so why arent you bangin sluts anyway
So why arent you bangin sluts anyway
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I prefer to masturbate to comatose girls.
I can't fuck cartoons
I'd rather listen to this sweet cboyardee tune.
Look at this fucking dumbass fucking disease infested hairless monkeys
Social anxiety
It takes me a bit to get used to the chick to be comfortable enough with fucking her
what like limp dick? either be true with her or make shit up about condoms and eat her out instead
im broke
not my stuff
i have a normal gf,
sex is a full body exercise, a few times a week is fine.
i don't fap and wouldn't care to fug a slut, no emotional or mental connection = boring sex
I'm low on liquid funds after my recent investments
also I'm fat af
because I got a tranny gf and she moved in with me and now she doesn't help out around the house, now she just teases me with butt and dick and boobs
I love a bad bitch that's my fucking problem
I used to do that and in truth, it wasn't really to my personality, so I stopped. thankk god i didn't get some fucked up disease. One of my friends was telling me that his coworker bedded a girl he found at a party and when she went to sleep after the fucking, she pissed, shit, leaded period blood onto his bed while she vomited on the floor. Apparently, she must have been so drunk that she didn't notice the other three before going back to sleep.
i'm pretty sure i know that girl irl
Sluts don't want to bang me.
sex is the most over rated shit ever.
even those aren't worth it imo.
most importantly women suck.
story of my life
Why should I worry about meeting someone's expectations however low they may be, pregnancy, STDs, drama, money, and going to HELL
Like desire I guess. I can't fuck strangers.
because I'd rather be the one getting fucked desu
Wanna bang?
nah, I'm kind of a mess.
It's alright, if you weren't you would've been when we were done.
C'mere boi.
Because I don't want AIDS.
Why did you even bother offering sex?
Permanent, Viagra allergic impotence
Live in rural wisconsin, my choices for women are
Women the size of a cow
Actual cows
Masturbate to cute anime girls
Im here so I think we all know which choice I made
So you are fucking a cow while on Holla Forums
if you dont love cowtits your're a huge faggot
Close enough
no SRS yet ;_;
Sauce and MOAR
Think this might be more of her
Why have sex when not making babies?
There are better drugs than sex.
sluts are gross
Winning. Moar
dude I live in Wisconsin too, where you at?
You got a cow?
you tryna fuck?
Is it gay to fuck girls?
it's hard
impossible to get unless you go looking for them
a virgins last excuse
>>>Holla Forums
its what all good daddys girls do
No, only chickens and goats
He said, barley able to speak without mumbling because of all the herpes sores on his lips.
Who dis nigeress?
it doesn't matter who she is
what matters is her ass
Why would i? I have to deal with their mental issues, chance of catching STDs, chance of them claiming they are carrying my kid.
Hiring a Prostitute or Raping someone carries less risk than that shit.
Because I'm a complete voyeur at this point. I love seeing girls happy and free in their sexuality, I buy her lingerie occasionally and she takes pictures in them. it's like a relationship only she fucks her boyfriend and I fuck my hand
I have shot many loads to her tbqh
don't want stds or children, also can't really get off to 3DPD anymore
The fuck you talking about faggot? I got a bitch blowing me right now! Here's proof! I just come here to laugh at you.
Here's a different angle just to prove it
Next time timestamp her forehead, this is a desgrace. Your photoshop skillz are shit and the files file are named preview_480p.mp4.jpg
looks more like paint
How 'bout i paint your face with my cum?
That's not shopped or anything.