give me attention
Hey Holla Forums
you gotta show dem pussi gurl
Show me some more sweet pics like that, and I'll show you some nice attention
I will give you 1(one) attention per cute anime
I can play this game.
so how was your day? do you mind if I call you cuteanon?
I don't mind it. I'll can you niceanon too.
I woke up, stayed in bed for some 3 hours, got up, went out, shopped some groceries, locked myself in my room, had groceries, turned on the PC and have been shitposting ever since. I'm almost about to go to bed.
How was your day, niceanon?
Tell me everythign. And let's keep talking.
Sweet, here's your +1 nice attention:
You seem like a nice and straightforward user, I like that.
looks like you're luck today you get 2 attention for 1 anime but i get your attention too and fill my /cute/ folder
today the same as evry day, work, vidya, anime, shitpost anime/vidya
I'll give you two cute anime girls to compensate for that then. What do you work with?
how much is this worth?
I can't give that out. I work a small job to finance my hobbies.
Well it's pretty cute so it would be worth a lot, but it's also low res and .jpg
it's pretty cute though, is that miku?
I'll give you 1 cute anime and attention per undertale
bonus for sans pics
Hm. Why wouldn't you give that out?
It's important to keep certain things off of imageboards.
Ok, how are you feeling today then?
smh tbh fam
there doesn't seem to be a better version
Not too bad. It's almost Friday, I enjoy Fridays.
user pls
It's not like I browse the site, I just collect whatever I see.
Well, ok. You sound like you have a decent, happy life.
Have you ever gone through bad times and if yes how did you get out?
oh. I only save pics I really like.
Like this one. I'm a sucker for touhou especially.
I meant more that I don't give a shit where an image came from. ifunny, tumblr, reddit, Holla Forums, as long as it looks good I'm happy.
I don't mind where images come from. I usually google them and they come from reddit or tumblr. What bothers me is the watermark. Images
I fucking hate watermarks with a vindictive boner, but if it's something simple that can be easily edited out in case I want to use the image in something where I don't want to see a watermark, then I give it a pass.
If it's easy to edit then I usually remove it and search for the source
Maybe that works for you, but I'm a lazy asshole so I don't want to do all that shit.
I have too much free time to be lazy.
That's no excuse, I have shitloads of free time and I'm the laziest motherfucker I know.