this is the thread
Pony bread
Other urls found in this thread:
what did he mean by this
u just got told bro
a lot of things
thanks for baking.
I'm alright. it's coming down harder than the law on a nigger outside, so I haven't done much all day.
thanks for baking Skitty
Even though I use a script that starts literally screaming at me that the threads about to cap I srsly thought sum1 would get it right at the last post but instead it was just cheto posting edgy emo anime again
i actually had one open and ready to post, but i refreshed the thread and saw people had deleted posts and we weren't really near the limit, so i waited and then i was too stoned to notice. anyway nice catch.
also, what's wrong with posting emo characters sir?
What can I do, anons?
hi horny.
have you played morrowind?
No, but if my PC can't handle modded skyrim I might. I'm currently playing Super DeepThroat, and I'm looking for mods.
I'm also emulating SBZ BT3 With spic dubs
my fucking nigga. who do you main?
Let me post the game, at least.
No one yet. I'm getting the hang of it yet. I didn't remember BT3 being so slow, maybe is my PC, or the terrible PS2 emulator, or both. I think I'd like to main one of the DB characters, but they're so weak compared to DBZ characters that thinking about it is overwhelming.
Any tips on how to git gud?
Also, I tried to make my own girl with the basic game and ended up with this. It's bad, but it's loosely what I like, so at least I hag a good cum.
I have none. just get good I guess.
Oh well, I'll just main Son Gohan and kick everyone's ass.
nothings wrong with it but, am I not allowed to criticize people or what?
man I hate asthma
i was cooking some sort of weird menudo thing, so I couldnt sadly
as long as one of us got it thats what matters. skitty is our hero today!
its not fun huh? not as advertised in the brochure?
Absolutely nothing
Do not recommend
good, cause I don't intend to stop.
r u emo? i am emo too
You need to die
Take a rope and hang yourself
Thank you.
discordio plz
Alright I'm ready. Milk my dick, yo. I'm tired of waiting.
but they're usually hot as fuck.
Ya that's right, lurk until post cap is reached and then claim OP like a faggot.
this new board owner is really making sure to change their mind and fuck with things as frequently as possible
last night i was posting the same pic as frequently as possible so he set it so you can't repost duplicate pics and now he wont let you delete posts
FUK U BO i know ur watching
Evens alcohol
Odds no
very good.
fucking wot
u fukin WOT
I wouldnt say so
just post a different picture.
Like it used to be
yeah well look what you fukin said m8
how can u just say those things and think it's ok and imma be like no big deal
too bad I missed the boat on that one when it was a popular trend.
why not just make slight edits and have a whole folder full of one picture
not even close.
are you fucking retarded?
Aight dude, damn. Just take it easy.
Not everyone's autistic
sweet dubs.
better luck next time ;P
it was a popular trend at one point?
i remember when i was all into it i was like.. the only one in school kek
don't tempt me
Checked. And no, you can clearly see the trips in this post right here:
Thank you very much, good day to you, retard.
I mean. more than it is now.
no trips here user.
Its mostly frowned upon now
Are you retarded or just pretending?
wow this really changed my perspective
hang yourself from a rope, tripfag.
You are cancer, you are a scum of the earth. You are waste of our resources. You masturbate to cartoon horses and contribute nothing to our society. No one would cry if you hung yourself.
Turn around, drop them pants, put your motherfucking foot on the chair and spread them ass cheeks. I'm coming in FAST and HARD
you should see the erection youre giving me
why don't i ever get salty anons saying rude things or asking me to kill myself
all they ever do is sexually harass me
see what i mean
I'm so bored oh GOD HELP
Really? Because I'm Horny.
Hello horny
you're just jealous that it isn't your boipussy that's about to get destroyed.
you know that ghost text in your QR when its empty that says "Comment"?
why is it that when you try to highlight it, it like seems impossible but sometimes by accident it gets highlighted
fuggin NOW?!?
Hello Horny..
travis has been everywhere
what a guy
im sorry skitty. i think it might help if you post facepics, and then they'll shoop you all over the place!
You are probably more deserving of it than he is anyhow. He's ungrateful.
im not sure mine is as funny as urs tho
It's pretty dry over here
Implying i should be grateful ur a rude crude dude
just lol…
tfw alone on a friday night
see. this is how fgts get when they get too much dick
Oh, old thread capped.
I'm going to level with you.
I went to the doctor last month.
Lazarus! What's going on?
pls respond.
well I'd say you could ramp up your shitposting, but youre damn good at that too. I dunno.
So a friend asked if I wanted to buy his truck
the truck is literally a chevy s-10
it's fucking lowered so it constantly hits the road on bumps, he forgot to change the oil and burned the motor and because it's fucking unprofessionally lowered the tires in the front are kicked in so the insides of the tires get eaten and tend to pop on the road so you have to frequently change the front tired
he asked for 1,500
who the fuck would even buy that trash even if it was working and street legal
I wouldn't fucking take that stupid piece of shit even if he was paying me 1,500 and threatening to throw my cat n dog in a blender and cook'em in the oven
at least youve got your pony friends!
heya Wez
serving size: 1 attention
hi blew.
thanks honey toes.
u know what the atlanta falcons and i have in common?
the D is all you care about isn't it?
very rude
not true at all
wana have a sleepover? we can watch north sea texas on netflix and talk about boys and do each others hair and then play nightcrawlers until we fall asleep and eat breakfast at what-a-burger and chill in the bed of my truck just listening to the towns ambience untiil we find something better to do
hows it goin?
but i want a skittyhug!
why am i not surprised this is the type of stuff that brings you out of lurking
You'll get that only when im cold, limp and fuggin DEAD
hi nat!
that… actually sounds really nice.
I would love to.
Just slowly dying, you know, the usual
well enough.
just bored… and drinking.
how's it going with you?
thanks sugar tits.
hey, when were you going to do the thing?
What thing?
I wasn't lurking I just showed up.
Hi Rosie!
send nudes
can we play sacky tag too? :3
what's good natty?
You first
i don't think i ever heard of this
pls aware me
you stand in a circle with your friends trying to flick one another's testicles.
Dark Souls 3 Gwyndolin cosplay build!
Doing the dlc in ng+ is hard
No prob Bob
oh fuck.
if not you, who did I send that to?
that's scary.
is it? lol. I've never played DS3.
so one day i'll get a skittyhug is what youre saying?
im bored and not drinking. i feel like i should be lonely, but im not, i dont want to be around other humans, just feel kind of flat. what are you drinking?
Hey Nat
that sounds painful
I was implying it would only happen if you found me, killed me and hugged the dead body
i know
mike's… cause I'm a bitch.
it really is fun though.
nothin wrong with that, its a good chillin drink
wine cooler.
I'm planning on getting pissed tbh. but probs won't happen.
how are you?
Its fun
Hi Blew
u gonna get ur angus peppered
nonsense, if you want to get drunk, you can get drunk! you can do it!
hows it goin?
which one o' you queers gonna suck my dick
I heard it is.
but then my fam judges me super hard for it!
I'm doing rahter meh. you?
on the depressants!
I think I might post some pornography!
ewww gross oral
smooth chest, nice dick, skinny. cuteboi/10
hi Skitty
I know, right?
Dank Souls
Gwyndolin build is difficult
Hey Dissy! Hows it goin?
i wish i had the mojo to shave more often and look all cute.
sounds like a stoner RPG
I lied.
what does it entail?
a lot of sorcery I imagine!
I have the fucking mojo.
only thing keeping me back is my skin!
hi Skitty
Why are you posting pics of me?
not cool
hi skitty
times change. I'm a dickweed now.
what should I eat?
bangers and kraut.
man, scrubs does this stupid shit every time!
White dress robes, gold crown with lots of spikes, staff that casts sorceries using faith, and the darkmoon longbow.
Also since I have faith I also do healslut stuff when I coop.
Very underpowered for my level though.
So, what were you on about earlier?
I guess.
gwyndolin gear is fucking tight as hell though.
nothing. forget about it.
I think I might dip out for a couple hours.
Im not really that in to messing, but if you wanted to I'd totally do that with you. I'm ok with it, its just not something I seek out in play. Also I cant fit in actual pampers, theres some diapergirls with tiny waists who can though and a couple of guys can do it too if theyre like super thin.
hey this is my thing! stop that!
make some hominy and chorizo!
Awww. And why don't you come by Steam anymore?
I'm on steam now though.
You don't say hi tho
There's no Gwyndolin set I had to improvise.
Pretty sure the gold ritual spear I'm using as a staff is perfect though, casts sorceries using faith and is a darkmoon relic.
I also have a raw Astora Straight Sword and Darkmoon Blade for PvP if I need it.
oh. yeah. that's something.
sorry. I did that one time though!
I thought there was a gwyndolin type boss in the game though.
No set in this one though
I see.
you should be able to dress as a qt trap id you want to. it's the current year for christ sake.
Yeah! It's 1917!
what if this really is my true face?
r u on Discord?
wasn't that a time where homosexuality was still criminalized?
it's been a while since I've taken a gender studies class, so my knowledge may be a little fuzzy.
hi there sweet cheeks.
i b-bet you say that to all the ponies..
I am. but barely use it user.
I prefer steam!
nobody else deserves the title of sweetest ass my man!
listening to bunny is best
Oki, thanks for clarifying
wow you're quick today
literally well done
np bro.
Hey, socks.
Hey, Reece. How goes it?
Still can, even got a ring that makes males do female actions (walking, running, etc,) and vice versa
beat me by this much. dang.
Man, hip hop is bae, or something
So there is an overnight trip for my frat tomorrow (it's a frat recruitment event, so there will be rushees (people interested in joining)), this trip will be at a lakehouse and there will be a winter festival of sorts and there will be drinking after that, should I go?
it sounds like a good social opportunity.
How's it going?
Unless you were really good at crossdressing.
Yes. You have to go!
they still have penis.
But sads, and alcohol won't help that
Eh, could be better
just woke up pretty much, forgot to plug in my laptop charger when i was downloading something big last night so that was another one of my genius moments
how R u?
You should go on that trip.
probably not.
Who's going to look up someone's skirt in 1917? Shameful, there's a war going on dontcha know!
I'm alright. What were you downloading?
being a good boy today? did you get some breakfast yet? also, good morning!
Yea, so crossroads or something
yeah, and fuckin. courting a bitch was different back then.
now at days you can get laid like that!
it could give you a break for a while though.
or it could not
noones seen my ass
it's a fuck shoot shit really.
it's a rare rear.
it's lack of availability makes pictures of it more valuable.
or something
i kinda respect your choice not to camwhore, you have self esteem, good for you!
lol this dood
I don't have any.
is that what you think it is.. right..
only good for the title. stupid song. this on the other hand
id giv u a collar to wear
does the actor for doctor cox do meth? he looks like shit in this season. lmao.
I wanted to cuss.
either way you're going to be sad. you should get out and go socks.
mappacks and mod files for a game called NOLF
i don't think i even have milk for cheerios right now
food is going to have to wait
i know that feel bro
do you just think people would find you ugly? im sure Nick's at least seen your bum right?
Camwhores are known for their high self esteem.
I dunno
you're fucking weird
kill me please.
he apparently thinks it's the other way around somehow
That's… a little odd isn't it?
who dafug just grows up one day to sing homo country music lal
how're you today sir? I got really wasted last night.. jfc
But you're valuable. You're better than other people, you're not human filth.
I appreciate those words.
but you're wrong.
go for it fam.
but I'm tired
Never heard of that game.
tired people always make the longest leaps!
like ted bundy!
Yeah I'm not. Have you seen the general population? Pretty people are rare.
Im not physically tired
I mean I am
but the other one, too
aku wants to shag rose again
Jealousy is unattractive Reece.
and reece is jelly af isn't he.. yes.. we all know, you make sure to point it out very frequently
Ring gives boys hipsway slut walk, perfect for traps
but youre a nice pony poster = (
yes. I know.
i think he is a comedian doing it for fun
meh, asi asi. yeah. u good tho?
ima go pretty soon
I've been looking at uggo porn for the past couple months. I've completely desensitized myself to fugging ugly people.
everybody does!
but I'm no slut damn it!
um. no?
you though. you are the best shit poster I've ever seen.
i don't remember being jelly in Holla Forumsread about anything…. or pointing it out at least anyway
when did i say i was jealous?
Im so tried though
yeah.. I am, just feeling kinda dumb.. for reasons..
lmfao them song names tho
so im guessing your with family now huh?
That's terrible! Why would you do such a thing?
You didn't need to.
uhm… no
I know babe. You work so hard.
Broadens my scope.
I like my Gwyndolin build its cute.
false. reeceypet is cute even when hes jelly
awww Rose, you don't know how much that helped me to hear that *hug* Thanks bro, for realz
remove that
Yea, that.
saw that coming. yep, for the weekend
im afraid it's too late for that
Wow. Crush me ego.
Sounds like it.
You'd love him if he were a hunchback.
hey look a dog
How do you have an ego but no self esteem?
Cute asf.
Shh. Don't question it.
Its also funny when people pray to me or do darkmoon loyalty gesture in coop
haha brohoof!
naw then i'd stop hitting on him pretty quick, but im also a horrible person
i aint tho
i've been called "cute" and "kinda cute" IRL before so i can fist my aney as i go to my grave knowing that at least
odds yes
evens no
0's no
tomorrow morning.. y-you should make them a morning biscuit like the one I said I'd make you.. with bacon and egg and stuff.. with a small side of hashbrown and some french t-toast… like the one we made the other day..
is this like a common British saying or, like, wot?
false, biscuits and gravy are far superior
I almost want to organize a pro trump counter protest group for my town.
Go for it my main nigga.
Show those fuck nuts that you can have a real protest without burning shit and piping some bitch in the street.
that would be nice but i am not going to do it
there it is
You just lost 5 relationship points
don't worry about it
biscuits and gravy for srs! sooo good
reece, please dont fist yourself to death via anal trauma. thats a bad way to go
how many do i have left?
im bored and playing with fl studio
idunno what to say
I kinda miss twilihaze now.
jfc i can't handle this level of lol rn
I forgot the balls.
i guess i would consider it if i planned to be up when they wake up. but i don't, so i won't. new projects or continuing old ones?
but no seriously, i don't do fisting
i don't want my butthole to be a rosey wide load tbh
by rosey i mean prolapse not the rose
Well lets see…you two are sharing the same trip code(+25), you guys have watched movies together(+30), you share similar interests and hobbies(+10), you share advice with each other(+5), you do not have the same sexual preferences(-20), you refused to make him breakfast in bed(-10), and you don't call him and chat with him in real time on video(-10)
Overall, your score is a 30 out of 100. Your relationship with Nick is wavering. If you don't improve it to at least a 50 by the end of the week, he might lose interest in you.
I am a prolapsed anus.
You should fix your sleeping schedule
you woke up kind way earlier than i did right?
i went into town and drove around a few miles and visited a friend as part of my grandparents windows 7 installation procedure for the new computer I put in their room for them and now im playing with old projects i have on fl studio tbh
what do you have planned?
lol wot
good boy reecey, you stay away from that stuff and keep your asshole tiny and smooth and cute! you gain 10 goodboy points for not fisting yourself!
.looks like I'm not going to the thing
Thank you. I will take this scoring into consideration despite being somewhat unsure of its accuracy. I am the other one btw, not sure if that changes things.
yeah, i should. actually planning on taking measures tonight. this is my penultimate post. why do you have to visit friends to install windows seven? thought so, you got some good stuff you have to polish and release. sleep. dreams.
i hate niggers
is fingering okay mister satan-san?
its a bit too late to ask for permission doe tbh
Oh…well ya, it's wavering either way
of course you can finger yourself! make sure to use vaseline or something though just to be safe.
i have vaseline don't worry about it
cause i had to run around asking people for a windows installation cd lol, can't make my own and i didn't want to risk losing a jump drive by making it a bootable drive so i could use it to install windowz
i'll probably try playing around with things until i get bored, or maybe play wot later…
i wish you success in your quest
good boy!
I never got to thank the nurses who held me down while I had a panic attack in the middle of getting stitches in my face.
blasphemous pictures always make me cringe for some reason
someone get this holy spirit out of me plz
You too?
they didn't want to take out my eye with the needle. so I had to be held down.
did you actually find one?
that's an okay plan. apparently i need to do something to get more relationship points, will brainstorm some ideas. thanks, best get to it then. goodnight
My parents held me down when I got my stitches
Same reason
all cause someone speared me in the face right under my eye.
I was jumping from couch to couch and slipped
shit son. that's pretty bad.
I'm in the Travis thread.
The fag mod might delete my posts again.
yep sure did, my store friend had all different kinds on a disk, i need to remember to take them back all their disks tomorrow…
w-what, i think you have enough points, i think i need to figure out how to make more lel
goodnight, sleep well
Ok. we'll just make the Travis pics in here.
I got smacked in the face with someone's rod. pretty straightforward
how do you screw up your face jumping on the couch?
that a cunt move on their part.
I was jumping, slipped, and my eyebrow landed on the wooden arm rest of the other couch
I see.
Don't know how many I'll get to. somewhat drunk
How ever many is fine. Vodka again?
why is andy coughman a travis?
because you finger your bumhole at night
it's just such a strong memory.
I can still feel their weight on my legs if I think about it.
krang mah nigga.
haha yeah!
lets stop talkin bout this ok
I'd stuck my duck in brain man.
i always liked donatello
that's not a villain.
alopex is the best tho.
thats a goddamn lie
I can't remember the last time I drank.
bad reeceypet! im docking you five goodboy points for backtalk!
3rd one is gonna take a while but I think it's gon be gud
Take your time, user
ugh. this show kicks you in the balls way too often.
Come get comfy with us!
i must be in the minus points by now
ive kept track. You're at 25, down from 30
do you deserve kisses?
except u
rhetorical answer.
of course you do.
would you kiss me back?
On my way home from. Work howre you guys going?
but im the only one who wants to kiss you currently. lol
im a toilet!
gonna need this and have no where else to paste for later
I was being free from pretense and deceit. I am a bad poni ;~;
no cuz blewberry would attack me, ur taken
I never really cared for travis posts other than a few humorous spam posts…that was until travis jr came along and made it hilarious again
not in my eyes.
i'm not taken…
i talk to blewberry, that's it
why does he have a dog penis?
who can truly claim ownership of a tiny reeceypet?
its like trying to catch a falling star.
That's not a dog dick. It was a severed one.
shinji with a mullet is the most disgusting thing ever
It's not though
i aint nobody's BOI
i have the biggest fuggin boner rn
i didn't say that
And now you have only 20 goodboy points remaining!
does that mean it's not true?
I've never seen a more relatable post.
They're almost like twins except the only similarity is travis in anus and the file names.
thats a lot of blood for a small thing to be terribly honest with you tbh
one on the left is much more firm and tight, it needs a travis jr head instead of a travis head.
Top kek lad
you're confused.
so let me clarify.
the bones of the ones long passed beckon for you.
Bony Pread
this is one
fuggin wut
/takes one
Travis jr. only goes in pictures when there is at least 2 things to edit.
Also I doubt it's tighter, the right one was just shitting out an egg.
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listenin to 30 seconds to mars and scootaposting. you?
Actually I'm too tight.
Does Skye complain about that?
I stand corrected.
More than once
why does everyone look like a carrot haired
derp in these threads?
wy do you want to redrum me ;~;
it's like a war trophy.
I also keep the fingers of my murder victims. it's kinda my thing.
Just chillin in my room with some mates.
We bought Mac and Cheese in a can and its terrible.
You want some chips with that salt?
You're welcome?
i'll come to you
pic of me irl
why would anyone can mac n cheese? thats madness!
I'm high. should I go to bed or smoke another bowl?
smoke a bowl in bed (without burning your place down)
Can't do that, urge to burn is too great.
alllllrighty then
shitpost with your bros!
thats a big censor bar
That's a shoop, one of these is you
the one on the right tbh
I want to sacky tag you~
n-not too hard
Fucking knew it
3ft is longer than my torso
G'day Cate, how're you?
i wish i had a stalker
u liek futa no?
hey Rap
i think more people recognize me from this image than from my real face. Sometimes the masks we wear become our faces.
You're totally stalkworthy Reecey, and dont worry if you hang around long enough and shitpost enough ponies, you'll have a stalker just like me and Smokey!
I'm doing alright. How are you doing?
Kek. Nice work user.
G'day, how's it going?
G'day, how's it going?
I'm tired and feeling overall frustrated.
I'm ok I guess, just tired.
That doesn't sound good.
purdy good, sorry youre feelin frustrated though
"I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm with the tuning fork, does a raw blink on hara-kiri rock! I need Scissors! 61!"
gonna help a group record a reading of this.
yeeeeeee fuck me
Just been at work all day, now I have to go to my brothers party tonight and I just don't want to.
maybe you'll have fun though!
I didn't even know who that was until it was pointed out here when someone posted it in a faces of Holla Forums thread on cuckchan.
Its incredibly flavourless…
I added some tomato sauce and it just tastes like tinned spaghetti now lol.
Friend #4 is coming soon with booze, huzzah
That sucks
oh wow people posted pics of me on halfchan! finally, i get to be internet famous! *squee*
gotta get the boxed kraft dinner yo, thats the tay to do it
Nope, I'd end up standing there awkwardly waiting till it's late enough to go home but be too late to do jack shit else.
well, see if you can get out of it thenm
Do you know the tay?
I would fuck the tay.
i meant way to do it, but good luck fucking that tay
idunno what you're talking about
fuck reading, theyre slow and it's 130 am
Not anymore you wouldn't.
no soup for you
he has no idea what i'm talking about
he totally does
delet blewberry
many have tried.
i seriously love the non-chickun version of that game
No more fucking for me anyway.
I got engaged on Tuesday.
tfw there will never be a KOTOR 3
Dangerous game to play there man
OH SHIT SON! You played KOTOR too? I literally bought an xbox just for that game! Fuuuuck! How many times did you play through? KOTOR 1 I've done like 2 dark and at least 3 light, KOTOR 2 I did 2 light and probably 1 dark
dawwww congratulations!
well, the way starwars games go is that they make two good ones, and then EA buys the rights and shits out an abomination…. or they make a shite MMO… I haz a sad
i never even played KOTOR 2, i hard it's pretty good too but buggy and not completely finished
it wasnt fully finished, but its a good game. theres only a few bugs, but the influence system is amazing! You should totally play it. The ending is a let down, but still, its worth it.
i haven't been hard in like a fortnight
All your quads are belong to chickun
chickun can haz quads?
Nice try. Check em!
Maybe now Skitty will heart me
My pillow has been really bloody lately
Absolutely not.
geez us a heart, luv
as you chek others, so too shall ye be chekt
ima post yellow quiet too
It really doesn't suit you.
delet blewberry
jfc lol
awwwwwwwwww I was hoping it was animated = (
i was always a jedi senitel with my yellow lightsaber
i don't remember much else
i loved carth, mission vao and the evil robot guy you get in your team though
this is tl;dr what's happening
r we gonna die
Common core is being removed.
this is common core in a nutshell.
It was legitimately the worst thing ever conceived and it's literal implementation was due to 'white privilege', that non existant devil that idiots preach about on the streets.
it's a good thing skitzy. look up common core, it's quite the read.
I have to go.
Have a good one you lot.
Hey, at least we can all celebrate the final death of fucking common core, named as such to make sure the common man can never progress in education.
I always rolled Jedi Guardian, I never messed with a consular and I usually would dual wield. I liked Jolee Bindo and HK47 but I rarely had anyone in my party but the Jedi cuz, I mean, why would you?
Also, goddamn, some of the Dark Side choices were just so fun. Theres a scene, it might be in two, but a guy in prison is like "have you come to torment me more?" and you can either be all like "I'm duke dirtfarmer im here to rescue you" or you can say "why yes, yes I have" and light his ass up with Force lightning for absolutely no reason. Oh MAN did I fry that nigger.
see you soon RP
Cya reece,
I'm out now you lot, I just, actually got trolled by skitty, I know he was trolling but god damn It actually hurts.
You deserve the tital honoary Australian skitz.
Never doubt that.
I'm out.
laters Rap
my favourite part was probably korriban where you had to be a sith
i quite liked going to manaan just for the background music though
Korriban or Tatooine would be my favorite. I didnt much care for Manaan or Kashyyyk. 2 had some pretty cool background music too for one scene in particular.
kashyyk was horrible
was boring asf
also, all that wookie noise lol, fuck that. Dantooine was chill tho
Ultimate shitpost coming soon
REeee! fuggin white male!
stop posting right now
Have you ever been homeless?
Ever had to beg for food and water?
Ever been beaten till you're black and blue because of the fact you're a boy?
Ever been denied services because you're white?
All this shit has happened to me and I could go on but I'm out of time and was just stopping in to shut down the PC.
If you truly believe in white privileged you're a fuck up.
Fuck you.
His mummy and daddy still pay for his food
Now tell us the one about wage gap
i don't tink this is raptor
Lets talk about your thigh gap
i didnt know youd been in that position Rap, Im sorry to hear that *brohug*
come fuck horses with us friend!
im getting sleepy reecey. come cuddle up with me in bed?
If white privilege isn't real then why are the majority of indigenous australians homeless?
what time is it where you are?
the more i look at it the more wrong it gets. why did you have to tell me about that? fluttershjy without her widow's peak is horror!
its 3 am for me and skitty. we share a time zone. its kinda romantic
couldn't keep up a conversation to save my life
I gathered a ton of autism to create this monstrosity. I hope you hate it.
Okay, what about it?
Because they don't work.
It's not even that no one will hire them they just collect dole, spend it on petrol, andsnort the fumes.
Also the government quite literally keeps turning chunks of land intoshlters for them. Eery other kind of homeless gets a shitty basketball stadium that no one uses or a tent in the park, abos get entire cabins built for them with free electricity and running water.
im sorry m8.
And why don't they work? It's because all the white ppl took their jobs you fugin loon
They're not homeless. Living out in the wilderness of part of their lifestyle. Like an Indian tribe.
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?
Nah they don't even try because shits like you keep blaming whites and handing them free shit for being brown.
I think it's very…feminine.
Did you just fucking imply it's my fault your indigenous australians are fucking homeless?
I'm a feminine guy
Once you account for the reserves the majority of homeless are white men you fuckwit
They dont live in homes they dont even live in grass huts cause their totally majestic culture doesnt permit it.
And theyre used to skew the stats because of racism towards white people
I've lived most of my life as a black man, u don't fugun know me my dood :^)
If a cupcake fall from a tree how far away will it be from down?
Of course it's not your fault.
Just idiots who think exactly like you.
tfw ur memeing goes too far
Boys can't be girls
Yeaah man
I had to take a giant shit and I did so in the form of this post.
Says you
If Newborn Babies Could Speak Would They Be The Most Intellectual Beings of Planet Earth?
You'll be sorry when humans go extinct from sexual confusion
We figured out cloning it's fine
goodnight pony pals. skitty you should asleep too it is a late!
be good while im gone reece! You need to earn abck some good boy poitns so you can afford some food!
Ill give him some of my chicken tendies if needs be
The best posts are shitposts.
tfw raptor wont share his tendies with u anymore cause u memed on him too hard
youre a sweetie Rap, but dont spoil him!
you would have to eat 5 modern apples to gain of the nutritions for a 1950 apple
is this actually true
Sorry skitty… i didnt mean to swear so much im just really fucking on edge.
I know you were just jokin around im just being a fuckwit cause of the zieties and preshuns
night night
that's sounds like a youth-a-mism tbh with you
hello Holla Forumsread
Jaden Smith said it, it must be true.
Rap, make sure somepony gets new bread in about 120 posts ok?
have a good day and behave!
Hey Mira
hey natsoc hows it going?
hey how're you doing smug?
I'm high and drinking, you?
y'all bottom tier
high and a little lewd idk i've been rather sexually repressive recently comparing it to how lewd i normally get
I want to cum inside Aryanne
im incredibly blazed
dats gay
lik u
no u
he is a good boy
wtf is this autistic deer from
that sounds great ^_^
Be more sexually expressive.
maybe i should it does feel good to be lewd but hmm i havn't been slutty in awhile -_-
good advice
he should become a promiscuous homosexual man whore and put the D in STD like you/
Do it!
I don't have STD's, I don't let black guys fuck me.
Dirty apes
Yellowshy is a very fuckable pony.
from one of my favourite scenes from the game
its cute
why does she have an autistic hunchback with down syndrome lisp and why does the deer squeak like a pig eating slop
are you saying i should edge?
For hours
i played conan exile
its pretty similar to ark.. it randomizes the crimes you're banished for.. one of mine was sex with animals
but that will make me very lewd and frustrated ;~; itd turn me on a lil bit tho thinking about it
what the fuck
why did they have to add such realistic cock and balls
You just listed reasons to do it.
you even can expand dong
it also makes me feel weaker and girlier if i get lewd enough but i might edge but having a man would be better ^_^
for females, you can only expand boobs.. you dont see the puss– cuz tons of pubes in that area
daily reminder to stay hydrated
I'm just playing
Feeling girly is the best~!
if you could change things, go to the past and somehow be born an actual girl, would you?
i guessed… chillax
No way, vaginas bleed once a month, that's gross.
the whole point of traps is to try and get the benefits that women have without having to have the inferior genetics
and they also smell like fish and satan and that's bad imo but i guess some people are into it, weird huh
what's reece up to
brian pls
Girls are icky
Basically this
really hungry, need to find things and have to work on typing something up while playing games in the background….
how RU
huh, like office work?
im playing world of tanks and watching TV and posting here and being me doing things.. nothing much woop
With cum
Ill try amd headd home soon tbh fam
Im sorry Skitty, truly.
I didnt mean to be a dick head to you.
nah, just have to type something up for someone to read. nothing fancy, i;ve got oreos beside me so i won't be that hungry
i'm back i did extremely lewd things to myself in the bathroom
it's ok
i was just messing around..
Good advice
Why'd you stop?
my brain went to mush
Good job then
but my mind went blank i'm not sure if i should do it again
Do it again you sissy~
ill get exhausted unless i drink coffee or edge
How accurate is this?
you get on on being edgy
fucking what
Edge all night!
then sleep without release ;~;
Cum before you pass out
SCIENCE FACT: carefully applied violence in careful and sufficient amounts solves problems
what if i very carefully and sufficiently nuke the entire surface of the earth?
It would solve many problems, but create many new ones.
the new ones could be solved with more careful nuking.
the only reason problems continue to exist is that they have not yet been nuked enough.
u can nuke me if u want
I decided to do it. I'm gonna kill myself. I'm just gonna age myself to valhalla. WITNESS ME!
tfw you get banned from club penguin when you just got a membership
That was me.
I messaged you on steam skits.
someone saved this from a long time ago..
i wonder who you might be..
i wasn't on
It'll be there when you next log on… please read it.
Why are pony threads on this board the only threads that get half decent traffic?
I've been stopping by pony threads occaisonally since October 2014, yet these threads still get more traffic than any other thread on the board unless there's a huge shitstorm. Sometimes more than all other threads combined. Why?
Are these fucking faggots copying what I say?
Why are pony threads on this board the only threads that get half decent traffic?
I've been stopping by pony threads occaisonally since October 2014, yet these threads still get more traffic than any other thread on the Holla Forums board (should've been corrected awhile ago) unless there's a huge shitstorm. Sometimes more than all other threads combined. Why? What's wrong with pictures of cartoon horses anyway?
Thanks Skits~
I'm pretty drunk too and meant to combine those into one but oh well…..
dam dude. you're sounding like my autistic sister repeating her self. All you have to do now is add in there "and so on" like 4 times maybe and I'll think it's her.
I'm somewhat retarded now
I didn't reread my shit before hitting enter
I-I'm sorry ;_;
i thought you were trolling.
Is it so hard to understand that this type of community is more appealing than the autistic cult tier bullshit other people think should get more traffic? Maybe you're of the opinion that a place like /pony/ should have more traffic and action, well surprise, most people don't think so and see places like that as an autistic police state equivalent of a thread on a website that doesn't get too much action
our community is pretty large, there is another version of this thread with an entire fucking chan dedicated to it with more traffic than this place and people come and go from there here and vice versa
this place is probably always going to be bigger and more action packed then any autistically regulated death camp thread you see here
woop ✨ woop ✨
what do you mean
nothing… hello sir, how are you?
hello jimmy
I'm going to head to bed Skittles, I'm tired as balls.
HAve a good one
Goodnight sleep well.
hey buddy
how's it goin pal?
pretty good yo
people under 6ft should be shot for their own good
Hey Skitty, do you trap?
hurry up and shoot me boi-o
I used to, it became boring quite boring and I'd just give away most of whatever I managed to get so I figured I was literally just trapping for others so I stopped.
i'd be able to biy T8 TD now. but i think i play some more games so i dont have to spend all my free xp on it and can exchange some in gold for bullets
you can turn free xp in gold for goldshells
I've thought that was a blewberry ruse for nearly 2 months now, thanks for the answer.
yellow hoerses should be shot (or fucked) for their own good.
You can turn free XP into gold? what
why would it be a ruse? trapping can be fun, never know what you'll get, so there's always a thrill of anticipation. I trapped a baby bobcat once and that fucker was mean as heck, angriest cat I ever saw but I let them go cause their mom was lurking about and I felt bad for it. I mostly caught pigs so it was boring after a while, you should give it a try. Good traps aren't hard to make.
You have some peculiar opinions there friendo
pinche amigo?
nah dawg, it ain't espanol unless it starts with pinche or something similar.
whoops. didn't want the dick part in there. Was searching for the post with this in one of the 3 threads i was in.
you testin' me? You want that other hip shot?
no… and no… idunno what to say..
instead of trying to invent zero point energy, why don't scientists just invent one point energy and then subtract?
lets make a new tred lel
Nice jumping on the anti-conservitard train.
Next stop ????
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ce pn sx ovwoohyl ju oytkia pigk cu sc lp hohl
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