How suspicious is this exactly, I'm not Holla Forums
How suspicious is this exactly, I'm not Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
On a scale of 1 to 10, that's "Everychan copyright fraud" tier fishy
So basically Assange is either dead or captured right
Show us the actual interaction you had that led to the blocking. It's possible that the way you said it just came across as obnoxious.
I don't think Assange runs the account after they shut off Internet access at the embassy, I think they handed it over to someone else at wikileaks.
Could it be compromised?
Hiroyuki shill detected.
Tell that faggot to kill himself
Copyfraud includes rewriting someone's copyright notice to be your own. It's actually actionable if you've redistributed it, especially with GPL.
It's what indians and retarded asisns usually do, since they can't actually write software.
thats not me
Hence 'tell that faggot'
On a scale of 1 to 10, 0. Until he posts his tweet that he supposedly got blocked for or you post his credentials as for why I should believe some random asshole on the internet, I have no reason to believe him at all. It could just be someone who wants to stir up more panic just for fun for all I know.
Didnt this thread get deleted for some reason
Holla Forums has automatic wordfilters that try to disappear any thread talking about the piracy its parent company engages in
No, it just broke. If you're not sure whether a thread was deleted, check if the deletion shows up in the log:
And check if the thread shows up in the catalog:
If the thread wasn't really deleted use the attached instructions to fix it. I did that to this thread.
Are you an eliza bot set up to spam this board, or are you just naturally brain damaged?
What? more info please. might explain why some threads vanish but still exist in the catalog
The wordfilter thing is just an ebin trole or unfounded paranoia.
Holla Forums mostly works with static pages that are replaced all the time. 670779.html is an actual file on Holla Forums's disk. When you reply to the thread PHP generates a new page and overwrites the old page with it.
If the generation of the new page fucks up somehow the old static page is removed but the new one isn't created. The thread still exists in the database but not as a static file so everything about it works except for the regular page.
To fix the thread you have to force Holla Forums to regenerate the static page. You can do that by replying to it, either by using the mod panel that doesn't use the same static page scheme or by creating and sending a request manually or with some external tool.
The mod panel method is described in this post's image:
Not suspicious at all. I checked Wikileaks' twitter and on literally every tweet he had commented with an image reading "POST SOMETHING SIGNED WITH YOUR PGP KEY". Literally every single tweet had a comment for him. And everyone calling him out on his spamming got told they "need to wake up" and "the big man is running wikileaks now" among other nonsense.
So basically they blocked him cause he was running some script that commented on everything they tweeted demanding "PGP Evidence", and proceeded to shit on everyone in the tweet comment section that didn't outright praise his actions.
Wow thanks
In a way, he's not wrong though
he's not right, he's not even wrong, he's just a worthless asshole
So why can't they post something signed with their PGP key?
They probably can, but if there were a sperg yelling at every moment for you to do so, I wouldn't comply with that request.
I've seen this guy on twitter. He's a trump fanboy. I like trump but he's full on nonstop cheerleader fag that make even the trump guys cringe.
Bullshit, have you seen Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is great, other than some subtle or sometimes overt racism
they are pretty hard on spergs like this twatter faggot
meta discussion is supposed to go to /polmeta/
But Holla Forumstards are such easy target ) =
Sorry for posting without trigger warning
Typical /leftycuck/ low-brow attempt at humor.
Trumpguys aren't only Holla Forums. It's half the country.
Their moderation is already compromised. It's the goon's finest work yet. srs all over again but in reverse.
It's the best we got though. Leagues better than the cesspool that is halfchan
sage for derailed thread
This board is the best. Slow but best.
This greasemonkey script will redirect e0001 threads to the mod.php page for you automatically. Just tested this on a couple threads, but will this work for all boards? // ==UserScript==// @name 8ch e0001 redirect// @namespace arch// @include http*://*// @exclude http*://**// @exclude http*://*// @version 1// @grant none// ==/UserScript==if (document.body.innerHTML.substring(0, 5) == "e0001") { var url = window.location.href; var i = url.indexOf(".net") + 4; var newUrl = url.substring(0, i) + "/mod.php?" + url.substring(i, url.length); window.location.href = newUrl;}
I would expect that to work for all boards. The exclusions might be unnecessary.
My solution is a qutebrowser keybinding to toggle mod.php. It's nice for regular moderating too.
Wikileaks said they'd release proof of Assange's life today. Did they?
You guys realize wiki leaks is a russian psyop right?
Indians. Mexicans. Communists. Muslims. Chinese. Russians.
Doesn't matter if the ghost stories they make up have a shred of truth or not, Americans love to terrorize themselves into the dark ages.
McCarthy ffs, you're supposed to be dead.
They haven't managed to bring him back to the embassy yet. It's always like this when he hears there's a monster nearby. Even if the reward is shit he just has to go there because of some witcher bullshit and everyone has to cover for him.
Wikileaks is a leaking organization, not a spy organization. Wikileaks will publish the information given to them. If they were given Russian secrets that proves Russian corruption, they will publish those secrets as well
I wouldn't if I were them, just out of self-preservation. After all, don't want Dimitry sneaking into the embassy to do something crazy, right?
Assange is not the only person in Wikileaks. He may be assassinated but it won't stop Wikileaks from operating.
But it will give them reason to fear. If Assange can die, so can anyone.
Everybody in this line of business knows about the risk of assassination. Nobody gets into the business of publishing big secrets without understanding the possiblity that powerful groups involved in the leaks would resort to assassination to protect their own interests.
Hypothetical risk is different from a realized risk.
Also, you don't fuck with Russians. Nobody fucks with Russians.
Nice one. Next thing you'll be saying is that Russia's plutocracy will last longer than 20 years.
Why would they?
>>>Holla Forums
fuck off kike mccarthy was right about every commie faggot he accused
no, he wasn't.