Why do so many Americans want hordes of poor brown people to stream into their country?
Just wondering.
Why do so many Americans want hordes of poor brown people to stream into their country?
The same reason yuropeeans want muslims and afrikans in them and in their country.
The reason is jews
you fucks are all mongrels already.
Lots of brown races are easy to control, don't vote, make good concubines and offer cheap labor. While you Eurocucks brag about your dead MUH VIKING culture, we Americans are making a literal caste system via tax brackets and (((Ivy league Universities))). Stay mad Europoors
white quilt
They are afraid to say otherwise. Capitalists want them in our country as a pool of cheap undemanding workers. They've fed our children lies about 'diversity' in order to make it easier, and make them turn their heads to the hoards coming to destroy the future their fathers build for them.
Cheap labor for the elites who don't have to live with them.
Decades of Socialist indoctrination
What makes you think we do?
We elected Trump.
A lot of Americans are brainwashed into thinking they're good people because they pretend to care about a seemingly oppressed group of people, and they think it makes them seem more progressive and likeable. Most people do it to fit in, and when they get angry and passionate about it it's because they're afraid of the truth, and that truth is that deep inside they really don't give a shit about minorities especially those who pose a clear threat to the freedom of their nation.
they like being with their own kind
you also elected obongo twice
Because they think when they get there, they'll be just like them, aside from superficial things like maybe dressing differently. They might "know" there will be some cultural differences, but they don't fully realize it, in much the same way a small child knows they will someday be an adult, and can imagine being an adult, but can't really fully grasp the idea or understand what that will be like.
As far as societal differences, they are completely unaware that those will exist at all.
They have a cognitive disconnect that means they will never understand what living interspersed among an incompatible culture is like, until they are living it. Then it will be too late.
Which is also why they think Indians were one sidedly victimized by colonists and can't be convinced otherwise. Nothing bad exists in the world inherently, so if something bad happens, it's always because of an underlying scapegoat issue that can theoretically be corrected to alleviate the issue. In most cases, whites ignorance is to blame for other peoples doing horrible things. Ignorance can be alleviated, but vicious human or cultural nature cannot. these types of people will never admit that there is an inherent unfixable issue that causes discord between races of humans.
They cannot imagine that some humans cannot be taught with patience and understanding, to live in a society without murdering each other in the streets, stealing, raping, burning… You know, all that shit that occurs every day in their own worlds, not committed by a few, but by all.
We are all one race the human race!
Only brown people and Jews genuinely want more brown people. Cucks really don't want them, but they can't let themselves think otherwise, because everyone else seemingly wants brown people, so they do. Big surprise, humans are a hivemind. Even if a minority want something, if you keep pushing the narrative that the majority wants something, despite such a thing being false, that minority will want the thing they think the majority wants.
People underestimate the power of the media.
uh pardon. brown people, as you call us dont want more added to this country. ask someone who doesnt live their life on social media and they might give you a real opinion. women dont count because they think with their feelings. scare them a little and they'll flipflop in a heartbeat.
Well put user.
Here is the thing…they don't.
Most Americans don't want to allow uncontrolled immigration. But many Americans think it is what they *should* do, because they have not been properly educated in how to make rational decisions.
Even if you think that it is the morally correct thing to do, you are still left having to justify it against abandoning the other morally right things to do which conflict with unlimited immigration. That is part of making moral decisions, and it is supposed to be done *prior* to changing how things are done. You don't fire a gun before you aim it, or bad things happen.
Most Americans want this to be a welcoming place for both refugees and immigrants. But not in an uncontrolled manner, and not for those who are unwilling to respect our laws even when they are inconvenient and barely functional. We all, as Americans, have to deal with laws which are inconvenient and barely functional every day. We don't just go out and break them, we respect them. Most of us feel that if you are going to come live in this country you should have at least the same level of respect for the laws as we do. And most of us feel that immigration of all sorts needs to stop completely until we can get the system fixed enough to allow immigration to be both efficient as well as safe and secure for everyone involved. That will necessarily mean having to turn people away. And most Americans are good with that.
So your question is a bit misleading, OP.
We don't want hordes of poor brown people to stream into the country. But we do think we should take in some of them, and we are good with doing so. Everyone is all pissy about it right now though because the system by which that is supposed to happen doesn't work well and so all the poor brown people are just invading our land illegally. And that is something that most Americans have a real serious problem with.
If it continues, you will start to read about more and more immigrants facing more and worsening violence here.
I think you mean
Do a little history study on the Vikings and tell me I am wrong. (You can't.)
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