I guess breeding out the X-gene or using therapy/abortion to stop mutants from being born isn't genocide to SJWs. x-men.wikia.com
SJWs & feminists hate mutants
But ain't mutants a methaphor for gays?
Makes sense. By definition homosuperior are racial superior to regular people. They go against all humans are the same race.
Do you really expect anything less from channel Frederator ?
Where did I hear this argument before?
It's funny really. X-men like to make Christians and conservatives villains. Yet it's probably the left that would be most anti-mutant if they were real. Like someone said on here. Equalists would be the biggest threat to mutants.
His arguments could be used for black people genocide, yet noone bats an eye.
Besides, the saddest thing is that he tries so hard to be funny and he is just cringy.
but wasn't there recently a study suggesting there is no indication for a gay gene ?
The thing that never fails to amuse me is that even though the X-Men is used as social commentary for oppressed minorities in real life, they sabotage their own message by having these people with really dangerous powers that makes them a threat to others, even without meaning to. And that is before getting into individuals like Apocalypse who managed to take over America and turn it into a dystopian wasteland in one reality where he managed to get his way, or remembered when Jean Grey destroyed a star system once because of the Dark Phoenix.
Anybody that is rational enough would fear these individuals for what they were capable of doing.
Not the same guy, but, to be be honest, I will not trust any studies, either for or against any claims in relation to sexuality or gender until they cease being such a hot, controversial topic.
Didn't animation domination attacked X-men for being too white? Maybe he just sees
Mutant as white people.
t. butthurt rightfag
Issue 1: Semantics. You can't "cure" a gene. Saying we should cure the x-gene is like saying we should cure people of having thumbs.
Issue 2: Property damage. The kind of mutants who can actually level cities and destroy city blocks are few and far between. This point is repeated constantly regarding Psychics, Storm
Issue 3: Time Travel. This is a non-issue because how the fuck do you legislate time travel? You fucking don't.
Issue 4: Mutant Fights. This is later explained by their "anti-mutant organizations" point.. Evil mutants exist because lunatics literally decided to build AI driven murder robots and abuse the government's power to oppress mutants and treat them as subhuman monsters.
All the chaos that stems from that is handled by other mutants, because.. SURPRISE. Normal people aren't actually able to handle or otherwise control even the lamest of mutants, which makes you wonder why they think they can fight them in the first place.
Issue 5: Making laws against people who are breaking the law. This is stupid and self-explanatory. It's like saying "ban illegal guns!" Motherfucker, they are already illegal.
Issue 6: Aliens. Are you fucking kidding me?
It's all meant to be tongue-in-cheek, I guess.. But it's like a bad modern Cracked article. They are trying to be funny while championing some really stupid ideas.
Pretty sure you'd have them all teaming up. The comics like to make anti-mutant activists all colours and creeds to make a point.
But yeah. 'Mutant privilege' would become a thing so fast.
Friendly reminder Isis and a lot of other Islamic countries openly practices eugenics for a lot less reasons than mutants. I seen no American comics calling them out. that would be racist and islamophobic.
I think the last issue is the most telling. If I can't have it, nobody should have it. And that's the philosophy behind all new political movements.
I hope their mutant hate won't lead those cucks to discover Warhammer.
I think they might be payed by Disney to shit on mutants so they might have more reasons to get rid of them.
The entire Marvel U is full of hypocritical fucks who would crucify a mutant, but get excited to see if the T mist changes them.
Did Xavier and the rest keep that fact that mutants are ALSO due to alien experimentation (and NOT the next stage of human evolution) from the general populace? Because that would probably calm a few people down.
Weren't the Inhumans supposed to be even more hated than the mutants were before Disney bought out Marvel?
More like obscure and forgotten in that dusty corner of the Marvel U where they keep the Eternals.
Yeah, mostly because they actually attacked the human population as a whole.
Why would there be a gay gene?
iirc the idea is more that a higher dose of the wrong sex hormones in the womb is thought to cause it. Which would explain away strands things like the fact that a man is more likely to be gay with each older brother he has. So for some reason the woman has more estrogen in the womb when having her sixth boy versus her first boy.
What I've heard is the own mother's inmune system attacking the fetus and releasing more strogen in it's development. That has been observed in families where they have more than 4 children, and my brother is gay and also the 5th child on my family. Yet I don't want to throw stones in my own glasshouse because I'm the 6th.
I've heard many theories that it's an evolutionary thing to protect against overpopulation. Could also be to prevent there from being too many men to compete against each other for mates. But there'll never be a way of knowing any of that.
fucking lost it. No wonder sjw comics are terrible slice of life stuff, superpowers trigger their no guns no fun instincts.
Hypotesis, user.
That's called an hypotesis. A theory is just a step behind a law.
Well now they are (originally they were a metaphor for blacks but they can represent any repressed minority)
Hypothesis, I know. But I'm using 'theory' in the form that it's used in non-scientific circles.
remember when SJW got anything right about the media they're involved in? i don't
Honestly someone should put everyone on blast for being okay with Mutants getting gassed to death. Especially if they pull the Jew card via the holocaust allegory.
Plus Inhumans gets a big push because wacky paki Kamala Khan gives them diversity points and muh Islam. Funny thing is that several mutants have been both muslim and especially jewish and are more virtue signalling than Wilson & Anats self insert.
I feel like we're seeing this theme a lot lately. Where the "oppressed" are actually a real danger to the people around them, and the "bigots" are totally sane to not trust them.
Reminder that the X-Men were written as being a metaphor for puberty and and the alienation of teenagers in the post-WW2 world with Magneto as a Hitler analogue. The whole "Mutants stand in for Dindus/Jews/Fags/Whatever Victim" came later in on.
Note how way earlier, you had stuff like X-Men getting mobbed by fangirls in public and having an American government liason.
You throw in Beaners for how represented they are as child sexual abusers.
SJW found.
Don't you have a Dindu Lives Matter chimpout to attend?
Faggotry is a disorder, hence it being listed in the DSM as Homophilia.
Has some marvel comic explaining why people hate the muties in the same time they love other supers?
Not very well, no. It's one of those incongruities that results from the shared universe.
The only reasoning I ever found was that people in the Marvel U are hypocritical assholes. But the fact that it doesn't make sense is one of the reasons I'm glad that Marvel doesn't have the rights to the X-Men in the MCU.
I laid my theory of that before, and it basically sums up to the same reason people would fear Skrulls: because literally anyone can turn up to be a mutie with no possible warning.
Specially mr. brokenhearted random teenager who just lost his girl to the big dick jock. Imagine if that kid can suddenly lift a car with his mind.
It hasn't been listed there for a long time.
I was going to jokingly ask you if you think that 'female hysteria' is also a real condition, but… You probably do.
this actually is pretty accurate to how the real world works:
Inhumans = blacks
X-Men = Every other minority.
the "born gay" shit was invented. People aren't born gay, they become gay.
Prove it. Suck five dicks right now.
And like it.
Shit doesn't work that way, user.
I am not that guy but here.
Homosexuality was only removed from the DSM due to protestors literally constantly breaking into the meetings.
And according to this
ncbiSay no to spamm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3101504/
The DSM lists criteras for what is considered a mental disorder. Being extremely deviant and self-destructive (aka, the sub-culture of gay culture that is obsessed wtih bug-chasing and being gay as their main identifying traits) is definitely a mental disorder because it's destructive and shows a lack of regrads for self or others regardless of the dangers of such a life style.
You're going to have to make a case to prove that EVERY gay person participates in the gay sub-culture. Seriously, if you accept the DSM can be changed by political pressure, than you also have to accept that homosexuality may have first been listed in it due to similar pressure. You'd have to convince me that these are fair and unbiased sites with not, or at least LESS of an agenda than the DSM.
So, in short, I seriously doubt you'll make me agree with you on this, but you seem convinced. So we're probably just going to disagree.
Surprise the punisher not pushing gun control yet to be honest
This is literally my first post in the thread. I just wanted to put that event out there to get a foot in the door of the idea that the DSM isn't the perfect always-science driven source people think it is.
After all, if one chimp out can make the DSM change their policy, what is to stop another chimp out from doing the same? That one incident tarnish the entire image of the DSM as the motives of the people who make it always being science driven.
lol @ the butthurt lefty patrolling the thread for wrongthink
Not much of a theory considering the fact the homosexuality has been around since forever
Wait, what? I thought they where Jew….you know, emergiated with concentration prisons and hated/feared…but in reality they are superior to normal humans
Someone needs to point Hitler used the same argue moment to justify the holocaust in the comment
Evolution doesn't work like that. It doesn't have any plan or consciousness to it.
I want Darwinians to get out of my board
That's some good BS your "girlfriend" tells you to peg you every night user.
Get a new detector that actually works, you retarded faggot.
Do you have any "comebacks" that onvolve anything remotely accurate?
t. trailer park redneck with a doctorate in stupidity
But couldn't mutant's destructive powers just be as effective as construction?
Imagine if magneto just built a city, he could probably do the whole thing in a day.
yeah that could be interesting. Did they ever do something with that?
He had an entire country at one point
I think the only place that tried to use mutants for productive purposes was Genosha before Magneto took it over. I honestly don't know why more places don't do that. Even if most mutants are useless and some dangerous, it's not hard to imagine uses for a lot of their powers.
Probably one of the reasons Inhuman culture works is the use of powers is part of their culture, and determines your place in the world. For mutants, it just means you're weird.
I know I just wanted to see the example of mutants using their powers for everyday life and construction play out.
That'd be implying they're useful for anything other than a plot device or for cheap metaphors for discrimination.
Do you think there's any other person outside of marvel that has explored this idea yet? Cause I was thinking that if mutants existed and went into construction or something they'd put the other workers out of a job and then the bigotry would arise from there.
Off the top of my head I know Top 10 has a world of super powered people, so their powers factor into their jobs. I recall JMS had a comic before his Spiderman run and such, where people got powers and at least a few of them were sanctioned to use their power by the government (one was a cop and another was an assassin, for example).
But that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
thanks man I'll check those out.
Magneto's used it to create his elaborate hideouts and possibly Cerebro before, I'm pretty sure.
There was a Fantastic Four ep where the Thing went to work in construction, and ended up not getting hired because they'd have to fire a dozen other workers.
Easily another point of contention for mutants; in a world where there is definitely no shortage of labour, mutants putting people out of jobs is just another angle for discrimination.
Too many males competing could lead to infanticide or fratricide. Overpopulation leads to death as well, because of competing resources. A woman's womb preventing these factors from occurring by mutation will lead to more likely survival, and passing on the traits that allowed for it.
But what about lesbians?
It's just hot.
That's the scientific reason.
I'm fine with mutants, but I'm not really okay with having my nation fighting Genosha's wars for them.
Does anyone remember the meme about Candleja-
Hey newfag, you're supposed to spell Candlejack completely or else he won't co
How is he called?
Oil lamp Pete?
I could ask you the same thing, but I fear that you are too busy onvolving yourself in a large homosexual orgy to answer.
Even if they were created as a metaphor for oppressed minorities you have to consider that the mutant villains act like that for individual reasons, so being from an oppressed minority=/= being a good guy. Which is something good to say.
Second of all you can't stretch a metaphor that long, X-men has decades and decades of stories so of course they had to put that specific social commentary aside for a while to get new stories with different backgrounds and angles.
They are pretty much a methaphor for gays now
Daily reminder that mutants, especially Jewish mutants, are hateful bigots.
Too right.
You just went full retard, son.
It's like you just told everyone who reads your post that your opinion should be discarded.
so who has more oppression points?
Anybody tell you how low Dindus score even against White Trash?
How's that fiscal solvency working for you?
I'm not an Amerifat.
Son, you don't have any right to be calling anyone stupid or pathetic.
Just stop. Don't embarrass yourself, or the rest of us, anymore. Being a cuck isn't a crime, but it doesn't mean you can just do it wherever you like.
I'm not responding again, so if you reply to this, you admit that you are a cock starved faggot. Talk about comics, or leave.
Retard, we were talking about gays. I know it's hard for you to remember which we were talking about because you hate everyone who isn't white or straight, but surely you aren't that retarded.
please stop reminding me of this user. Its bad enough I have to live with the idiocy of my state's politicians. I also have to live with the fact people just accept the incompetency of the state government as normal.
So how are those shipments of refugees going for you? Any Muzzie rapes today?
Also, you're a white knight for Dindus.
When do you plan to go back to reddit?
Wew lad
When do you plan to make any sort of response that's even remotely factual or relevant?
That's a very difficult question, especially after Phil and his buddies chloroform Kitty. Is she the victim of mutiphobia and misogyny? Is he simply acting out the life-script written for a young Black man by the white supremacist system? Should she be more understanding of his rage, or is that victim blaming?
I suggest we have more dialogue to try and resolve this very problematic issue.
Go back to Holla Forums. Your board was made specifically because you're as cancerous as Holla Forums, but you're too thin-skinned to handle the cancer you dish out.
What issue was this in? Sounds like it's the kinda thing to get this thread back on topic.
Y'know, it'd be fun to see various groups and people who happen to be mutants rejecting the accepted science of the X-Gene and coming up with wacky theories and explanations that jive with their worldview. Shouldn't be hard.
Basically just browse Stormfront and Tumblr for ideas.
so like Yakub and the Nation of Islam?
He said stuff that ISN'T accepted science. Everyone knows Yakub was real.
There's some irony of a faggot like you telling others they have thin skin when your reaction to any post you can't handle is "Muh Holla Forums boogeymen"
South Park was correct, every 'human' race is actually a different race of aliens, all put here as part of a reality TV show. And if we are not sufficiently entertaining, we will be cancelled, so we must make sure to continue to do crazy things for the amusement of aliens. In other words, we must vote Trump.
I'd rather vote for Yakub.
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.
Xenu's popular in Dero electorates.
Xenu would just raise taxes.
The Deros have a ray that does that.
Maybe mutants should be genocided.
Fuck em. Fuck each and every mutant. Cyclops especially.
Did somebody mention deros?
Because I thought I heard somebody mention deros.
I don't remember, but it was an issue of Uncanny from the mid-to-late 80s, around the time Professor X gets mutant-bashed by some of his students at Columbia.
The amount of convergent evolution required for that to be true is offensive to me.
I hate Inhumans, they are rip offs of mutants both in lore and irl
I banish you, foul creature.
Wait, I didn't know Xenu was Yakuubs VP
Remember when they were supposed to be a cartoon talent showcase?
You won't win that easily, Black Science Man!
A later episode contradicted all that for a joke ending anyway
We have done this dance before hollow earth Jew's. I bested you then. I will best you now.
Comic that I would like to see:
That honestly sounds kind of dull. You could make a slice-of-life out of it where he gets mutant powers and tries to go full-on Mutant Man, but have him make things ultimately worse even when saving the day. As the story progresses, develop the supporting characters more and have them either present a problem or solution in the story-of-the-week, and Mutant Man quits the superhero business after fucking up and is just some local helpful guy that only helps out when it's either absolutely necessary or can be done with some hint of subtlety.
Make the underlying theme of the comic about how a light touch in terms of helping is fine, but being too helpful tends to make things worse instead of better.
I had an idea that would be like a teenage girl gets teleporting powers and uses it for thrill seeking essentially. And to see how far she can go she gets the attention of the FBI or something. Not a fully fleshed out idea but just a general idea I have.
Wasn't that more or less the movie Jumper?
yes but I wouldn't have that religious cult chasing her around.
Vaguely related, how many ever years ago, on the tv show Mutant X, they had a few of those kinds, they usually still ended up getting fucked over.