NEET here

Why aren't you filthy wagies at work? your tax dollars pay my wage and these tendies don't buy themselves!

where do i get neetbux?


Because it's 4AM on Saturday.


Mr shekelberg will call you today telling you to come in, meanwhile I'll still be in my warm comfy bed while mummy makes me lunch

No he won't. He doesn't have my phone number.

Are you sure you didnt write it down when you filled our your job application?

I get weekends off nigga. Patience, your tendies will come.


FINE. My little grills birthday 2nd birthday party isnt that important she probably wont remember anyway. You better have good shitpost for me.

Right after I get mummy to wipe my bum

use a temp phone until I get a job and then I toss it

Your not gonna get a promotion with an attitude like that son

Centrelink, huh?
How does it feel having no teeth?

I don't work

Well you better get a job, only so much neetbux to go round

I am not on neetbux
my mother is rich enough to take care of me

I've been a NEET the past year now no one wants to hire me.

how do they know you are a neet if you dont tell them

Then get fired because you didn't answer your phone when they needed you to come in at 6am on a Saturday.

they look at your job history

Cant even get mcjobs these days

9 times out of 10 they just tell you to fuck off ad apply online.

I always include pictures of vlad models in the application just to make sure I get rejected

One day NEETs are going to regret not having a job. Eventually the tax dollars will run dry and you'll have to serve the ones you once leached off of. No government to get in the way.

I dream of a big, beautiful farm where I have fat NEETs pull the plows.

Never gonna happen, the system will never collapse. The working hours will be extended and neetbux payments will rise.

most NEETs can't work, for the NEETs like myself. I can only speak for myself, but I am killing myself as soon as I have to get a job

does she have big tits?

yeah, but they look awful and she is over wight
she has big ass, so if you're a nigger I guess

Inflation bucko. The only reason the American economy is still afloat despite our terrible GDP is because other countries still think the USD is valuable.
A few things can happen, but I know they won't be good for you.
1: Inflation will run its course and run the dollar into oblivion.
2: Other countries will realize the USD is worthless and switch to something better.
3: Trump will keep cutting your government assistance, cut funding for social security (they you've never put a dollar into), slash autismbux down to nothing and cut funding to public housing and disability. I am going to keep loopholing my taxes like the rich do so I don't give any of my money to you.

NEETs can work, they just don't want to work because they are overgrown children. You should me a favor and kill yourself right now. Or tomorrow, you'd be doing good for society.
Or you can grow a pair of balls and get a job.

Anything so I don't have to work

nigguh what. You still gonna be working aswell if the tax dollars run dry. At that point we would all be working under the jew.

what is that emotion called that the anime character is conveying


Now get back to the fryer i want another hash brown

I won't be killing myself anytime soon.

I don't do anything to not work.

In a situation where money becomes worthless, than only skills and trades will be the things of worth. People like you will either be used for hard labor or be shot on sight.
The people who are strong, got guns and are smart will be the ones in charge of you. No government to protect the parasites.

I do sales administration.

That sucks, well, I hope someone shoots you or something. Maybe your oven will bust a fuse and start a fire. Than you can choke to death on the smoke before the firefighters get to you.
Oh well.

I don't hope that for you
hopefully AI will happen, and free us all from work

You severely underestimate neets. While it is true that we lack conventional skills we have one skill that no other group has. The ability to leech off others for example our ability to leech off the government. If such a time comes that money is worthless then we will leech off others for food and shelter. Fools like you who underestimate neets will be the easiest to leech off as our parasitic tendrils will drain you from the shadows.

C'mon now, I bet you also believe in UBI too right? AI is never going to take even the majority of the jobs and you will never be guaranteed a check for just existing. Ignoring the mathematic and economic reasons that wouldn't work. Its just a stupid thing to believe.
Robots will not free us from work.

There is nothing to underestimate. When you're a kid you think you can do anything, if a robber broke in, you have a convoluted plan to stop him with kitchen knives and shoestrings. Or you think to make money you could just invent something no one else has. You are still stuck in this child's mindset, because you are an overgrown child. You will not leach off a smarter populace that has a lot more to worry about now than just a little commute and getting coffee before work.
You will be brought to task one way or another, or you will be killed, you are just parasites, fat on the nectar of the working men, stolen by the women of the government. The government is easy to fool (and I'm certain a fair majority of NEETs know this). But individuals having to give up their resources for nothing in return? Anyone is going to see through that sham.

You will waste or you will work.
"Arbeit macht frei" faglord.
"He who does not work, shall not eat."

Just thought i'd leave this here

thanks for providing all those compelling arguments against it.
At the very least AI will provide us solution for our energy problem.


In your dreams wagecuck.

You want me to argue as to why money doesn't appear out of thin air? A youtube video isn't an argument. Your AI and UBI dreams will never come true. Get a job millennial.

it does the way it is made now, it does come out thin air, and this isn't about money, this is about ability. An A.I. will make us able to do things that might make working for money obsolete.

just finding shit that says my view possible, and you're just saying no it can't happen, then telling to get a job, even tho I can be a NEET without being a leach on the taxpayers

You are one funny guy if you think you will ever get me to work a day in my life. I will form a neet bandit group to leech off fools like you. As you toil day and night on the farm i simply laugh at you pathetic existence HAH! As the harvest finally comes i will be the one to reap its sweet rewards. We will pillage your lands and take your food then we will take turns raping your daughter. We will spare your life because you are a useful pig for us by growing our food. We cut off 1 finger so you remember who owns you farmcuck. "We will back next season" and you begin crying realizing the hand that destiny has giveth you.

So not only are you a wage cuck you are a wannabe normie. You dont belong here normie trash GET OUT!


ree spam



lick cum

If you're a chad, working is great. You can get into a high paying career that you at least halfway enjoy. For chad, being a neet just means needless poverty.

For autists though (like me) going on the dole is the only logical thing to do. I really can't give one good reason why i've remained off government money. Make shit money doing a job i hate, only to have 20% of that shit money taken at gunpoint in the form of taxes. Versus, going on the dole and making shit money doing nothing.

I laugh at my fellow wagecucks when they try to talk shit about welfare leaches. It makes no sense not to be a welfare leach.

Neets are always right

Just got some fresh tendies

I think adults think they can do anything too.

what's the point of being a neet? I want more in live than chicken tendies and an internet connection.


you have an extra 8 hours to do what you want, mummybots are also included in the package

yeah but I want a $20k gayming pc and a really cool 4gay tv

You have to keep yelling at mummy to get you one, then when she buys it smash it because she made you wait so long

Not everyone does though. I was a neet for 3 years after graduating high school and dropping out of college. I was satisfied with my lifestyle, but I felt like I was a burden to my parents.

Now I work a low responsability "student" job, making about 250 a week by working 25hrs on minimum wage, and pay 30 a week to my parents to stay in my basement room. I feel like I'm contributing to the household and, despite not having any friends, I have best of both worlds; time for a social life with family and 8chink, and the money to buy what I want. People still see me as a loser because at 21, I have no higher education, no drivers license, and no IRL social interactions, but I don't care about these things.

Sounds like your living like a neet king

Indeed. From now on, call me the Half-Blood NEET. I'm a spy amongst the normalfags, the undertaker of wagecucks. My 16-18yo coworkers don't have a clue about my power level, nor would they care for the apocalypse to begin. The worms crawling all around my feet, trying to reach for my ankles, can't even begin to comprehend what is going on. In the end it doesn't matter, they won't see it coming.

Tell me mr. globtrotter (get it? because you're a big round glob!) neet, do you have an end goal? Do you want to become the next big guy? Do you see yourself owning a skyscraper?

Or will you just commit sudoku when your parents die off so there won't be anyone to pay the rent?

Shit that will never happen. You know what is also possible but will never ever happen? Aliens coming down to earth, the oceans disappearing and you getting a girlfriend.
Anybody you leach off of is going to be a taxpayer (save for under the table work). So no, regardless, you are a leach. You cannot be a NEET and not a leech. That is what by definition you are.

You'll cry like little bitches when you are staring down the barrel of a gun and forced to pull a plow. Than you will wish you spent all that free time doing something useful instead of jerking it to little girls in japanese cartoons.

I am just stating the facts.

This is because you are a loser user. As much as I like that free money, being a wholesale NEET is unfulfilling and ultimately humiliating. Giving up on life itself because you never want to put effort into anything that isn't video games. That is the NEET life, a waste of time, resources and energy that could otherwise be spent doing something good.
But they are notoriously self-loathing and narcissistic at the same time, they will hate themselves till the day they die but damn if they'll let the 'wagecucks' insult them! Yeah, they are NEETs and they have standards! Earning a living is for losers!

And so on and so forth.

>I have no higher education, no drivers license, and no IRL social interactions, but I don't care about these things.
Typically massive autists do think this way. But that is why they miss out on the great things in life and the most important and fulfilling things in life.
I will give you a hint, the most important things in life are not Senran Kagura.
Its other people

Have fun getting up at 5am for work tomorrow

not an argument. you got btfo'd by

try harder

That was exactly my point m8.

Life as a whole is unfulfilling

Humiliating is having 20% of my work taken away from me by force and given to spics, niggers, and neets.

In this system, it is. Take a look at your paystub m8, the government is raping the working class in the ass.

Thats the thing, it's already happening. We (the workers) pull the plow. Then when it's time to harvest, We're staring down the barrel of the IRS's gun as they take our shit and give it to the neets.

4am actually, Mr.Goldberg wants us on the line by 5 o'clock sharp.

Why aren't you simply living off of the land, in your own home? You don't have to either work OR have your parents restrict anything you want to do. You can go outside and do whatever the fuck you want, and you don't even have to pay any bills (unless you use internet that isn't dial-up).

It's the best of both worlds.

thank god for that

again, I am seeing a shit load of compelling arguments

mild winter, user?

I lived 2 entire years as a NEET not living my room more than perhaps a dozen times due to absolute necessity.

It was the best time of my life.


how do i move from left pic to right pic again


property tax.

ITT: Butthurt wage cucks who wish they were living the comfy neet life

thats where you fucked up. Office work is for only the most masochist of cucks. Find something different. Wage slavery is never fun, but it doesn't have to be as soul destroying as office work.

I could get NEET bux due to a back injury but I work 3rd shift security and make more in two weeks of pay then a NEET makes with a month of NEET bux.

All I do is sit around, play on the internet and occasionally I deal with morons, make people sign things, take away their cell phones and walk in circles

Sounds great man. At the grocery I work at (I'm a cashier/bagger) there's a guy that gets paid to fill a cart and walk around for 8 hours.

Also what is the deal with everyone being so mad with taxes? I only get like 10% taken from my income. For a $10,75 minimum wage in a first world country with free healthcare, that's pretty good imo

at least we can afford internet that posts images bigger than thumbnails

Come back to the light

I accept that.

No its not, its only that way if you are doing the wrong things.

As much as I would love the government to fuck off, its far more humiliating to be a complete parasite. To be honest getting a nice free check would be great, but unfortunately it comes at the expense of myself. Being a NEET on the other hand is just a waste of life. They aren't cool hunters or gatherers, men who live by the sweat of their brow. That is different.

I agree there.

Take off the 'give it to the NEETs' part and replace IRS with 'big guys' and you get a better system already. Frankly, even American slaves got better treatment, they got shelter, food and water in exchange for working on the cotton fields. Modern workers are not granted those privileges, those things are up to us to afford. Whether we make a wage to afford that is up in the air.

My main problem with NEETs, is that they are worthless people. They are not interesting, they are not valuable, they are a suicidal and self-loathing bunch that buy into so much liberal propaganda, not to the extent that normies do but in their own special way. They want to believe UBI universal basic income would work. They want to believe in automation so they won't have to work. They want to do anything so that they will not have to face real struggles and the life that lies ahead.
They want everything to be easy, they want to be left alone and they want to remain like veal…wrapped in cotton balls till they are ripe.

Someone needs to come down on them with reality. Finding a woman is never easy. Finding the thing you are good at is not easy. Work isn't fun, that is why its called work. Jobs are made because there are lots of people that have money that do not want to do that shit, so they pay someone else to do it. We all have to being shoveling theoretical shit before we can build houses.

NEETs are consumers and materialists, sadly products of the age. But that isn't an excuse.

When you get cancer and can't get be see because of the line, be sure to post about it here so I can laugh.
How much is gas per gallon?
How much are bananas per pound?
How much is a 1.75 liter of vodka?
How much is a pound of beef?
This will tell me exactly how shit your country is. Fuck taxes.

I have been a NEET when i was 18 for 1 year. i fucking loved it, i was alone had no one but for some reason i felt loved. I thought to myself (because people said hurr durr neet bad) i need to change and set goals. I have set life goals, i wanted kids good job, be a role model etc. The next 3 years i was busy improving myself. I loved studying/learning. i became so efficient, i learned and did things what normal people took 1 week within half a day.
But now im back, i have built up everything in life. But i dont have that loved fullfilment feeling. Im going neet.Not because i have nothing, but because i loved it for myself

neet backwards is teen

Shhh…don't let the normies know



sore butt?
700 bucks a month health insurance?
free healthcare works very well indeed. better and cheaper than privately insured. facts are facts, burger.

I get $2060 a month plus health insurance

I wish I could be NEET. My parents forced me to move out because I'm not a super strict Christian and they're psycho about that. So I'm forced to work to pay for my apartment. Life is hell

Should have called neet protection

for being fat? that's generous.

neet uprising will come!

Still didn't tell me about all the other things your shit country provides.
"Free" healthcare isn't free, you've pointed to no facts or evidence to support your nonexistant argument.