Daily remainder that you still hadnt kill yourself

daily remainder that you still hadnt kill yourself

get gud faggots

but i don't want to

y not

Give me one good reason to do it

give me one reason to not to

my life's good and i'm content with it. why don't you do it?


Pretty sad that you are so nihilistic that you think everyone else wants to kill themselves too.
What happened, OP?

just trying to get as many with me

its the little things

suicide by orgy?

Too many guys though. It would be a shit orgy.

I would gladly be the bottom if you would like?

nah. plain old mass carnage

me no liking this no more

its not up 2u tho

oh shit


Come on, let's have an orgy as the last thing we do!


yea you try that while your head bein chopped off

Sounds hot.

does electro shock therapy work?

only on your mom

bump for more die dies