Is it any good for web apps?
What's the consensus on Golang?
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I want to smash their mascot with a hammer
I bet you hate Glenda too, you fucking degenerate faggot
OP: The only problem with it is that it uses dependencies hosted online, which is, like most Pike things, something that would work amazingly well on networked computers, if we didn't live in a shitty capitalist modular mess, where nothing is every backed up in any sane way.
Other than that, it's like a sane version of C.
It's quite ok.
Basically its creators realized programmers are much more productive using Python/Perl than C, figured out why then made a C-like language with such characteristics, namely:
1. Automatic memory management
2. Built-in data structures (lists, dictionaries...)
3. A big, full-featured, standard library
And solved the biggest drawbacks of interpreted languages, namely
1. Slow execution speed
2. Lack of types
3. Need for a big-arse runtime
While avoiding the major drawbacks of C++/Java, namely:
1. Verbosity
2. Excessive complexity and featuretis
3. Slow compile times
And yes, OP, Go is quite good for web development.
I do. They both look like garbage.
you're a garbage
It's a language designed to inhibit programmer creativity and cleverness, which is exactly what you want if you're Google. Its simplisticness and non-threatening nature is perfect for clueless beginners and code monkeys.
what does rms/linus think of go btw?
I don't get why everyone focuses on automatic memory management instead of features to make managing memory yourself easier and even more flexible.
And the creator admitted as much, even publicly which was amusing.
Daily reminder that 1+2=FileNotFound is now a REAL THING:
thanks social media monoculture
top kek. I used to like github back in the day, but now they have removed their culture of meritocracy in favour of bossy blue-haired whales, I can't wait for them to fail quick enough.
Not him, but check this out.
It's poo.
Literally poo in the loo the language. Golang is a displeasure to use at every step. The forced capitalization conventions, the forced module system, it even is so autistic as to force how you structure if/else. It wants to hold your hand the entire way while developing your app.
I see this complaint with Go but never understand it, why is being easy to use bad and what do you personally find restrictive about Go that isn't just the code format standard?
Ease of use sounds like a benefit not a detriment, as for the restrictions I can't think of any that can't be dealt with using the unsafe package, even if there are in Go itself you can always fallback to linking C code with Cgo where you'd need it while using Go for everything else.
I hope IPFS or something like it takes off and solves our network/dependency problem. I've considered looking into gx which uses it for retrieval, since it's p2p and content addressed you'd be able to get a dependency from whoever has it and be sure it's the same working version the original developer used. It may not be the best solution but it seems much better than centralized servers that are hosting an arbitrary version.
Absolutely cancer
That says it's easy for beginners, but where's the "inhibit" part?
I don't know go well, but I know that Python manages to be easy for beginners and full of opportunities for clever and creative (meta-)programming.
tl;dr it is shit
even c is better
It's far from the worst mascot for a language.
Were you expecting twitter to not be full of nu-males?
That's a bit tongue in cheek. It's harder to get in Google than in MIT.
Neither is difficult to get into.
When you have Kafka-esque phone interviews, that tends to be the outcome.
Me: in hexadecimal: 0x02, 0x12, 0x10 – literally "synchronize" and "acknowledge".
Recruiter: wrong, it's SYN, SYN-ACK and ACK; if Google is down you will need to know this to diagnose what the problem is. We will stop here because it's obvious that you don't have the necessary skills to write or review network applications. You should learn the Linux function calls, how the TCP/IP stack works, and what big-O means to eventually qualify if you are interviewed at a later time. Good luck, bye.
Jesus fucking christ, was that really a google recruiter? Is google this fucking dumb?
These interviews are both low and high pass filters.
What they're looking for is an elite pajeet who will fit in with their soul-crushing corporate culture.
Can elite pajeet be a meme?
Your local McDonalds is harder to get into than MIT. They probably hire only 10-20 people per year, whereas MIT admits several hundred.
Simple - the special snowflakes want to express themselves and make their code very personal no matter the readability cost.
Go is very opinionated and lacks many ways to do the same thing. For example there are no ternary operators, because you already have if-else statements. This normalizes code style and makes reading others' code a lot easier. I can grab almost any Go library out there and understand it in no time at all.
Pajeet: Look at me, I am the recruiter now.
My answer sheet says something different.
A multiple choice touch-tone test could have done better than that pajeet HR bot.
Press. one. for. INODE IS TEH METADATA
HR is cancer
Almost as good as the "mongoDB is webscale" meme
I think it's time to post
For gnew anons, have fun.
That story is by far not as worse as the google "recruitment" gig
I'd say it's different. Someone who can't fizzbuzz and goes "they should be happy to have an exceptional womyn like me" is also maddening.
While i dont want women in tech at all she has a point by saying she never applied for an engineering job.
What does "knowing PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE" means if you can't even fizzbuzz in it?
What's the point of being able to fizzbuzz if you're not a MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS EXPERT.
fizzbuzz is the ONLY thing i can write in C, that means im a C pro right?
This was the worst film I've partially watched in years.
Literal Google corporate propaganda.
I approve of this maymay. Elite Pajeets use windblows vista btw, and wear seiko watches.
Write him an email. He has invariably answered mine, I've even asked him what he thinks of Sumerian Mythology.
RMS is a cool fuckin bro
Anyone who isn't retarded knows that O notation is useless for real world performance. Whoever wrote that question is as incompetent as the recruiter.
Ever since they started whipping the straight white males who work on meritocracy, yes, they are. And that whore's blog post reads almost like timecube tier retardation.
Now this is some pajeet tier statement. O notation is the very first thing you seek when you have a non bounded input, it's only then that you compare possibilities. For average case performance in sorting by comparison most of the time you prefer NlogN, both Quicksort and Heapsort are capable of that among others. Turns out in most cases Quicksort runs fast enough, is simple and is cache friendly (Unlike Heapsort) so it gets used.
But you could say: "ok then why don't we just use popular fast algorithms and ignore O notation", one answer is that more advanced algorithms have more than one input variable. If you have a city map, and you use a graph algorithm which is time-bounded by V^2 (intersections) instead of other bounded by E (streets), even if for most graphs E and V^2 are the same bounds, for city maps V^2 is quadratically bigger than E (Since there is a constant amount of streets meeting at some intersection, 4 in most cases). Your shitty implementation may overload a server for ignoring O notation, because the V^2 one was a popular algorithm.
There is also the possibility that you cannot risk the average case performance of an algorithm, lets say you have a real time system, things cannot be late, so you have to bound your sorting time by some value. Quicksort may not work here because in some cases it will be late, so heapsort wins here.
It has libraries for shit like JSON handling so it might be something I would want to look into. Assuming its faster than Python code, which it probably is. The problem is I'd have to install a bunch of shit to learn a new language that I might regret. That' why there's so many Python programmers, because it comes by default with GNU/Linux And Windows Subsystems for Linux on Windows 10, which is where I do my Python programming nowadays so I can have my dev environment and my gaming environment on the same machine for once
No see it has "libraries for shit like JSON handling". This is very rare, and not all languages have this.
Also it has diversity baked into the language, which will help with promotion and reddit karma.
C/C++ and other bro-piled languages are very problematic.
I'd like to learn it, but as a white male I should let the diversity go first.
I feel as though I have become the victim of cyverbullying
Please refrain from negative comments next time and if you need help finding your way, just ask yourself "What would Jesus do?"
Oh. My. God. So triggered right now.
Pick lettuce
Should I learn GO or is the language already dying?
The Holla Forums consensus on any language that isn't C is that it's Pajeet tier (because as statistics show us, curryniggers never write in C) and thus should never be learned or mentioned at all.
By those numbers, every pro-C post here is written by a currynigger
It's still nowhere near Java/C#, but is slowly gaining backend market share as a good middle ground between C++ and VM/scripting languages.
He would probably make a whip from some ropes and hit those 'diversity' promoters with it, like he did with money lenders and merchants in the Temple.
its bretty cool
It is. I run a private gogs in the dark web. It's really good.
Glenda looks like she's got a bad case of hydrocephallus.
Other than that, I don't like the culture surrounding this language. Bunch of commie SJW pinkos.
It's a sane language and it looks like a C's descendant, but that doesn't make it a C substitute.
holy fucking shit! And I thought Node/NPM library mess was alarming
Reason enough to stick with Python. There might be SJWs in the Python community but Python has plenty of appeal to serious engineering types too. Unlike Ruby or the abortion called PHP.
I'm not sure about Python. Keeping 2 versions of it installed really grinds my gears. Same for Ruby. When can we exactly ditch Python 2.7?
Having two incompatible versions is often annoying (although I think the compatibility break was a good move, python 3 solves a lot of problems that couldn't be solved otherwise), but why is it a problem to merely have them installed at the same time?
Depending on how you look at it, "never" or "today"
I haven't written a line of Python 2 in about two years.
The single last piece of software I use that was Python 2 only was Fabric, and there's now a fork of it that works with Python 3.
But there's a ton of legacy code in production out there that is never going to be ported to Python 3, it's cheaper to keep developing on top of the Python 2 version.
The fact is Python 2 was already pretty damn good, and thus, for many, there are not enough reasons to move on.
Most industry use is exclusively 2.7. There's no reason to use 3 other than if you prefer larger numbers to getting things done.
Bullshit, a third of commercial projects are using 3.x
Ubuntu and Fedora have also made Python 3 the default Python, expect Python 3 use to skyrocket in the next couple of years.
And Unicode alone is worth the switch, no wonder Python 3 already is the dominant version in Europe.
Why do people get super defensive when pointing out python 3 is still a flop?
There's nothing exclusive about 2.7 usage when 3.x has a third of the market share.
And 2.7 share has been steadily declining. It's well within the 15 year long transition to Python 3 that was expected from day one.
They mix like oil and water so yes it tends to be exclusive. I've never worked with a group that allowed using both.
lolwut. Python is much more cucked that Ruby.
What do you need two versions of Ruby for? Most people are on the latest version. Anyway, there's a reason rvm and rbenv etc. exist, same thing with virtualenv for python. it's a non issue
Why are you so flustered about Python 2? It's shit anyway and Python 3 is going to be the future version. Why get assblassted over an outdated EOL lang version? Furthermore, it takes like 50 minutes to switch your mindset from 2 to 3.
t. different user
It sounds gay. Real programmers allocate their own core memory by hand, and use self-modifying code to optimize memory access timings.
2 and 3 are nearly identical. It's all the compatibility breaks that are the problem, and the lack of compelling reasons to switch.
Future default in Linux, but most companies will stick with 2 likely until a version 4. It's a mistake to make 3 the default as it means you will be forced to have both installed since it does not obsolete 2. This is why there had been so much resistance to making it the default.
You're adorably naive. Have you ever tried to port a large python 2 project to python 3? Have you ever wondered why so many python libraries never ported to 3?
You need to do some homework
Ubuntu and Fedora already switched, so did Arch. It's not the future, it's the present.
Python 2 will be EOL in 2020. It may remain used as a legacy platform, but doing new development in it at this point is a terribly poor decision.
341 out of the 360 most downloaded python libraries officially support Python 3.
Lack of third-party library support when Python 3.0 was first launched was the major reason it was slow to take off, but there's hardly any reason to keep using 2.7 anymore.
You outed yourself as a faggot, gj.
They're irrelevant. RHEL, Debian, and their derivatives are the only Linux distributions that matter. One could also argue for SuSE. The rest are toys.
It's fine as-is. It will be forked and maintained. Making new python code that can't mix with old python code is a mistake that good managers prevent.
Larger projects tend not to be using the "most downloaded" which tend to be webshit for beginners. For example, we use a custom version of pypcap. And no, the python 3 alternatives are garbage.
That's still a big issue, but the other is your own code can't interoperate, you have to treat it like a totally alien language and build APIs to communicate between 2 and 3. That is a ridiculous situation. We have 30 year old C code that has no issues mixing in with the latest standard, how did python fuck this up so bad?
This is what has fucked up my system (Gentoo) because I wanted a newer version than what was in the stable branch.
It will be easier for me to just start fresh.
this will not stop companies from using it
at work, we're currently migrating our directory service from YP/NIS to LDAP
The NIS that is still in use runs on sparc machines with Sun OS.
Yes, Sun OS, not Solaris
Impressive that the hard drives have kept up and the caps haven't run dry.
YP and NIS, it sure has been a while since hearing that, it's a shame NIS was a bit of a fuckup.
At least SunOS was good.
I worked at a company that used, and still uses, for one of its more business-critical operations a system written in FoxBase (predecessor of FoxPro) for Xenix.
There's so much business logic in that thing it is impossible to migrate. The system has been in continuous development for 30 years. They have no plans to abandon development, they are staring to move some stuff to FoxPro (Microsoft discontinued FoxPro in 2004).
Pay is above average and job security is spectacular. And yes, they are hiring.
Why are you even writing web apps? Webdev is for libcucks you stupid fucking bluepilled inferior beta SJW buttslut. Maybe in your next life you'll be a real man.
No C descendants are sane. That goes for C++, Rust, Go, whatever. They all have issues due to being based on something so broken.
Good argument.
That's almost entirely what it was designed for. Yeah, it can do other stuff, but Google being a web company built it for web things.
This is Holla Forums, where people like to pride themselves on their ability to jump unnecessary hoops and climb through obstacles, when the other guy decided to build an easier route.
That's true. It's more of a C++ substitute (according to Google)
Sure, it has GC, but not only has it been optimized to the point any performance drop is nearing negligibly, it's also a much easier to deal with language.
It's only a C++ substitute in Google land, for the simple reason that C++ had no business doing what they were making it do. They should have been using OCaml or something.
gophers pls go