Fuck the Superbowl!

How many of you are going to watch the Libtard League Superbowl tonight?

By watching it you are contributing to the increased politicalization of sports by the liberal media. Football has gotten hard enough to watch as it is, with all the "rules for pussies" they have implanted over the last several decades. Now we have to put up with libtard whining and leftist propaganda between plays? No thanks.

Fuck the Superbowl.
Fuck the NFL.
And fuck the liberal media propaganda machine which uses the NFL to promote "equality" while the NFL provides special legal protection for its own physical abusers, drug addicts, and felons.

Football would be better if they legalized The Flying Wedge.

Football is as gay as professional wrestling.
Haven't watched any of it in years, and don't give a rat's ass about the Superbowl.

Calling it now! Cuckmersals , lady cuk cukaa maks a scene talks shit about trump, nip slip.

Buttman Cowboys fan detected

Pats win. Handball. Place you're bets .

Typical football fan. Ignorant, leftypol.
Probably thinks the guy in OP's pic has an athletic build.

I used to watch football.
Until Goodell got busted protecting the guy who beat his wife in the elevator.
It is one thing to run your sports league into the ground if you want to, that is your business. But helping some guy get away with beating up his wife while you stand there and claim your league has zero-tolerance and that your players are exemplary American citizens? No, fuck that.

Besides, the game isn't even going to be worth watching anyway. The Falcons? PleeeeaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

They've been ramping up the feminists commercial the past few years. The feminists know that football is ritualistically enjoyed by men and must shit all over with their propaganda. ABC is owned by Disney and I believe it's responsible for this liberal bullshit.

Was talking with the guy who runs my little local grocery store yesterday.

He was bitching because none of his usual Superbowl promo stuff is selling this year.

So it sounds to me like nobody is going to be bothering with it anyway, except the people with Fantasy Leagues.
I know of two nearby radio promo Superbowl parties that have been cancelled for lack of interest, so it may be a moot point anyway.

OP is right about NFL turning into a lefty propaganda arm though.