What's same, what's different?
Compare and contrast his dead and alive pics
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What's different, what's same?
nothing except he's dead. What's the point of this thread? Is there really some funny detail I missed?
seemed like a good guy, what did he die of?
Lucky Basterd was Able to Travel the World, & NOW hes DEAD!!…
Ima TRAVEL ALL OVER THE WORLD TOO; but to be Specific it will be in Latin America (Mexico, Bolivia, Peru as They have the Highest Percent of Native Americans in ALL of Latin America; I'm Interested in Natives) & in the Middle East (because I'm Interested in Arab Muslim Hijab Bitches and I'll "Probably" Get Lucky Over Der)…
stop typing like a nigger autist
dead definiitelylooks better
fuck, he's younger than me!
poor kid. didn't make it and now his pics are food for gouls. sick as fuck.
A dead Chad is a better Chad.
He must have been dead for a few days to a week before anyone noticed as fluids were starting to escape
Why does his arm stay in the air? and how did he die?
I thought some heavy object fell on him or something. Isn't that how purple coloring happens?
great now what did this stupid fucking faggot actually die of? it's not an OD
You don't think it's good to be remembered after death on the internet as a somebody than a nobody?
Fucking spooky he was born one day before me.
I wonder what he OD'd on.
His arm was hanging off the side of the bed. He died sleeping on his stomach. Stiffness of rigor mortis is in the ballpark of 12 or 36 hours, depending on environment.
Estimate that someone stopped by to pick him up in the morning for work or school, tried to wake him up, and noticed that he died in his sleep.
Given OP's poor redaction efforts, I'm almost positive it should be possible to extract the name from the visible fragments of letters in the ID posted.
I hope the paramedics at least tried to perform CPR on him
Probably niggers.
Coincidence? I think not!
le reddit spacing