Tweet Trump, call Trump, hack some major website and make it anti-Penceldick. We have to stop Trump from betraying his followers.

What can we do to meme Penceldick into an early death. He needs to have a heart attack by midnight tonight.

If Trump betrays me by picking Penceldick then I'll betray Trump and vote Lolbertarian.

Other urls found in this thread:





Nice try CTR

Who is this fellow and why is he bad?

Is he going to be a (((problem)))?


The only reason Trump would pick this guy would be to to pander to evangelicals. This guy is full-on evangelitard and loves to suck Israel's dick. He's universally hated in Indiana.

I have some bad news for you OP

Your choices by voting are the following:



Pence is a fake. He's a cuckservative lying through his teeth.

not voting trump ensures jewish victory

He's a strong supporter of the Iraq War, the Iran War, any other wars that the nearest rabbi might whisper to him about, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and many other exciting (((business ventures))).


He already has them. That's a shit reason. It's not like Trump has any competition they'd vote for like in the primaries. Even in the Primaries he often and usually beat Cruz with evangelicals.

I want Flynn, Carson, Mattis, even some of the women would be better than this stupid dude. He endorsed Ted Cruz over Trump and Trump still picks him….. Why?



No. Too much baggage and questions over his shit with that genetic tech company.


0.05 shekels have been deposited to your account

Shit you kikes don't even make sense.

How is calling open borders Pence as a shabbos goy me being a kike shill?

Bernie Sanders would be a better VP pick.

way better than Newt, shill. Newt would be a sure loss.

Who cares. Do any of you actually think there is any way that the person who is allowed to actually become president won't be anything but a puppet for the ZOG? America hasn't actually existed since 1963.

Pence is in the same class of cuck as Jewt.

He pretends to support ideas Holla Forums supports then doesn't follow through.


D&C shill

fuck off

l i t e r a l l y w h o

go back to reddit

You have no voice. The mega happening is the only way to fix this mess.

he's a good goy, but voting anyone else is a huge fucking mistake regardless of who the vp is going to be.

That's nothing new, it was worse when Ron Paul was running though.

counter sage

You know the GOP is corrupt if this is the best Trump can find.

One of the biggest Republicucks. Shitty IN governor.

Sessions is the only clear choice. If it's anyone else, Holla Forums is going to implode in DC. The fire rises.

How about a general? Sends a good, strong message that our security matters, especially if he picked one that was strong against illegal immigration. It's a good message to hit people with when places like France keep on getting shot up.

Trump was just on Fox News. He has confirmed that he has NOT made a final decision yet, despite what CNN says.

However, it is down to Gingrich, Christie and Pence


all of our current crop of generals have done an absolutely abysmal job

none of them deserve to be dog catcher

It's all good, the Muslim attack made Trump postpone, and now he's going to pick someone else and hopefully find the leakers and plug them up, permanently.


Fuck Pence too, that NeoCon filth

You choose one that's been thrown out, fired/forced to resign by Obama during his purges, for being a bad goy, obviously.



Mattis is maybe redpilled, but Flynn's worse.

Nice disinformation shill

Trying to sway the narrative to make us not vote Trump over something as petty as this

I think you lose the right to any Shlomo memes when you're defending Pence.

Guys… It's over.


It is depressing, if true. This guy is a total loser and makes me question Trump's competence. Trump needs to pick someone who will win him votes, not lose him votes. This asshole is one of the worst possible choices out there. It gains Trump nothing and pisses off Trump supporters like myself.

Don't worry, Trump just wants a VP who will sit back and do nothing and not hurt his chances of becoming president since he has no big problems in his past. He'll get some of the Nevertrump people and lose practically nobody.

no. it's lolbergtardian
lol = its laughable
berg = its jewish
tard = anyone who follows it is retarded

I was actually going to have a discussion about this issue, but since OP turned out to be a huge faggot, I say we


Come on, man. Do your due diligence.

At least he isn't Jewt.


looks like all the faggot atheists are getting substantially ass-mad over this. I hope Pence gets it. Gas the fedoras.

Sorry I don't trust CNN as a source, and Trump just announced he's postponing his VP pick.

how does this not help him?

I see Christcucks are still as nigger tier as ever.

I didn't vote for pence, I just like how it shows how many fuckin shills there are here. He better get it.

I see you Brit/pol/


Can you name the Vice-Chancellor in Hitler's cabinet?


A strong man like Trump needs someone who can keep his head down and take direction. I know everyone is looking for wow factor, but the wow is reserved for Trump himself. I want the VP to be a non-entity.

I see you Holla Forums

y-you too Moshe.

Look what happened with atheistic attempts at "nationalism" without a god. Communism resulted in the deaths of over 100 million white people. Hitler was christian, Stalin was an atheist.


heh and you called me Holla Forums

Fuck off you absolute retard. There are way better choices that fit all of those things besides this guy. He's a liar that flipped sides over to Trump when it was convenient to him, he put forth an anti-fag law but backed down when everyone started whining about it, and he's a zionist warhawk. The rust belt and evangelicals are already on his side. This just gives Shillary a new attack vector to go at Trump for, and I doubt this weak little cuck could stand up for himself, let alone Trump. He's basically a guaranteed assassination/impeachment/coup. If you're honestly fine with this say hello to president Pence in 2025 at the latest and but likely by early 2017, if they manage to off Trump in the RNC riots that is.

Now are you going to get in the oven or do I need to escort you in myself?

Trump denied that he has made a decision yet. Both on Greta and O'Reily he said that NBC did false reporting

It was forced nationalism with no real patriotism and with redistribution of wealth. You can't deny the fact that Communism killed way more white people than the non-existent shoah did to non-whites.

if he picks a shit VP I may well vote Hillary

Get out of here Elijah

Wew lad.

smh tbh fam

This pence guy does sound like a fag though, so a bump for you.

Trump said the terror attack DID NOT affect his VP choice

4chan: the post

Notice his constant meme references from 2014 and his attempt to essentially get top comment on an anonymous imageboard

check this shit out

Why don't you leave? I'm sick of cucked newfags like you shitting up the board. If Trump actually picks this fucker, I would seriously doubt his judgement. Of all of the neocons to pick, why this one?

Why do they insist on clinging to such a shitty year?

They're really far behind the times and they like to circlejerk over old memes because they don't understand the nature of memetic power like we do. Honestly, anyone who still says "smh, tbh, fam" is out of touch with reality because black people don't even say that anymore and haven't for a while ever since white people started saying it. The only reason blacks have hung onto words like "nigga" is because white cucks are afraid to say it.

You realize the grib the media and establishment has on conservatives right? They plant faggot republicans in office then concoct some shit where they get busted in a gay scandal etc.

Trump is proving that you can shut these fuckers down so I trust his judgement on who he thinks will be able to step up and do the same now that everyone has seen it works. I have a feeling a lot of republicans are going to be coming out swinging this election because of how much libel and slander they have dealt with.

I trust Trump's judgement.

You convinced me, I'm a #HillaryCoughingMissile now.

Any sane human being should be more afraid of Crispie Creme. He would literally eat Ivanka.

Bret Baier said the leaks angered Trump camp and is affecting the VP decision, Pence might be out.

Pence fucked up big time

If this be true it makes me glad.
Pence VP Trump's dan quayle
This leaves the AG spot for the fat man from jersey and the SOS spot for newton.
Holla Forums you have no idea what a win this is for everything.
Think my children think.

I wanted to add, if Baier is right about this, Pence may be out of the running.

Yes user, it's totally a leftist conspiracy that he is an Israel firster, supports NAFTA and TPP, and thinks a ban on muslims is unconstitutional. Those poor cuckservatives.

I trust his judgement too, that's why I think it won't be him. But if he did in fact pick Pence then I consider his judgement to no longer be in our best interests. For me to accept Pence, he would have to take the stage and denounce every cucked act he has ever done and fully pledge himself to America First.

It amazes me the mental gymnastics some of you are going through to accept this. This really isn't the Holla Forums that I remember anymore.

nigga and nigger have completely different meanings tbh sempaifam

t. once saw a nigger who got pissed at a nigga who called him out for being a nigger

I agree with the poster 965fe2, that Hillary Clinton (Democrat) is the superior candidate and Donald Trump aka Donald Dump (LOL!) is a loser!

(shift + .) that face when you realize Trump is going to lose and then we will have our first female president

Please dear god Bret don't be fucking with us.

It's also suspicious that he called off the announcement without another date planned on such short notice. Sure it is a serious attack but it seems like he wanted an excuse to get more time. I still have some faith in you God Emperor.

More cuckchan posters

No, I'm a DIA poster.

I'd eat Ivanka too if you know what I mean

Who is this pence guy anyway?
I know next to nothing about him.
Governor of Indiana and ITT super evangelical.
Anything else?

Also, who did the leak? Was it him?

He also said he hasn't made his final, final decision yet to. If the leak was true, Trump would have said he made it but he's not telling yet. This says to me that Trump is rethinking his support for Pence



He could easily lie about that, HOWEVER, such a leak would no doubt make him reconsider. Christie is the best of the three by far but I really hope he goes back and picks Flynn or Sessions.

Agree. I will always vote for Trump but he could do so much better than this idiot.

Even Newt would be better.

I was hoping for Flynn or Ernst or Christie–at least they all have charisma and are likeable and interesting. Pence is a boring snot who looks like a less-perky Roger Stone, lol.

Like I said maybe that was just the normal behavior from the politically correct cucks that exists in all parties. Trump even has to pander to the kikes. I am a fresh far-right winger from about the last 2 years and I can tell you that there might be a whole lot of cucks that want to denounce their bullshit once they see the direction Trump takes us in.

Also I don't know much about Pence other than he is an Evangelical so that could explain his ignorance on Israel. He might just be dumb and honest, a lot of them are. I see he is making the subversive atheist faggots on the site lose their shit though and that makes me very happy.

Being a fanboy really makes you retarded, where in my post did I imply that you should vote for Hillary?


If Bret is right, then the leaks are seriously making him re decide. Pence HAS to come out tomorrow whether he is or is not running for re-election in Indiana

Look at the post above yours

He puts forth support to Israel from time to time, but other than that his policies go against everything they stand for. Not so for Pence. He's shown to be a sellout for whatever the party doctrine is, he offers nothing to the ticket in terms of getting elected, or even getting stuff done. The way I see things he's a completely illogical choice.

Yeah I can see that you're new. I won't be wasting time be replying again because you'll just try to derail the thread into a religion debate so now you're filtered.

You're really late user. This also doesn't include that Bret said Trump's camp is angry at Pence


Still, doesn't prove that Pence is the VP choice, specially after the leaks that apparently pissed off Trump. He could be offering him a Cabinet position. Trump also said no final decision has been made

Also Newt had to leave Fox because of the speculation as well. Pence and Newt could possibly be getting cabinet spots. We just don't know

This delay gives Trump more time


That's also true. I will say that if Pence is just given a cabinet position that would be fine, but he'd be terrible as VP.

Hopefully Trump is thinking long and hard right now if he's correct in that no final decision has been made

Hillary on the Factor

Trump has until the convention which starts Monday, 3 more days max until he picks one

You realize the majority of these politicians like Pence don't understand why they support Israel right? This is the fuckin place that posted tons of videos of fellow Christians who haven't swallowed the non-kosher pill that went to Israel to ask Jews about Jesus. It was cringey because so many of them don't even realize it even when it's right in their fuckin face. We can't speculate on how red-pilled Pence is but it's a phase people go through and maybe behind closed doors there have been ripe discussions over this issue. Like I said I trust Trump's judgement and don't care what naysayers think about him as long as he is an honest Christian. Doesn't mean he was right in the past but doesn't mean he wasn't as honest as possible.

I think you are the faggot here boy.

Fucking bizarre lol

I hate her speaking voice so much

Sessions doesn't have a reservation at the convention.

That's because he's Trump's VP.

Trump is going to bring him out at the convention.


Note that OP didn't even bother to say what was wrong with Pence. Shills tend to use this tactic, whether its repeating "penceldick" to try to force a meme or constantly trying to link somebody to kikes while being an extremely good goy in never ACTUALLY touching on what's wrong with kikes.

I kinda think Pence is the weakest available choice too, but its obvious OP is a leftist and that nickname is all he has.
Sage should go without saying.

Flynn is literally perfect to capitalize on the terror attacks, he is aware of how big of a threat is Pisslam and is one of the few who actually supported both Trump's muslim ban and his promise to target the families of terrorist kebabians.

Pence in the other hand is a cuck who whined about the muslim ban calling it racist and was a #NeverTrump agitator before El Rato dropped out. This fucker will choke when the jew media starts questioning him about the bad things he said about Trump in the past.

Sessions is Holla Forums approved too, a stand up guy for sure.

And make first President Roastie McCunt possible if something happens to Trump? No way, pic related.

Pence has a reservation at the convention? Do we know what it's for?

God I hope it's Sessions and all of the talk these past few days of the others is just getting them closer for cabinet or whatever. Do we know if Flynn has a spot?

What I'm saying is that since Sessions doesn't have a reservation he's either VP or not going.

If the GOP cucked Sessions out of even going to the convention then this country is fucked.

I'm surprised the jew media has barely touched Sessions.

This is what I think too. Someone military–which was why I was willing to entertain the idea of Ernst, a lifelong military candidate. The only woman I liked for the job despite her not being in politics for decades–actually that was a reason to like her more considering how horrible most of the career cucks in Washington are. But since she's out I was hoping for a general or other military vet, or Newt or Christie for their connections, experience and ability to deal with political shit.

I guess we'll see. Ugh, I hate suspense.

Well he might just not be planning on going for whatever reason. No wait that sounds dumb. Jeff Sessions has had a stake in this for a while, he has to have a part.

Yeah they've just barely mentioned his name every now and then. Trump himself hasn't really talked about him for a while which worries me to some extent, but I think he wouldn't want to name Sessions so that we're surprised when it's him.

Very good point, really hope you're right!

Sessions is practically holy ground, nobody can shittalk the only respected politician.

No Newt pls, he's not an outright shill like Pence but he's a globalist and a traitor. He is more experienced than Pence and could potentially help with Congress but he might easily stab Trump in the back. Pence was in Congress for a few terms but can anyone name anything that he actually did for this country, anything positive at all? I fail to see the appeal of this guy, I can at least see some logic with Newt.

Sessions would really be the best in uniting the entire party with how well he's liked.

Hitler speaks truth

Pence has a solid voting record, has political experience, is a governor, is consistent and is not going to try to steal Trump's spotlight.

The only people I would prefer to Pence is Jeff Sessions (who needs to stay in the senate) and Tom Cotton. I analyzed this situation from many angles and Pence is a good (not great) choice.

Newt is a terrible choice. He can't be trusted, there's too much personality between them, Newt was on CNN calling Trump a racist as soon as he made the spic judge comment, he made a comment about white privilege, and they have something like 8 fucking wives between them.

Pence will shut up the NeverTrumpers and social conservatives. He is a solid choice and if you disagree, then you're literally retarded.

Pence is shit, if you disagree you are a jew.


Pence's voting record is solid, for neokikes and globalism. He was inconsistent literally a few months ago when he praised Trump but endorsed Cruz, then pretended like nothing happened when Trump won.

Jew alert right here. Where the fuck are all of these shills coming from in the first place?

The NeverTrumpers will never, ever shut up. You fail to realize the mental gymnastics they go through. The only thing that will swing them is a few days before the election, the reality that it's Trump vs. Clinton sinks in, and they come around. Until then, fuck what they think. We've been winning without them. It's better to get someone who can actually do the job and not sell us out.


Do we dare to dream?

Guys, Trump was always going to postpone the announcement. The Nice attacks is just an excuse.

This was a test to see if Pence is going to drop out of the gubernatorial race or not. It's also a test to see if he can contain leaks, which he failed. I think Pence was a real contender, but it looks like he's choking right at the end, and you know how The Donald feels about people who choke.

Who is he and what’s his authority?

With a length and girth like his I'd imagine it's hard not to choke.

"If you support either Pence or Cotton, you're a Jew"

Fantastic argument.

In the real world, children, we cannot resurrect zombie Hitler and have him run for VP, so we need to compromise. Let's go over some of the picks:

Jeff Sessions: Best candidate, needs to stay in Senate. VP has no real power so his ability would be wasted. Biggest benefit is insurance if Trump gets assassinated.

Tom Cotton: Conservative voting record, no baggage and illustrious career where he became an Army Ranger AFTER graduating Harvard Law.

Christie: Fat, anti-gun, warmonger shill. Too New Jersey to push people. Good speaker and good attitude though. Doesn't bring too much to the table.

Gingrich: Worst pick. A proven backstabber. Unpopular with social conservatives, obviously against Trump and just overall terrible. If Trump manages to win this election with Gingrich on his side, Trump is 100% dead within months.

Other decent picks: Jan Brewer, Tim Scott

Well, he certainly has no problem down there, believe me.

Forgot to mention:

Flynn: Good on Muslims and immigration. Otherwise, a registered Democrat, globalist, warmonger and shill.

You type like a jew and think like one too.



1. They’re not unconstitutional, and it has been codified in US law for a LONG time: law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182
2. This may well be the thing that keeps Trump from picking him. That and the fact that Mike “What’s your mother’s maiden name?” Pence supported Cruz initially.

There are people in the country who are not anti-Israel, but nonetheless do not make it their priority, rather they follow ideas similar to Trump. You are completely retarded to say that Pence and Cotton are alright yet condemn Flynn for the same things that make the other two shit and do so on a weak basis. You're probably the shill that's sperged out on every thread that's been somewhat positive towards Flynn.

I thought I would give you a chance after the first post but now you're filtered too.



Lol, still voting Trump.

Shit you've displeased kek.
Someone needs to gas OP pronto lest we lose the meme gods favor.

Who would tell you not to vote for Trump user?

Trump/Sessions will MAGA

(((LIZ MAIR)))

There's literally no other choice, I'm voting for Trump not his VP. Anyone voting for Gary "Open Borders" Johnson just because of a mediocre VP choice is a cuck and a faggot.

No one cares, you're a retard. Kill yourself.

Flynn is shit because hes a lifelong democrat with no political experience and got fired from his job as general.

So what? Trump is pro-Israel.

I know that guy seriously only had to spend 1 million to get reelcted because he is so popular. He probably could have spent nothing.


First it was "WE CAN'T LET TRUMP PICK NEWT" and I also suspect if Christie was likely we'd read "WE CAN'T LET TRUMP PICK CRISPY CREAM".

The fact is that Trump has to pick somebody, he's aware of stances of all those he has to pick from. Trump understands all three of these people disagree with him on more than one issue, his choice will be strategic.

Yes obviously his assassination and thus the ascension of the VP to P is a risk, but you should understand his assassination was always a risk and pretty much almost every public figure in this country besides Trump is easily controllable.

Besides, the only other possible VP choices that would be Holla Forums approved would be strategic nightmares.

How would either of Sessions or Flynn be strategic nightmares?


You can't stop it juden.
Your time is done jew.

We already do that. The difference is the (((MSM))) isn't pushing Christie hard. The furthest they've pushed him is saying he's on the list of 10ish names that are being or were being considered.


I'm getting more and more skeptical of that by the day.

Everything I read seems to point to the fact that while the VP isn't in the Senate, he has more "power" than any individual Senator can have. Though it's a rather loose power and not authoritative decision making power. ignoring the tie breaker vote

Even that is shill-tier logic tbh. If the VP was "based", then they would just assassinate him as well.

Nice try, Christie isn't ideal but he at least brings good things to the table. Newt brings things to the table, mostly bad, but some good. Pence on the other hand? I see no benefit to a Pence VP. Even if we go with the premise of picking a cuck it makes no sense.

user was right, your time is up, kike, you and all the other shills that have been flooding the board to get us to prepare for who you want the real president to be.

That's why the line of succession isn't often in the same place at once.



No, user. You are the retard.

kek. What year is this again?

It's not the "people" protecting Trump… It's mercenaries, mobsters, army vets he is paying as insurance against Hillary trying anything.

People aren't worth shit. Especially not the NEET revolt.

Shut the fuck up, chemfag


what are you talking about you schizoid


kill yourself

Here's the problem, anyone besides Trump is easily controllable via threat to their family.

Besides, if we don't trust Trump enough to make this VP decision based on his own judgment, why do we want him as president? I like sessions, didn't know a lot of Holla Forums did too, but Trump has decided not to go with him for whatever reason.

Trumps proven his strategic intelligence so far, why should I believe he's not making the VP pick for an important reason?

Nigger, Trump hasn’t said anything.

You're not one of us user. Back from whence ye came!


If Trump picks Penceldick I may even just vote for Shillary. If Trump cucks out with Penceldick then we might as well enact a scorched earth policy. Get Shillary in office, get guns banned, a new civil war ensues, and we rebuild a new country from the ashes.

Lead is poisonous if it gets into your bloodstream.

Yeah and how does some how prove communism is inherently nationalist

You deny someone Kek's blessing by defeatist shilling for Hillary? Under no circumstance should anyone here ever vote for that old kike, even if THIS old kike is a VP.
How dare you deny the God Emperor for that old witch.


This guy is a total globalist on trade. He claims to be for a closed border on paper, but so was el rato, on paper.

I don't think you can be sincerely for closing the border if you're fine sending factories to guatemala and cool with Oreos getting made with Mexico City's water supply.

This. I would rather watch the US burn and rise again than see a controlled zionist be president and continue to bleed the US dry.

Yes, that is why it makes such good ammunition.


Yes I agree. The VP pick has some relevance– but nobody could replace Trump anyway.

My point is that Trump would have "insured" himself against assassination in other ways.

That's why Hillary and co. have been trying to get some SJW tard to go postal and kill him (through media). If anything happens to Trump–that can be traced to Hillary–then the retaliation would be brutal.

Oh I see. That's why I don't want to get shot, because I'll get lead poisoning.


seems like a good goy to me

Pence for King Goy 2016

What why?

Yup. We're kikes because we would rather see the US destroyed and built anew rather than bled dry for decades and turned into an open borders "nation" where all of our natural resources are given to israel.

Yup. (((your))) logic completely makes sense.

If Trump sells out and picks and establishment agent, there is zero reason to vote for Trump. Hero worship will not get a wall built, you have to be willing to hold Trump's feet to the fire. His VP pick is an irreversible decision which will reveal Trump's actual leadership ability for the first time.

If he makes the wrong decision it's perfectly acceptable to stop giving a shit about this race and stay home in November. Although I wouldn't vote for Killery or a third party. No real point to that. Accelerationism is way too abstract.

You're a fucking idiot. Especially if the current violence is any proof, they will swoop in and take out the people they see as a problem before letting do any more damage.

If Trump wins, that keeps Hillary out of office and buys us time, even in the possibility of an assassination attempt. You guys are fucking stupid.



Why do all old jews look like they're wearing someone elses skin ALA Men in Black #1?

Trump has the jews in a fucking panic right now. All the plans they have made are going up in flames and shit can get worse for them. They won't take that chance if they are given a chance to live another day. They may actually break out the drones for this one.

How big is your tank m'lad.

Thinking about getting a tank on my land but don't want to pay out the ass.

That's Adelson, Pence, Jewt. Right?


so would I

Like. The armored war tank?

Or shitter tank?

Or propane tank?

Cause I don't have the first.

Nope, not interested in buying time. I don't need Hitler 2.0 but I'm not selling out my beliefs and voting for a globalist. Period.

I'd rather pick up my gun. This is the last chance for peace and if Trump can't hack it, if he turns out to be too stupid to lead after all, then fuck him. I don't have his balls in my mouth, I just wanted a wall.

We will not get that if he picks an establishment agent.

This trump obsession is out of hand, if there's actually anons that think Mike Pence is good for America as a VP because Trump is selling out to Jews then get the fuck off the board you faggots.

This is a travesty and a perfect plot to assassinate Trump if he gets some loser ass RINO

Of coarse

like pic related?
looks sickly tbh

That said, this is funny considering you're the one looking for excuses to not vote for Trump. It's utterly stupid to sit back and rely on muh guns when you have multiple options in front of you. No, voting for Hillary is not one of them. Voting for Hillary is sure as fuck death. Voting for Trump is at least provides a fucking chance. I'm amazed that some people will take the former over the latter.

This. Too many people immediately call someone a shill when they bring up that scenario.

It always reminds me of a phrase my father says;

Yes, and it disgusts me. It's common among older kikes.

Yes but Pence appears to have moved from Indiana to New Jersey for no apparent public reason, and his campaign manager for when he was running for governor traveled directly to New York.

Personally I could believe that due to disputes in the Trump campaign the man is under the false impression that he's guaranteed the position at this point, but I have no idea how polarized the disagreements are. I did read that Trumps children all have different ideas of who he should pick.

If Trump gets in and doesn't deliver then yes, you will see people beyond pissed. Sending in Hillary before we even bother to see what Trump can do is stupid. If you are that ready to shoot up the white house then go for it and start now and see how well that goes.

Because everyone that calls for this want to skip the part where Trump actually gets voted in and we see what he does first. Instead they want to get Hillary in or start shooting shit right off the bat. If they want to do the latter, they are more than welcome to go for it and we'll see how far they get.

OR! see;


Planning around the potentially happening situation where Trump isn't suited to lead. Is actually a globalist controlled op zionist. I'd rather be prepared.

It's just like concealed carry. I'd rather "waste" the money and not need it. Than not "waste" the money and need it.

You have shit ability to plan for the future. You only look at one path and it's only the path you want.

Lol. Major politicians are the last people you bother with. 1) they're bought and paid for and 2) they're well defended by ZOG.

You go for the families of well known cucks and leave the cuck alive to lament his life choices.

Says the person who wants to vote Hillary and shoot things up instead of voting Trump in while planning for shit to hit the fan and making a point to use people's anger with Trump if he does nothing to your advantage since it will be greater than it would be with Hillary. Again, you;re the fucking idiot trying to justify voting for Hillary or not voting for Trump. Why shouldn't people vote for Trump and see what he can do first while planning?

Then go out and do it. Put your money where you mouth is since you have a foolproof plan.

No reason to do it until Trump proves he really does just get 'his opinions from the shows' as the pundits claimed. Trump has not done anything to prove himself unworthy yet although firing Corey L and deleting the star of david tweet were both cause for [CONCERN DEEPENING].

Eh. His speech where he flat called (((globalism))) as shit and effectively said he supports nationalism was great. While the VP pick will be more telling, that was perfect to tide over until the convention.

There's no reason to do it until he gets in and fucks up.

He fired Roger Stone at the start and that worked out well. He had always planned to let Corey go when he was going to start the national campaign. This is why he brought Manafort into fold many weeks prior to letting Corey go. He removed the star of david post because he was trolling the press. that's why he left it up for a while then took it down before any news commented on it.

Not voting for President Pence, no matter what fanboy excuses you wank out. Trump will be assassinated if he has a globalist veep.

I thought you have a foolproof plan to go out and fight? Go put your money where your mouth is and go shoot up something. Top fucking kek.


Gets it. If Trump is who Holla Forums believes and wants him to be I'd rather he not get assassinated.

He makes the decision for VP but we [the voters] have the means to say if that makes or breaks his candidacy. I may be wrong. That is certainly a possibility. Just like me owning a gun and concealed carrying: I may never need it. It may have been a waste of money. I'm okay with buying the gun and never needing it over not buying a gun and needing it.


That is the last time I will explain it to you.


Also. You wouldn't be saging if you thought your posts were reasonable and you were winning the argument. They aren't and you aren't.

You're saging because it's what you're paid to do.

Also. You wouldn't be saging if you thought your posts were reasonable and you were winning the argument. They aren't and you aren't.

You're saging because it's what you're paid to do.

Pence is significantly less in bed with the Israeli's than Trumps daughter.

Pence has no more connection to Israel than Trump.

If you are going to throw Pence out you have to throw Trump out aswell to remain consistent, Inconsistency is the sign of a failed ideology.


Right, just like JFK and the assassination attempt on Reagan to replace him with Bush the Elder. Assassination works. Martyrdom only works in leftist paradigms where power springs from victimization.

Yeah I'm totally buying that co-optive bullshit, just became a #Pencemissile.

Good job kike.


If he does that and gets in, people will be pissed if he turns on them due to all the talk about being anti-globalist. If he does not get in, then Hillary gets in and people will shrug their shoulders and assume defeat and instead turn their anger on perceived traitors, that is, anyone that helped Hillary get into office. You're a fucking idiot if you don't understand that. That said, have fun voting for Hillary since you are so set on it and actually want to. I never thought I would see people here who wanted to vote for Hillary.

This is rich coming from the guy who posts like he came from reddit. Coming from the guy who doesn't understand how saging works. Coming from the guy so ass-blasted by someone saging he is getting fussy over it. I'm saging because this thread is trash.

Says the person who was paid to get people to vote for Hillary by exploiting a fracture point like shills have been doing since the start of this election cycle. You're very bad at your job.

It's weird they're still trying the;

When Holla Forums understands and realizes that.

It's not possible to become a billionaire and not have run into many jews.

If you watch videos of Trump talking to government panels from decades ago it's clear he knows how to jew the jew.

So Holla Forums knows Trump's dealt with jews. But he's dealt with jews in a Holla Forums approved way.

As am I. Even if it stands to reason that he must stay in the Senate, which if it does I don't see how, I still wouldn't care because he's legitimately the only decent candidate with a chance of being picked.

Trump/Sessions or bust.

neo Holla Forums is on this delusional nonsense about Trump being secret Hitler who wants to gas all the jews.

What Leftypol creates as parody, neo Holla Forums embraces as reality.

Most criticisms of Pence also hold true of Trump, I recognize a lot of this stuff from the #NeverTrumpers using it against Trump.

I'm not hot on Pence anyway, I think Trump should go with Chris Christie but politics is complex.

If Trump gets assassinated, after all the talk about the establishment and so forth trying to stop him, people will see this as those very same people denying the will of the people and strike back. If Trump is owned by the establishment, they will have no reason to kill him in the first place since doing so will do nothing since people will be pissed at him in the first place. You are a fucking idiot if you can't even grasp this. People will be angrier if they feel betrayed. No one will feel betrayed if Hillary wins.

Eh. I'd accept Flynn but I do prefer Sessions as well.

If only because of two things;


Oh I see.

Fuck you on about?

The problem is who will help Trump win in areas that he is looking to swing voters. I like Sessions and hate Pence but understand that he is going to go for someone more middle of the road who has strong leverage over. I'm open to some other possibilities though dislike most of them.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Trump didn't say he picked him…

The (((news))) told you trump picked pence.

Please tell me you all aren't actually this stupid and you are just having a laff


Unfiltered because I like to torture myself.

You mean like the swing states where all of which Trump is at worst tied?

Also the exact same shit you just said was said about Trump in the primaries.

Trump regularaly secured the majority in every single voting group by age, race, gender etc. In most states.

I trust that Trump knows exactly what hes doing, so I'm not concerned about his decision at all.

Try having some faith in a man who got so far with the entire world of cuckoldry acting against him.

I'm sure he knows more about the coincidences than any of us here do. Just because he doesn't announce it doesn't mean hes clueless.

I'll believe it when I hear Trump say it.

Man it's like 200+ posts later and (((he's))) >(1) of course (((he's))) not serious.

Trump is swinging voters just fine all by himself. Hell, Hillary's helping him. I feel like the "outreach pick" shit is a forced meme from the news media.

The only voters I can see moving to Trump based solely on his VP pick are people who want him to pick a VP that goes against his own platform, which may very well lose him more current supporters than he stands to gain half-hearted new ones.

And doesn't Flynn want to disarm Israel? I've seen people quote him on that? Is that accurate?

If true and he's picked, the kikes would never want Trump assassinated then haha. Probably also exactly why it won't be him.

Haha, this is so delusional. 90% of people believe what the (((nightly news))) tells them as gospel. They live in an alternate world where black lives matter have a point and are peaceful protesters even after gunning down 12 people with advanced military tactics.

You have far too much faith in the average American. And furthermore, Trump has no apostle which can pick up his torch and continue leading. Trump has so far been amazing, but he's the only one we got. There is no apparent understudy which is exactly what the VP is supposed to be.

Picking the wrong VP would be bad for us in so many ways you just have no idea. And Trump's assassination would be the start of the second civil war. And when it happens you better not be making smarmy posts about 'well just go do it then :^)' you better be joining us you dumb shit.

Trump wants to take NY and most of the NE. He wants to dominate the whole map. Why would he need someone on his ticket that he already has? That said, I don't think he should pick a woman or a non-white but I don't think he should take someone who can hurt him or does not handle the media as well as he can.

He forgot to hate sandniggers.

Inconsistency is when you say that people shouldn't support Pence because he's pro Israel but you ignore when Trump says "We will fight for Israel, 100 per cent, 1,000 per cent: it will be there forever!".

SJWs and neo Holla Forums are consistently inconsistent.

Except we're not saying that at all. We're saying Pence is a globalist.

Only if he gets elected. If Hillary gets elected, anyone here who says they voted for her deserves to hang. Since the internet will not be anonymous anymore (and you fucking know this is the case), this is a very real possibility. Traitors are more odious than actual trash.

If Trump picks Flynn he has my vote.

If he picks anyone else, after having begged for donations now and understandably.been swarmed with cuckservatives, hes done with me.


for example.

You are not fooling anyone CTR

Gingrich or Christie, Gingrich or Christie

You're totally not the same kike from earlier in the thread. Pretty woke tbh.

So you'd "stop supporting Trump" if he doesn't pick the VP you "want"?

I suspect this is another form of anti-Trump shilling, as the coincidences will exploit every opportunity for dividing and conquering.

Surely in a critical election such as this anybody who isn't a blatant shill would suck it up and continue supporting Trump even if they didn't agree on everything.

I simply cannot believe that anybody on Holla Forums would be stupid enough to genuinely believe that its better to let Shillary win because they didn't get everything they want. This is cuckservative behavior.

It is, this faggots have raided every thread with the same nonsense

Even more news is coming out.

1. Pence apparently has not made a decision yet on withdrawing from the Indiana governor race.

2. Donald Jr. confirmed on Hannity that Trump's final decision will be made on the weekend surrounded by his family.

We don't even know if hes picking that guy. All we have are "media sources", but the shills are already going wild.

Maybe because of this?

Would not be shocked if Pence does this. The fact that Trump is now going to wait until the weekend to make his final decision speaks volumes.

It tells us that Pence lost Trump's trust after the huge leak today

I see this happening. That said, I don't think he will choose Pence. All these leaks may be just Trump checking to see where leaks are coming from and at the same time wanting to see how people will react. It will probably be Sessions or Brown considering how chill they have been about the whole process. Sessions especially probably knows more than we realize.


We need a Trump clone basically.

DON JR for VP!

Don't forget that he's making his final decision on the weekend instead of today. Obviously the leaks and negative reactions made Trump change his mind.



So even if Pence withdraws, he could still be in Trump's administration

Really, I find it hard to believe Sessions isn't being considered more heavily than is being made out, considering that as the most well-respected politician in the US, he endorsed Trump before practically anybody. Trump has made it very clear how important that kind of loyalty is to him.

My only hope is that the downplaying of Sessions has more to do with narrative pushing and less to do with a lack of interest on Sessions' part.

tbh, Trump has made a mess of this. He shouldn't have put a deadline before being at least 99% sure that he had already decided his VP, and he basically screwed Pence on the governor race.

This kills the white race

Hispanic vote clinched.

Not unless Trump is offering Pence a position in his administration, like Donald Jr. said on Hannity. Even if Pence doesn't' get it, he could still get a role, and Pence may not want to pass up that chance.

Also Pence did this to himself. His team were the ones who leaked this information, and obviously it pissed off Trump a lot.

If you're swayed this easily you're either not an actual supporter or just a shill.
VP is essentially a figurehead anyway, so try not to get your panties in a knot.

Anyone but newt gingrich, he's against stem cell research

I honestly hope it is just the media not caring about him. The media ignoring Sessions and focusing on Trump helps Trump. Thanks to the months of the media screaming racist at Trump, any of similar stuff they pull with Sessions may just wash off of him. In the end Sessions is a nice guy and I don't want to see him get the bullshit thrown at him the media is fond of.

Gievn the recent news, I think he might swing to that retired general.


There will be a family sitdown


We moon base now!

Flynn? He was awesome on TV tonight. He kinda went off and then said "pardon my Irish but I am PISSED!"


God I hope Newt is just trying to fuck around. He can't be that stupid can he?

This is all I needed to know. Fuck this asshole.

I hope newt was kidding when he said it was going to be Pence. I really hope its not Pence

I hope Trump dumps Newt and Pence.

How red-pilled are they? My fear is that they will be out of touch and choose some cuck pick. The shit that went down today though will probably have them leaning towards Flynn which may be good.



From what I am hearing, his family is torn between Gingrich and Christie.

Newt could probably be saying that to throw people off.

I'm talking more about the way that he let things down for the last minute when he was fully aware that Pence had a deadline this friday. The leak of whatever is irrelevant as if this was the real reason behind Trump having doubts about Pence, having made the decision sooner he would have got enough time to change his mind without having the speculation around the Pence governor race deadline.

So now Pence is in a bad spot: Either he risks everything and hope Trump still isn't pissed at him, or he takes the safe route and goes back to being governor

It's like they want their father assassinated.

I think Pence still has some leeway still. Pence will probably not be VP anyways.

Exactly. Well, at least it will be an exciting weekend.

He still has the hope of this I guess:

That tweet also told me something: It seems even his "aides" know that Pence hasn't been picked yet

Whats this leak everyone is talking about?

I think people are assuming that Pence allies leaked the info about him being selected as a VP, but I have not seen a source for this.

use google. the catholic.org leak has footage from an Indianapolis TV station. It was also all over the talk radio stations here, too.

This from CNN. What the fuck is going on right now?

oh look, Trump is just another candidate who is no better than Hillary.

Basically, there is Hitler, and there isn't Hitler. Trump isn't Hitler.

Ok what is going on? Trump said on Fox that no decision has been made. Then someone who went to his fundraiser told CNN he made a decision

also Indy Star announced it, too.

Pence is better than Hillary, but try to keep up. He suspended his pick following the attack in France.

That was before the leak, and the attack in France. Hopefully Pence shoots himself in the foot and announces he's not running for re-election. He's got 11 hours to make up his mind, and Trump just cucked him good.

some recent developments…

so what do we take from this?

Hopefully he does. This takes Pence out of the VP running for good.

I have no idea m8. Everything is getting more and more confusing.

Well Trump postponed his announcement so its not gonna be Friday. ALso Don Jr. said Trump will be talking with his family about this tomorrow and into the weekend

But I think it means not who, but when?


The thing with Indiana law is that you can't run for Governor and a national seat at the same time. We also have a law saying that you can only be Governor for two terms in a row, then have to step down. After the next cycle, you can run again. People were really hoping on Wednesday that Mitch Daniels would step up to the plate, but then he released a statement saying that he didn't want to be pulled into the current shitstorm. Now we see why.

mmm yeah I think you're right. So tomorrow Trump will set a new date when he will announce his VP

Pence may have no choice but to run for re-election to keep the state red

This has me even more worried that he's meeting with Pence

In fact, Governor Pence looks better than the others.

I read that Manafort was shilling for Pence, so that's not very surprising.



Pence wouldn't be the choice to do it. He fucked up after the whole RIFRA thing, along with forcing Common Core to the point where the ISTEP test, which is the yearly test in public schools to make sure kids are learning, failed the majority of a grade. And him not wanting to fix roads and bridges that need it despite us having more and more of a surplus. Etc.

Hoosiers like to be left the fuck alone, and the Republican / Democrat is only a way to milk money from both national parties at the local level. At the House and Senate level, though, I expect things are going to change a bit because of the current fags doing things like voting to continue the Patriot Act, TTIP, and other issues over the past few years where they went against the will of the people.

To all you fanboys sperging hard for Trump:

You know Trump's campaign has people watching Holla Forums to gauge how their deepest support reacts to any Trump decisions right?

If you have Trump's balls too deep down your throat no matter what he does they will tell Trump that he can back off on mass deportations and islam bans and he will listen to that advice.


Whereas on the other hand, if you actually hold him to account for his mistakes and stop sucking his dick quite so enthusiastically Trump will get word that it's alienating his deepest support.

Being honest about his actions instead of putting on idol worship glasses is the only way to get a wall built.

You are letting your ancestors down with your cock sucking faggotry. Hold his fucking feet to the fire. He is our agent, we are not his minions.

Two dubs in a row don't lie


Now you just sound like Liz.

… That's Pence.

Why did you have to post that webm?

He doesn't need to, he won the evangelical vote on the East Coast in the primaries. Evangelicals aren't going to vote to Clinton anyway.

You're not the only one, Ann Coulter is shitting on Pence on Facebag and Twitter:


"I won't believe it, until I hear it from the Trump's mouth. Pence is the combo-platter of disaster. He’s all in for corporate America bringing in as many guest workers as they please to replace American workers, tried to sell the monster amnesty as a "compromise bill." (How about this compromise: We start with a wall…)

He also somehow managed to tick off both sides in gay marriage debate. After his state passed a law passed protecting Christians from having to participate in gay marriages, all hell broke loose. Pence thought to himself: 'I have semi heading for me. Should I just stand here? Yes, I think I’ll just stand here!' First, he allowed himself to be portrayed as a right-wing homophobic nut and then – just days later – he sold out to the left-wing activists, anyway."

This guy is just another cuckservative. Trump has nothing to gain by choosing him.

I'm sure Jeff Sessions can find someone to replace him temporarily in the Senate. He could be the Trump's VP for a year or so and then go back to the Senate after Trump finds someone to replace him as VP. Something like that. Sessions is the one most compatible with Trump's ideas. If something happens to Presiden Trump we know Sessions isn't going to be a sell out on border security and illegal immigrants.


Why so mad though?

It's official. It's Pence.


What's wrong with this piece of shit? He's better than the others, right?

Trump's lucky six-shooter, Joe Sixpence.

We're coming for you, outlaws!

I knew about the gay marriage bill, but not the amnesty corporate-whoring crap.

I still think that he's going to choose someone for a strategic reason, even if it is this guy, but I do hope he chooses someone else in light of that.

The only thing I see Trump has to gain from Pence is funding, a cuckservative will bring cuckbucks, but is it really worth it with Trump so rising gradually in the polls? I think he could probably push way ahead of Clinton with good funding, but is that worth more over a genuine, but slim, victory?

I'm going to trust that he's made this decision for a reason (appearing to the center and funding), but I don't think for one moment should we stop scrutinizing him.

Trump just chose him, check twitter.

You should edit that picture to be 'Richard Dawgins" instead.


I always found those "I'm a #CruzMissle now" type posts extremely annoying.

Unfortunately, I am being completely serious now when I say I'm voting for Hillary Clinton. Trump has betrayed me by picking the biggest cuckservative in existence that supports open borders, amnesty, and TPP so I will betray Trump and vote for Hillary. By picking Pence, Trump has shown that he is not the great 4D chess playing leader we thought he was.

The only hope now is a scorched earth policy where we hope that Hillary flushes the country down the drain as fast as possible, and we can rebuild a new country from the ashes.

Fuck Trump, he's a traitor.

Trump's wall already exists on the border gringo.
He coudn't build the kike wall, no, that might actually be interesting to piss on.
You know what i have to piss on right now?
An infrared tracker.
Do you know how fucking boring it is pissing on a black dome?

Am I back on halfchan? You won't ever convince us to be an unwitting propaganda machine, everyone here calls their own shots, kike.

How long did it take you to realize you can't post duplicate files?