haces amor?
watchin this
some great behind the scenes stuff. juicy
u still tankin?
Is trump the greatest?
Cause I mean, brexit was probably bigger in all due honesty.
Because brexit is going to kill the EU in its entirety.
Trumps huge, no doubt, but anyone who wasn't a fuckwit fake news outlet could see his victory coming, brexit was really just, out of no where.
huh.. I kinda wanted to watch that, you shoulda told me so we could watch it
yep.. was just looking into whether it was worth buying a german premium scout tank.. but according to some people it's really not.. wanted to use it for training a crew for the Ru 251 when i get it but it doesn't seem worth it since the only premium scout available on the german tank side is some tier 3 one and those are useless for doing that…
imo yes, but what do i know. perhaps the title is hyperbolic to make a point. it is filmed by and from the perspective of liberals. and they were so incredibly smug from march all the way until late election night. their tears are real, and salty and delicious. oh god yes.
i didn't even know i was gonna, it was just on and i started watching it, and i missed the first twenty minutes maybe.
eff that then, just grind that thing out and get there. it will probably only take a couple sessions depending
this is super lewd
seen that pic a million times, i wonder what its from…
it's just nature
saharan sandsledding championships
excellent, my fetish is realised
nature can be cruel tho
Is Skitty the top or bottom?
so.. what's your fav part of that movie? anything interesting you could point out?
which movie?
I'll take that as a bottom.
Why do you care?
also what do you think?
the trump one..
I have to care for reasons. Bottom, ur a faget
Who are you the interloper in 90% of the conversations people have here? Do you do that irl too? Like ppl are having a conversation in public around you and you just walk up to them and start acting like they were talking to you the whole time?
why not who
How did this skeleton become the best ever? ;-;
I'm so confused.
You might have all of these for all I know
w-what reasons?
I'm your stalker, faget.
because otherwise I would have no one to talk to and implode under the weight of my own hopelessness and existential angst. That'll happen eventually, so give it time and enjoy the ride! Heres a cat being fucked by a lobster til then!
Gentlemen, I present to you, the waifu box.
until VR sex is integrated it's not good enough.
Who is "Tirk"
goodnight pony pals!
every time they get proven wrong it is pretty nice, and the ultimate example is election night, so probably the last twenty minutes or so. bed or breakfast?
nah i usually don't save things without smugfox in them but this is a cute bun so saved
ur mum
You say this every time Nat
Night blewbly
Fair enough.
I'll post the little I have.
No I don't
a swedish guy whos been part of this community since like 2011, you might not be familiar with them because, like wezdor, they would stick to the chat groups like steam bread or discord bread and not really post here but since I killed the steam chat group and most ppl fled to discord, they started posting here with wezdor more frequently..
someone does
Ready to post pics of your ass yet?
Give it another decade or two. The question is when this shit will be unified under a single interface, and then further, when this will become cheap.
If and when I have a son, he'll probably be able to have a full time robotic wife, with customizable hair, eyes, skin tone, and clothing… the works
You're going to bed? I woke up at like fuggin 10 PM lol
I don't know.. it's up to you..
the rita fox is very cute
He has a huge addiction to Monster energy drinks, and has somehow remained alive and well despite consuming a lot of cans on a regular basis.
um yeah. i was up at eight or something ant the tiredness moves ever onwards
i just learned about the rgv sector on fox. i think they might start building there you should get in on that.
That's it apparently.
Ah, yes, the true end to feminism~
Father fox used to post him a bit I think.
He's been busy with life and hasn't been here htough I have heard from him lately and he is ok.
Just felt I shoudl mention that.
He certainly raped america if nothing else.
What should I eat? I'm kinda hungry.
I'll talk to my uncle about that.
didn't know that. only seen rita post this fox, cool tho.
you should eat my cake
Traps are also a strong contributor in the end to feminism.
come get it
I would
oh yeah?
I was watching a john wayne movie yesterday, basically john had a crate full of newspaper clippings and he had to take it to a guy in exchange for a 13yo boy the guys had kidnapped.
when they met up things broke into a firefight and there was this guy not really doing anything, lying down on some hay bales and not really into shooting anybody and john's friend just walks up to him and shoots him in the stomach. What a fucking douchebag why woulkd you do that
who r u?
yep… it sucks u don't live within driving distance, I'd just go there myself and stay for as long as u let me
There's no milk. JUST END ME NOW
Anomalous leejin
ikr. oh well
the cake comes with milk
walk out slowly and quietly the ponyfags have noticed you are not one of them
the cake is a lie
umad, white boi?
anonime region
So may I ask what you're out and about doing?
the cake has extra icing
it's homemade
im from the cake party tbh
May I ask, what the fuck is the cake party?
why dafug would that make somebody mad, more like inconvenienced. also im not even white u fuggin white male
and it is out of reach
im doing nothing. i've been living in waldenesque isolation for weeks, surrounded by nothing but thousands of acres of wintry forest. but ima go back to real life now i think.
i've seen people talk about the cake party about 20 times in the Holla Forumsread now and i have no idea what it even is
Why so?
To both
This doesn't really answer anything, is it a pedo thing?
So you decided to go work?
No idea. I just thought it was funny.
Fair enough~
I was just curious :3
little user is trying his best to fit in with the ponyfags but is an outsider in their eyes. Deep down he realizes he will never be one of them and never have friends
because i can, and i like to be alone sometimes. and because i can only push my luck so far.
i dunno, at least heading that way. i lack purpose. i think i need to go to bed. later skits
When I was getting into web development for fun I decided to make an imageboard, so I put one up and got a domain name called candychan. I just thought it was cute and rhymed. People calling me fbi and saying the chan was a honeypot when i posted about it on Holla Forums
I kept asking why they were boeing like that and people thought I was pretending to be retarded, anyone I later learned candy and cake is pedo slang for child porn, so when you see those people in action, it's not uncommon to see them throw those words around
Don't think like that. Goodnight and sleep well.
Fair enough, did you find anything while you've been out there?
Oh, true.
I didn't know that.
i think he went to bed so it's just me and you now
Now here's the question that will keep me up at night.
Did I get the better half, or the other half? ~
Also holy shit that fucking pic, yes.
trying to think what i should use for a new steam avatar pic
What's that even supposed to mean?
Like are you asking me who I think's better between me and nick?
do it
i fuggin dare u
Hey Reece, how's it going?
Nah, it was literally setting myself up to make a pun at the expense of whoever remains.
Just a joke that I've heard told here in aus a few times.
your joke confuses me
Sounds more like a Mike Pence fact tbh
You could have said, the better, of course or said, yeah nah nicks gone, to which I coulda said something like 'rats'.
I'm too tired to carry it through and also still feel too guilty to push it either
i have no idea how steam deals with slightly sexual stuff on avatar pics
i already got a slappy botty warning from them about my spraytag things, don't want to push my luck
going to try and stay up the whole day
I'll believe that when I see it
I'm ok, going to finish dinner an maybe head to bed in the next hour or so.
We'll see.
Besides it's kinda pointless We both know you're the best~
Dubs of truth!
How's that even fugin sexual?
You made a sexual spray to use in TF2?
You know that's a game chock full of 7-13yo kids right? Why would you run around making them look at hairy cocks and asses like you did to use before
wow reece
also steam doesn't do anything about steam avatars unless it's a picture of genitals or something really blatant like that
if you play games like CS:GO you wont stop seeing people with butt avatars everywhere…
Not true, he's da best
i think imma make food now
KEK nice,
You both are~
you won't be able to see it if you're sleepin
Guess you'll just have to be awake to prove it when I'm around~
That is not only the worst shop I've ever seen, I can tell from some of the pixels, it is also the best.
it's only futa…. now they'll be as confused as i was
Mike "I'm in the closet tbh" Pence
Our granchilluns
I made toast and put butter on it
I realized I haven't eaten buttered toast since sometime last year, I forgot how good that was
how did they even invent butter tho? like who just woke up in the morning one day and said you know what? imma beat the shit outta this here milk for a couple'a hours and then sits down to beat the fuck outta the milk for like 5 hours and then saw it made butter and started telling everyone "hey you can make butter outta your milk if you just beat the fuck outta it for a few hours lol try it you wont be upset"
You made a futashy spray tag? why's it even confusing, it's just best horse
this was my one and only TF2 spray I used a lot, people really loved it
fuckin lol
May have actually been that some milk was left abandoned for a period of time long enough for curds to form naturally.
someone desperate enough ate it and realised it wasn't so bad, so figured out how to make it work.
The first reference to butter in our written history was found on a 4,500-year-old limestone tablet illustrating how butter was made. It is generally believed the word butter originates from the bou-tyron, Greek for “cow cheese”, however it may have come from the language of cattle-herding Scythians.
An ancient method of butter making, still used today in parts of Africa and the Near East, involves a goat skin half filled with milk, and inflated with air before being sealed. The skin is then hung with ropes on a tripod of sticks, and rocked until the movement leads to the formation of butter.
this was one of squirrels favourites.
I'm afraid to click that link cause if I do then my facebook status will set to online and then the people I've been refusing to answer on my phone will see it and give me shit for ignoring them
That soldier, marine or delta or whatever, was shipped out of iraq because of the video he made on the exec order on immigration.
did you copypaste wikipedia?
I wana try and make my own butter now.. I wonder if I can use regular milk…
I know the artist who drew it…she had very good taste.
uh no… the futa one i made is human and animated
did she die?
You can make animated sprays for TF2 now? fuckin what?! lol
wana play TFF2 with me? kek
Dunno if you can use store milk tbh.
Vivzie pop, the kesha thing was how squirrel found her.
She hated the song, but loved jay jay and couldn't stop watching because of her, kek.
I'm gonna slap you
Da, she did. She passed on in a hospital, from what I heard it was cancer. I didn't know her, not very much anyway. But from what I do know, we lost a good person that day. She's in a better place at least.
would you actually play with me though?
i have steam now
wow.. so they are the artist of that funny fox thing and that furry video with that character right? wow.. how unfortunate that she was a girl, I didn't know things were that bad… I feel sorry for them tbh, rip
yes, why not
I know silly
you never got world of tanks so we could play it
but you have tf2 and so do i
imma try and make a spray lel
also how do we even play it togather? I haven't played it in a long time lol
No no, that's someone else. As far as I know they are doing fine. No, Squirrel wasn't the artist, but it is sad that she passed on all the same.
Oh… I know about them and all.. my theme is black here so I didn't notice raptor made a spoiler and mentioned squirrel in it.. so I thought you were saying you knew the artist and that they passed away
i might aswell download WOT at some point, wish they would let you just tie your steam account to the game instead of making you make a different account though
all you have to do to play TF2 multiplayer is just open TF2 and go to pick a server essentially
when would you want to play?
Is all good tovarish.
this is a new word I never saw before
You should totally get WoT.. it's fun to play the tiny tier 1 tanks, i kinda wana play them but I never have a reason to since im far into the higher tiers
it turns out I uninstalled TF2 sometime I don't remember so I'm downloading it again… idunno how long it will take lel
It is Russian for "friend".
is there a way to connect a main laptop keyboard to a desktop computer?
i've been playing all my steam games on my laptop because my laptop keyboard is beautiful and i hate how chunky USB keyboard keys are
… I don't think so
not that I know of at least
i'm going to practise for a second on TF2 with my USB keyboard to see if i'm any good
then i'll try downloading WOT on my desktop if i can get the feel for my USB one
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