Looking for good horror. Been watching a lot of Cronenberg lately so something similar would be great
I'd like to make her mongrel face white
Why is Stephen King so overrated? His stories are averaGE AND ONLY BOASTED BY HAVING GOOD DIRECTOR'S
I thought it was pretty tense. It beats stupid shit like ouija boards and jump scares.
Jacob's Ladder
The Blob ('88)
Is that the typewriter movie? I wouldn't really call it horror, though the props are still unparalleled to this day. Closest anything visual has gotten to Lovecraft.
He knows how to draw inspiration from random things in the world around him, and make up nice little stories out of them. Once in a while a more skilled artist borrows his creativity to do something worthwhile, which he wouldn't have done out-wise as skill doesn't imply being creative (or seeking out of the beaten path sources of inspiration).
We need Stephan Kings, and every single time he is mentioned anywhere, hipsters like yourself will sneer, so he is properly put down on his place.
And Dreamcatcher is the greatest movie ever made.
He's the Cuck King though.
The Void looks good, its not out yet though.
Have you seen Audition?
own it. it was alright