Unpopular opinions thread

Windows 10 is the best OS ever

IBM's Thinkpads are the only thinkpads worth buying, lenovo is literal junk.

Android is crap, and no phone has been able to compete with the iPhone hardware and software.

if you installed Gentoo on a regular PC you're clinically retarded, that distro was meant for exotic CPUs and the feds

Other urls found in this thread:


you should kill yourself

nice troll cuckchan

everyone below the bait line has been baited

Since I'm below the bait line I guess i have to say that my unpopular opinion is that Holla Forums is turning into /g/

That's some potent fresh pasta you've got there OP.

That happened months ago m8.
Almost a year, actually. Pretty sad.

Not /g/, it's some faggot from Holla Forums or Holla Forums trying to stir up shit.

well he's not wrong here.

Statistically those aren't unpopular opinions at all, they're just wrong ones


As in the company, somewhat correct nowadays, they used to build good laptops though


For everyone who spends less than 2 hours a day on average on a Computer, a Mac is the best option unless games.
Learning C first is not the best intro to programming.

Here's mine...

Nim is actually good

Inkscape is way better option than Adobe Illustrator for vectors.

Object Oriented Programming works just fine.

Synfig Project is still alive.

Lenevo really is absolute trash though. Thinkpads suck now

I'm not sure who makes good laptops anymore, maybe asus, or windows on a macbook if you have the money

why would anyone waste money on a mac for no reason?
True. What is though, python?

Company that performance-bins its low end laptops worse than Intel itself by having the broken BIOS limit SATA drives to IDE mode? lel no

Desktop threads aren't cancer, ricers aren't cancer, form always supersedes function.

That is slowly becoming a more popular opinion over time, though.


apple fags gtfo REEEEE

In all seriousness though, would Swift allow a noob to most easily transition to C? I assume it's similar and easy to use

if i was in the market for a modern laptop i'd honestly go with one of those gaudy gaming laptops and boil my testicles. seems everything else is either a 2-in-1 or a mac clone. there was a time when i preferred elitebooks over thinkpads but now they are indistinguishable from the consumer line because hp like everybody else wants to copy apple design philosophy of "let's make this tiny as possible while seeing how much space we can fit between the fucking keys".

Good joke.
It's been something worse than /g/ since the ass-end of the Next kerfuffle. Holla Forums hasn't had the gall to talk about technology in ages. I only continue browsing out of a very morbid curiosity to see just how low it can sink.

What is the current state of apple? How is their os compared to windows and how is android compared to their mobile os?

I used to hate apple but stopped following this a long time ago.

There is technical discussion on this board all the time. But it's getting harder to find it I'll admit.

The problem isn't a lack of technically minded people per-se, it's the board wars coupled with shitposters killing this place.

Although it's still better than 4/g/ and I dare anyone to prove me wrong.

I think there's just a serious lack of technology news going on. I've also noted that ever since the Election in the US has been front in center in the news, there is almost never any other news stories out there these days.

Apple have perfected the GUI, and have built the most comfortable user experience both on the desktop and mobile.

You're right, being keylogged in order to fill Microsoft's chatbot databases is the best!

Gentoo is meant for exotic CPUs and developers.

You should've said: unpopular on Holla Forums

This is the only unpopular opinion you have which is questionable.

The problem with object oriented program is you have to bend over backwards to learn new design patterns just to be able to _not_ break abstractions.

It also kind of necessitates the use of an IDE, because you have to be able to look at multiple class definitions just to understand what any one piece of code is doing.

It's very good for an enterprise setting because as long as you keep internal API stability, you don't break anything for other people and you can work on your own personal chunk of a project, and the IDE necessity makes work for other enployees, developing tools in order to work on the codebase.

At least for me, it's hard to justify posting new threads because it's hard to tell what is actually going to cause discussion anymore other than the regular systemd love/hate threads.

This is false. There is always a continuous stream of tech news going on.
Trouble is the majority of shitposters end up attracted to bait threads so the little tech news that is actually posted sinks to the bottom.
Theoretically, people could just post more tech news and maybe some of it would stick -- but a lot of the time, the news just provokes the reaction "oh, that's cool", and nobody has anything to say about it.

Tabs are objectively better than spaces for indentation.

gentoo is a meme, I can't believe there are people that unironically install it.


mobile devices thread was good for sure

I got a few chips for hobby shit

i was too late to know init, and i think systemd is pretty neat
though i do have some concern over red hat having too much power over linux

OSX is a quite good OS overall - though it's definitely not perfect

i would agree, Holla Forums needs to be smarter, more open minded, and more anti-windows than /g/
if it can't do this, there's really no purpose in it's existence

nice bait

BSD is better than Linux in every way except hardware and software support.

Slackware is GNU/Linux's last hope

Windows Vista wasn't that bad and I used it as my Windows partition until last month.

UNIX is shit but it's the better than the rest. ANything not UNIXlike is magnitudes worse ESPECIALLY Windows and ESPECIALLY Botnet 10.
This is the truth. Eagerly awaiting my T60 in the mail to replace my X220 which I an not satisfied with.
This is true but phones are shit and you should never pay real money for Apple shit.
This is one use of Gentoo but many people that like Gentoo like it because it's very BSD like. Hell there's even an officially managed Gentoo based on FreeBSD.

I chuckled. 9.4/10

I like all the Lenovo Thinkpads, I like IBM Thinkpads.