How Brainwashed Are You?

This is a test to see just how brainwashed are you. It will be split up into 5 categories.

1) Do you hate Nintendo?
2) Do you hate Sega?
3) Do you hate Sony?
4) Do you hate Microsoft?
5) Do you hate Valve?

If this isnt datamining then idk what is

You're paranoid as fuck.

this test is pathetic please kill yourself and i do mean it

If you're going to do a datamine at least be fucking subtle with it like god damn.

1) Some of them
2) Some of them
3) Some of them
4) Some of them
5) Some of them

1) Some of them
2) Some of them
3) Some of them
4) Some of them
5) Some of them

1) Some of them
2) Some of them
3) Some of them

1) No
2) No
3) No
4) No
5) No

1) No
2) No
3) No
4) No
5) No

Not sure how I rank this but i'll just go ahead and declare myself a genius

You should take your own advice. Brainwashed people should always kill themselves.

This isn't datamining you retard.

You scored 18 points. But since they seem like half answers, I'll give you a 9 instead of 18.

Nevermind, it's not 18, it's 13 points. So that's about 6 and a half points for "some".

how can you even deduct how brain washed someone is from the genre of music they listen to and what video game company someone hates, please just kill yourself, just do it faggot, JUST DO IT


those aren't video games, idiot. they are companies
and fuck you, if you don't hate corporations, then you're fucking retarded


lmao faggot

This guy gets it.

The least brainwashed just don't give a fuck about the people. they care about the systems and the ideologies behind them. and even then they don't hate the followers of the ideologies. they feel bad that they don't have genuine thoughts of their own and instead follow crowds.

literally no to everything
what the fuck is this

aha, a true enlightened


Hate is linked to being brainwashed you retard.

Brainwashed cuck detected.

Brainwashed homophobic cuck detected.

Everyone is brainwashed.

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No

1. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. No

1. Yes
2. Some.
3. Only those who vote third party and then complain when their "lesser of two evils" candidate doesn't win

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. 99% of it

I don't know what hating things has to do with being brainwashed.

The only people who are brainwashed are the ones participating in threads that are shilling the goon's "datamine scare" agenda.

To tell the truth, yeah, datamining exists. I datamine this website 24/7, although I don't do anything other than keep the data for my own personal interests, I can definitely attest to the fact that other people do indeed use the data for other purposes. Having said that it really doesn't matter unless you give out personal information that is valuable.

If you shitpost in a thread like this the data is irrelevant due to anonymity. You can flood an entire thread with different results and skew the data, so unless the person datamining is able to see exactly who you are, such as your ISP, the NSA, or Jim, any data you post here is meaningless.

Goons are just shitposting question threads everywhere and then shitposting in them to think it's a big datamining boogyman.

tl;dr goons trying to scare anons by posting threads that can be datamined

What data do you have on me, user?

Why am I supposed to care if people know about me again


Look, I don't want to hate anything or anybody.

I'm a miserable, fearful, loathsome wretch but I hate it when other people engage in violence for fun or resort to war when we could negotiate our differences peacefully with civility and diplomacy, if only for the sake of keeping our sons alive so their fathers don't have to bury them or leave them on the battlefield to sink in the mud.

But, there's just a lot of people that I can't help but hate because they're just so craven, vicious, manipulative, sadistic, hubristic, remorseless, envious, authoritarian, and evil. And in some cases: these qualities are prevalent in other peoples' cultures and genes (like how Pakistanis have low IQ's because their genetic stock is extensively inbred and their minds are further poisoned by Islam).

i know all about you pika user

do you know about the bodies

Hatred is what brings balance to excess love you tard. Theyre right, so be a little more subtle next time. It was nice learning from you though.


Hatred is taught. No one was born to hate.

For example you got atheists hating Christians, bashing them all the time because the mainstream media told them it's okay to hate Christians. Meanwhile you got religious people hating on gay people because the church says it's a sin, even though it's not written anywhere on the bible or the 10 commandments.

Another example, you got liberals hating on Trump because they're only showing the bad things he has said. You got conservatives hating on liberals because they think that all of them live off SSI or Welfare. They also think that all liberals do drugs.

Then in video games, you got fanboys hating on Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo or PC gamers. Showing this much loyalty to a brand proves they're that damn brainwashed.

In race, you got white people believing in the worst stereotypes of blacks, Mexicans or Arabs just because the mainstream media portrays them in a certain way. Meanwhile you got black people who believe in the worst stereotypes about white people because the mainstream media portrays them as racist bible thumping Trump supporting idiots.

Main point being that hatred is linked to brainwashing.

Makes sense too, since Marvel fanboys hate DC Comics. Or SJW's hate anything they think is racist or sexist.

Hatred is as natural an emotion as love

The only thing taught is hatred for entire groups and kinds of people with few or no exceptions

While it is data mining at least it's interesting.
1) Some
2) Some
3) Some
4) Some
5) Some
I hate organised religion in general but not everyone that follows it.

1) Some
2) Most
3) Some
4) Many
5) Some

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) No

1) A little
2) No
3) A lot
4) A lot
5) A little

1) No
2) No
3) A little
4) No
5) A little

Final Score
Your test can't deal with non-binary answers, you seem to be substantially brainwashed.

True. I didn't hate niggers until I saw them in person. You lose patience for the "ooga booga gibs me dat and muh oppression" really quick.


You sound pretty brainwashed OP.

I don't trust your test to tell me shit. You might be another shill

Since you did not define what you mean by the word "hate", your test (or your datamine) is going to be entirely flawed and unusable for anything productive.

In other words, you fail.

Now…let me show you what a test for brainwashing might actually look like:
"Are you going to watch the Superbowl tonight?"

Yes = brainwashed
No = not brainwashed

I think you may be a brainwashed hippie OP

Test instructions unclear, saged the thread.

Hate is a strong word so in this instance I will define hate as hatred of the ideals or things the group does or believes in.

Yes. Islam is a pagan religion.
Yes. No good jews.
No. Christianity is the only true religion.
Yes, they are heretics.
No, good catholics and bad ones. Its Christianity.

No. I hate their culture. My gf is white hispanic though.
No, depends on the person.
No. But I currently hate white culture since white people have been promoting faggotry everywhere.
No. But they smell like shit.
No. But asian culture sucks ass.

Shitlibs and proto-commies.
Fuck lolbertarians.

1) Do you hate Nintendo?
I love Nintendo in some ways. Hate the shit they are doing now.
2) Do you hate Sega?
3) Do you hate Sony?
No, I love the PS TV.
4) Do you hate Microsoft?
Install gentoo.
5) Do you hate Valve?

No, but most metal sucks. Folk metal the best.
Most sucks.
Nigger shit.
Yes, especially modern country (pop).

100 supreme commander.

Amerifat detected.

wtf OP?

I don't hate anything or anyone unless they personally attack me so 0/23

How is a person brainwashed for watching the superbowl?

Only ISIS.
As far as the others, I only feel sorry for them
Only the Zionists
I disagree with the religion itself, not the Christians
Don't even know much about them
Lol, I was raised Catholic.

No, I'm one myself.
No but making fun of them is fucking hilarious

Not murricunt
I have similar issues in my country. I think they're stupid in most situations because their vote will never amount to anything. They're idealists, thinking one vote will make the difference.

No, their consoles are the easiest to emulate.
I love SEGA
I think they're alright, even if they're a shadow of what they used to be.
Oh fucking yes I do.
It's alright, but I really hate their DRM and early access shit. Actually yeah maybe I hate them a bit.

I fucking LOVE metal.
I just dis.. Ok I hate it a bit.
Nope, don't know much bout it neither
I've actually begun to take on a bit of appreciation to it since I started to learn guitar, much like I've begun to appreciate most genres of music involving instrumentation.
I enjoy listening to some electronic music here and there, don't get me wrong, but I think it's a cancer to music.

That's wrong. Hatred stems from anger. Anger is an innate feeling.

Why redditors are so obssesed with destroying christianity and becoming terrorists?

Hatred is avoidable and so is anger. The key is to reject it. Otherwise you could wind up fighting the wrong person, either landing in jail, getting your ass kicked or getting killed. I learn to dislike things, but never to the point of hatred. I learn to reject anger, simply by recognizing it as my enemy and a problem. It's a problem I don't want or need.

I don't care if you trust it or not. "Another shill"? Nope, I don't trust her.

Define "hate"? You should know what hate is. It's not necessary for me to define it, unless you're an idiot. There's no alternate meaning for hate, there's just one meaning.

I don't watch football period.

Nope. I'm realistic. Hatred stems from being brainwashed. Marvel fanboys were brainwashed to hate DC Comics because of Stan Lee. Just like Republicans were brainwashed to hate liberals or Democrats were brainwashed to believe that Republicans are all racist white people. Hatred is something I won't embrace. Doesn't mean I have to love everything. I can dislike, I can disagree. But I won't hate.

Idiotic cuckoid brainwashed atheist detected.

Smart man.

Because they're idiots.

So uncle Yuri was right?

I don't dwell on Semite practices, nor do I care for them. I am not an Atheist though, nor Agnostic.
Whatever, I am white, married a white women I have a white family on both sides. Who cares.
Political talk is for faggots. Pick what aligns with your raised and current values. Remember your ancestors.
I just play old PC games, and emulate some older console games.
I listen to Classical music, most of the Germanic greats, though trying to expand into abstract stuff. I also practice guitar 2 hours a day.
Hate and Chaos is for children.
Justice and Order is for adults.

Christianity will remove itself once people hate jews enough to not want anything jew related in their lives. Redditors just hate chrstianity because of conservatives and so they fedora against it by proxy. There are many legitimate and genuine reasons to be against christianity.

board vols and BO can see you. with each ip you get a unique ID they can see. so this is a data mining thread, faggot.

When Rome fully destroyed the jews after the last uprising that wiped out humanity from some areas actually exactly the opposite happened, Byzantium lasted 1000 years.

You are right but they are just merchant pawns that hate christianity with passion.

Thats explain so many larpers in pol…

No more revenge killing, rape is bad, no more killed whores, dont touch childs, dont let poor people starve.

No it's not.

OK, first of all. That's literally the concept of repression of feelings. It leads to accumulated anger.
Second. You just proved my point. In a previous post you said
Yet you go and say
Rejecting a feeling is not a natural reaction. To reject a feeling takes a conscious effort, and sometimes it has to be a learned behavior.
Taking in the feeling, and acting upon it, is the natural behavior. Doing anything other than acting upon the feeling is a learned behavior. If you dont' believe me, look at any baby. They act upon everything they feel.

Either way you're full of shit. Case in point.

I don't hate anyone based in their religion, but I'm also not going to pretend that all religions are the same and equal, either, or that I don't have any preference at all. Christians > Mormons > Catholics > Muslims > Jews

I don't hate anyone based on race either, but I'm not going to pretend like all races are the same and equal either, or that I don't have any preference at all. Whites > Asians > Latinos > Arabs > Blacks although fuck it was hard to sort those last three.

I don't hate anyone based on politics, but I'm not going to pretend like all political viewpoints are the same and equal either, or that I don't have any preference at all. Trump > Third Party > Republicans > Democrats

I don't hate any company…wait, yes I do. Fuck Microsoft and fuck EA.

I hate pop music for the brainless drivel that it is, and gangster rap for glorifying the chucklehead gang banging lifestyle and selling it to kids.


The only question I need to answer.


Name it. Because as far as I can tell, Christianity poses a major threat to the illuminati. Which proves to me that Christianity is a powerful weapon against a 1 world government.

I don't have the hacking tools nor the motivation to data mine my thread. Stop being so paranoid and get over yourself Trumptard.

That's an atheist thing.

Comes from all walks of life. Mainly anti-SJW's and the majority of anti-SJW's are atheists.

Again an atheist thing.

All walks of life. Mainly anti-SJW's.

Christians run soup kitchens and homeless shelters. There's a place called God's Kitchen run by Christians in my city. There's also plenty of homeless shelters around the city helping to shelter poor people, also run by Christians and they have crosses on their signs of the building. Christians do more good than any atheist. You never see an atheist running a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter.

Yes it is.

"Accumulated anger"? LOL False. I've conquered my anger to the point where I don't get angry anymore. I'm the calmest guy on God's green earth and that's mainly because I recognize anger as a problem and as my enemy. It's kept me away from jail for years. You could call me a faggot and I still wouldn't throw a punch towards you. I'm immune to anger. LOL

It's not suppose to be. It's effective against anger and you don't need a pill to conquer it completely. I use to have anger issues which would land me in jail because I use to be very violent. I've been away from jail for over 10 years and it feels great to have that freedom away from jail. If you act on your anger, you're either going to get someone killed or seriously injured and you might hurt the wrong person doing so. You'll regret it for the rest of your life. The best you can do is reject your anger and destroy it. Before it destroys you. Only idiots embrace their anger.

What's the matter? Did a Latino man sleep with your wife? LOL Only cucks can hate on a man of color this much.

Retardican cuckoid victim confirmed.