Leftist brutally raped on TV

Leftists don't understand basic economics and their arguments are based entirely around logical fallacies and muh feels.

Props to Stuart on this one, she needs a rape kit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Capitalism under Reagan, Clinton, and Bush massacred the white race. Capitalism sucks, idiot.

leftypol pls

Capitalism isn't the problem, usury is. Even though I would love national socialism, I don't think my people have the discipline the germans do.

Both are jewry

NatSoc > all

You sound like a lefty and your shits all retarded


So I take it you're a socialist?

New names for the parties? Democrats should become the Socialist Party, and Republicans should become the Business Party or Commerce Party or something.

They could at least be honest about their policies this way.

id: doggie



Democrats = Left Nostril, Republicans = Right Nostril. The Tip is the independents or third parties.


Don't fall for the false dichotomy you faggots. We already know it's two faces of the same (((coin))). Stop losing your time arguing without purpose.


Economies are not merely complex, they are adaptively complex and so are infinitely complex. About the only thing a government can accomplish in regards to economic control is ensuring a house advantage for their cronies.

Controlled economies require leaders to be perfectly competent and incorruptible which is why they
fail and become oligarchical. Indeed the problem with America is that it allowed room for government expansion into the economic arena despite it being initially highly limited (which is why the vast majority of our economic growth occurred before 1929)

But I'm so very interested in hearing how you can ensure a benevolent and capable big brother to manage our affairs

Just a race realist now, but going in the socialist direction since the options are limited and the capitalist in that video defended capitalism with snarkiness and lies.

You fucking faggot. I thought you meant literally kys

This. Capitalism is simply Kike-ism

Socialism is nigger-tier garbage.

ITT: people who know nothing about the Third Position


All these things came from monopolies. Capitalism's solution to tyranny from monopolies is an invisible hand. What a joke.

bitch has the crazy eyes

Socialism always fails because people are corrupt. It's that simple.

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before that happens in Europe, so you have that to look forward to.

the 1% is 36% kike infested.

Unbridled capitalism puts profits over higher ideals, and pits man against the best interests of his nation for the pursuit of glittering gold.


Socialism is garbage, as well. Are you really comfortable with giving the government even more power over us? Because that's what happens in socialist societies.


Everyone is just spouting off about their feels

It's like listening to nigger babble

It's not perfect, but better than the corrupt socialist hand.


Monopolies are inefficient, they can't survive long without assistance. That assistance usually comes from the government responsible for providing rule of law to the economy. Rule of law is a necessary component in a capitalist economy because without it contracts cannot be enforced.

tl;dr- crack a book once in a while. you don't seem to know a fucking thing.

she does`t understand the difference between income and wealth.

No, faggots like you try to move on to faggotry instead of fixing the problems while the people trying to fix the problems are undermined by useful idiot faggots like you convincing enough people that they shouldn't bother trying to fix problems, the divisiveness ensuring nothing ever gets done and the corrupt continue to rule indefinitely.
Learn US history, US leaders had been saying for generations that corporate needs to be strongarmed, until the effort was completely undone by one traitor and a couple years of context setting by the banks because we didn't have enough checks and balances.


wew that's a whole lot of not an argument

Monopolies are the government. They rob tax payers and interpret the contracts however they want. Krugman's textbook doesn't explaining how things actually work.

Not watching that cuck Varney, he's a globalist faggot.


It seems like you're saying that people are too stupid and emotional to effectively manage a government, in which case I agree


The end result of capitalism and marxist socialism/communism is the same. Good for the kikes, bad for the goyim

German style National Socialism that has private ownership of most industry that has a eugenics program that does not have free gibsmedat for lazy people is the only solution. Good for the goyim, bad for the kikes


have you guys ever watched a video that made you cringe so hard in the first 20 seconds, you had to close out of the video? because this video right here made me do that

i cant finish it

what a fucking babe, the green brings out her eyes so beautifully. gawdam. I'd vote any way she wanted me to if I could just dip my dick inside her for a few hot seconds.

Like taking my organs from me whenever they feel like it? I honestly don't know any more. It might be better to take that risk if it's in a country that bans jews and niggers from doing worse things to me.

Jewishness as a character trait is genetically influenced, but it is also an effective survival strategy that could and would be adopted by others given a sufficient period of time. Such a group would inevitably rise to power within a centrally controlled system as they would have every incentive to control the regulatory apparatus and every bit of power they gained would increase their effective power exponentially (the new control allowing them to modify regulations to ensure easier access to their clique and further speed along the seizure of power)

Julius Evola writes about this in "Note on the Third Reich" when he writes on "Honorary Ayrans". He wrote that while some had earned the title, their were pure blooded germans who deserved the title of "Honorary/Spiritutal semite"


You are a nigger



You're full blown nigger aren't you? Please get killed in a gang beef or some shit.

Get a load of this goy.

no im danish (white)


I'm not natsoc. I recommend reading "Notes on the Third REich" by Evola for a non cucked critiques of the Reich

The Third Reich accomplished some amazing things, but it accomplished them because of Hitler and assuming he had won the war the empire would have fallen into irreparable decline the moment Hitler died. The entirety was focused on the "Fuhrer Prinzip" and required the ability and charisma of a spectacularly talented individual to hold together but it is quite clear when we look at the world around us that such men are not often forthcoming

See if a nigger did what the white guy did, it would have been considered a great interview. "Why this candidate? Cuz I lost the game last night. Shheeeit, ain't I adorable?!"

Then stop thinking with your dick nigger

You have the heart of a nigger

The only sensible way to proceed is to nullify income tax and only tax revenue from rents. Wages are private property, that much is obvious. Rents are secured by state protectionism, thus are in the jurisdiction of taxation. Both of these idiots are wrong. Yes, wealth redistribution does spur growth, saying otherwise is to ignore the burden of household debt. The united states doesn't need a higher minimum wage, we need a lower debt burden. Collecting money from rents and paying zero taxes makes absolutely no sense, especially with zero interest borrowing. The solutions to the problem are once again, mitigate usury's wealth-accumulation effect through raising the cost of borrowing on margin and then tax only that revenue that is generated from rents. This is how you secure safe investment strategies rather than socialized risk and privatized profit. Any taxation beyond that is unjustifiable and unconstitutional. Also ban derivatives trading and let banks fail, that much is simple.

The reason we're in the predicament we're in right now is simple: sponsoring gambling addiction with taxpayer money. Every economist knows this, but these (((FIRE))) sector giants can't stop themselves. The likes of Soros and Sanger would be slumped over a video keno machine if they were born on the opposite side of the tracks. It's really disgusting actually, addiction is what is toppling the economy, not some esoteric theory.


OP you're a retard, she wasn't raped. Capitalism is as bad as socialism/commjnism. They are both sides of the same shekel, it's all Jewry. National Socialism or bust


She really looks like she is on the edge of tears pretty much the entire time. Why is she so bootyblasted?


No, user. Capitalism doesn't exist. It's only a made up word from Mr Marx that some some cuckservatives have been using to describe the business world.

America was capitalist before Reagan. The problem is not any particular part of our economic or political system, it is the subversion of our institutions by high-IQ Ashkenazi kikes. Any type of social, economic or political arrangement that we erect will be turned against us unless we purge kikes.


bitch the president doesn't run the (((federal))) reserve

That attitude is gonna get you cucked m8

rigging the market isn't capitalism.


Man I was wishing for a literal live rape, you goys let me down

His face after he asks her how more taxes result in growth for the second time and she starts talking is priceless

Sums every conversation I have with a socialist/marxist/anarmarxist-oxymoron I ever talked to.



Satan checked.



And what more would I say? He told me his feelings, that can't be argued against. I'm sure he does feel that way. Were an argument presented I would have something to go on

This stood out to me too. It is like this:


you have to go back to gulag leftist

Leave here you fucking newfag cancer


Just wait for the day of the rope, nigger.

I am more shocked that there are only 279 of us by that youtube view count. Thats clearly not a lot of people for our side in the day of the rope.

I was thinking the same thing, getting murdered afterwards would be funny too

You mean a government form that didn't last for more then 50 years?
You storm kiddies, are just as bad as the leftists.
I don't expect any arguments why it would work, just the typical "your just like lefty" image.

Damn. This is NOT the thread I was hoping for.



Well, for the short period it thrived it made Germany the top dog of Europe. You know why it didn't last. What problems would natsoc face if it wasn't exterminated? We may only speculate.
But it is a fact that it worked better than any system at the time.

How about a… NATIONAL socialist?


Jesus fucking Christ, get out of my helicopter, you communist faggot.

I don't understand what communists/socialists want.

How do they think you generate wealth to actually just give to the population? What do they do once the money they take from the rich runs out?

Is the end goal to have the small number of elites chained up like cattle to generate wealth so the rest of the population can just have the money and lounge around spending it on iPads? So like, capitalism for the elite so the rest of the people can have communism?
I just don't understand their thinking


Shit shill.

This is becoming a trend now.


Holy fuck, this guy is tearing her a second vagina.

meh it was… 3/10, he had so many more chances to destroy her and he didnt take them

1) didnt hammer her on still misunderstanding the concept of wealth vs income
2) doesnt understand its not just federal taxes that come out, its state, local, and fica that comes out, so no maybe one section isnt "50%" but you add it all up, you end up with a lot being taken out
3) didnt destroy her on who pays the overwhelming majority of taxes
4) didnt hammer her on who gets the most back out of taxes both in refunds/EICs and from government programs (hint: it aint the wealthy)
5) didnt nail her at the end about the difference between GIVING your wealth away, vs it being forcefully taken from you and how what she chooses to do with her money is up to her, but it doesnt give her the right to dictate what I do with mine
6) flat out admits she'd take half of every "rich" persons money, but never asks her to define a dollar value, ie: "how much is TO much income"
7) didnt push her on growth, yes taking from the rich and giving to the poor qq and all that, but not all "wealth" is generated in gambling I mean the stock market, most money is held in accounts or put back into property or businesses to make more, which creates jobs for people to work in the first place, not to mention the things rich people buy that would shrink, boats, expensive cars, planes, etc.. these things require people to create them, which means jobs even IF they arent directly paying those employees wages they ARE supporting their businesses which allows them to have jobs to begin with… so sure joe bob and shaniqua can go buy a new tv, great! guess what? So much of that shit is made overseas, thats not going to create jobs here. Not to mention where as a rich person will pay boat loads for shit, joe dirt is gonna buy the cheapest shit he can find to stretch his money, which means it isnt spurring much on

And EVEN THEN, after missing all those points, he STILL fails to hit home the point that even if you took every dime of the top 1%, you could not even come CLOSE to paying off what the government owes, hell you'd be hard pressed to pay off probably even a quarter of it. Because these goons dont understand that oh wow a billion dollars, someone must be super duper uber rich! well yeah, personally. But in terms of a nation? Thats about one half of one ten thousandth of what the government owes CURRENTLY. Thats not paying for new programs, thats just paying off what we owe.

which is ANOTHER thing, he doesnt hit her on how we climb out of this debt. He doesnt bring up that the debt has doubled under Obama, meaning he created more debt in his 8 years than all previous presidents created COMBINED, including the evil boogeyman Raygun. He doesnt hammer her further as well on how the federal reserve isnt run by the "head of the government" or w/e she said Obama is. Its run by the fucking chair of the federal reserve, and they can do w/e they please and dont have to justify their decisions to him at all. They will be called to answer questions from time to time, but that doesnt even mean they have to give them answers they want. Hell half the time they DONT give answers. So no, its not "Obama who did it," and he didnt nail her on this.

He failed, pretty fucking hard. The only thing he did right is he got her to admit she wanted to flat out steal peoples money and give it away to the dregs of society

I don't know why you're trying to be so shit, but stop it.

Both of them are fucking idiots, and I smell controlled opposition.

1st post = shill
What a surprise, who would have thought!

I don't know why you're trying to be so shit, but stop it.

We don't have enough checks and balances and that will create problems even without capitalism. There is always something at play that can leverage rulers to make corrupt decisions.

One of the biggest problems with American policy decisions in the 20th century and onward has been the fact that the intentions and gestures implied by legislation matter more then their effectiveness or their principals.

Just because a problem exists doesn't mean that it's the government's job or anyone's to solve it. Reactionary politics does not work because it is impossible to know the solution to national or global economic problems, the best you can do is guess. Rather than ask if it would help or hurt policy needs to be based on principals and ethics not emotional panic or attempts to demonize and cripple an entire industry because of the bad actions of a few bad apples who broke laws and regulations that already exist.

It's amazing.
I guess we have undesireables browsing really intensely here lately.

Derivatives aren't as big of an issue as they're made out to be and are needed for hedging alot of things especially agriculture.
Rather than look at them as just betting they're really just a way of buying and selling risk so in the event of a failure less money is lose. Most of they time they're just used as a form of insurance that can take advantage of the price mechanism and the market better than insurance companies.

They also don't effect you unless you invest in banks that use them


Yes they do, in real capitalism those happen. MUH TRUE CAPITALISM is as big a bunch of baloney as MUH TRUE COMMUNISM! Both are materialistic cults.

wog detected

fake blondes are the gutter trash of the white race, nothing is wrong with being a brunette, pretending to be blonde is a sign of dishonesty and fake blondes give real blonde women a bad rep

No such thing as an uncontrolled economy. Non-governmental actors still effect control. Basically what you're asking for with your so-called free market is an economy controlled and centrally planned by an extra-governmental elite, and who does that sound like?

So, you don't believe in central planning or organization? So fuck families, fuck communities, fuck tribe, fuck nation, fuck civilization, it's all about the individual? Maximizing profit and productivity matter more than maintaining racial and cultural integrity?

See, the problem with your kind, is that you care so much about what YOU see as a victory, and not what the OTHER side sees as a victory

I GUARANTEE you if they see this, they see her winning, because he failed so miserably to drive home so many points.

Its NOT about making ourselves feel "good" because we got to mock a commie faggot. Thats fucking easy. What matters is if we defeated them so soundly that they cannot claim victory in any way, that even THEY have to admit they lost the fight. And in this regard, the interviewer failed and the commie faggot left with a hidden smirk on her face thinking she'd won, which means of course her side thinks she won, which just emboldens them further

To win, we have to not only defeat our opponent in OUR eyes, we have to defeat them in theirs, then demoralize them by doing this again and again and again and again until they are to crushed to fight back anymore and have to admit they are wrong on it all.

Until you understand this, you have no business posting here

Capitalism always fails because it can't defend itself from subversion, just like libertarianism.

If it's a nationalist government, then yes.

I have a feeling we have a lot of Holla Forumsers here trying to make socialism a cool word again, trying very hard because their candidate lost.

You think a government long term can maintain or has a place in communities, tribes, families, or culture ?

Those things are all part of culture not government and they need to maintain themselves.

That and sound currency.


You're probably one of those faggots who separates entertainment, commerce, and art into mutually exclusive categories, don't you?

Yeah, any free market or free/open system is going to be prey to subversion. If you let everyone participate and don't let the government interfere to maintain integrity because of muh principles, then you're going to end up where we are now.

IT is far harder to beat out competition in a free market than it is to control the regulatory apparatus for the market

Comppetition requires fitness and constant refinement whereas controlling the regulatory agency only requires bribes and kickbacks - easy to supply if you're market dominance is being mandated by the state

I don't think you've given this any amount of thought

shit is he possessed by the molyneux

Just because you've lived your entire life under an occupation government, doesn't mean government necessarily behaves that way.

Bullshit, that's the way governments normally behave

It is a gang by another nae that exists, but for brief and exceptional moments, solely to serve the interests of the controlling oligarchy

Crack any history book and you will see no different - particularly when it comes to large governments

No it isn't, because there is no such thing as a free market, just buy up the extra-governmental control structure: the banking and financial system and you've got control of the market. Your free market shit is why Jews control us now: the moment they wriggled into power in the US they dismantled the American school mercantilist economic policy which developed our national wealth and propelled us into world power status and replaced it with the capitalist debt-slave system that holds us in bondage today.

I just don't see how an institution like government could possible hope to meaningfully effect those things without going full 1984, messing things up or not accomplishing anything

In my mind government is only supposed to make and enforce the law and protect citizens. Culture engineering is too general a topic to write laws about without them being general enough to abuse.

good post user

Only when you're taught by Marxists. You probably think medieval feudal governments were tyrannical unlike our more enlightened modern representative republics, don't you?

you know who they will target next. The "dissident" middle class.

Well, your mind was miseducated. A weak government that doesn't have some measure of control over culture ends up pozzed like we are. If you can't excise predatory foreign and transnational actors from your economy, subversives and degenerates from your cultural and intellectual life and all because of gay ass limited government principles, how do you stop their take over? Sorry, the best ideas don't always win out in the seemingly free market, mainly because any market is rigged, the question is who is doing the rigging.

That is profoundly retarded

HAveyou ever had a basic economics class?

Monopolies don't survive unless they're propped up by the government


Thats exactly it, the leftist mind hides his greed behind these phony non-sensical "equality speeches", deep down they all know they are preaching socialism in the hopes that when it is implemented, they can join the commissariat and live of the lower caste doing nothing but policing them and getting a huge paycheck from the government at the end of the month.

You see, the thing abou the left is that they are delusional liars, they have their kings and quens, lords and masters, but it is all hidden behind a veil of hypocrisy.

Much like the lady in the video, a leftist mind has one goal, to become rich on the backs of others with shaming rhethoric and live a life of luxury and elitism while preaching that is not desirable for everyone else not on their sekrit club.

Economics is a pseudo-scientific field rife with personality cults. All they have to do is control banking and finance, ie currency creation, and the entire economy is subverted, everything can be monopolized because infinite money can be magicked up from nowhere. Take a look around at the world: capitalism paved the way for it.

This image is well known to be fake and gay.

You're not wrong but the pozzing can happen in an authoritarian state aswell but in theory less people need to be corrupted as the rulling class set the cultural standard for everyone else

I think this is a problem with any government and market system and there is no easy answer. I argue mostly from principals but the true test of any system(including yours) is it's ability to adapt to threats like that.

We lack checks and balances if politicians are bribeable people are going tobribe them but capitalism does not make them bribeable the way the current political system is setup does

What did they said?

Because of government intervention into the market via central banking and legislated single currency

As for the rest of what you wrote, it's nigger logic - mayne dis sience shit be bullshit

It's been. Bad dubs.

Stupid as shit but very pretty.

The comment on the youtube said she's a professor at Occidental College so how is she so stupid? Don't tell me that she fucked herself into that position? Did she?

That sounds a lot like Bismark. His political system was so complex that as soon as Kaiser Whilhelm was "fired" The Reich was pretty fucked because no one else could keep so many other nations happy at the same time.

Come on

So nice to see my OC being used. Even if it wasn't that incredible.

I want a political system where by the end of the president's term, we could execute him if we are dissatisfied with his 4 years of running in office.

I've googled her name several times to see if cucks like yourself are telling the truth. The nigger in the picture was prosecuted for this crime. It did happen. Here's a few articles, faggot.




That was a brutal rape scene though tbh fam.

Quite possibly the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard out of a non-Jew.

Communism is shit
Capitalism is shit
Find a middleground

Probably some sort of Nationalist Socialism where the nation does what is best for the nation regardless of what filthy lazy people demand.

Professor of what? Many diciplines require you to be stupid as shit to join.

No clue, man.

There's no thinking, just "gibsmedat".

Democrats should split in liberal party (classical liberalism) and socialist party (marxist or democratic socialism) to make it more honest and so that muricans just don't conflate the whole mess.

Did you even watch the goy guide to world history? You can still have free market principle without interest and it wouldn't be capitalism anymore. Natsoc is that even an economic model as far as I know it's also labour creates wealth only.


The anger in response to this is why Holla Forums's fantasies of a white Western ethnostate will ultimately fail–when forced to choose between culture and consumerism, the proles will pick cheap consumable goods every time. Capitalism leads naturally to progressivism i.e. a bigger market with more firms and trading, more people to fill jobs at a lower cost, and lower prices for consumers.

Socialism is a utopian fantasy that will never be achieved, but unfiltered and unchecked capitalism has directly led to hyper-multiculturalism. Do you think it's a coincidence that the least "cucked" European countries are former Soviet satellites? Do you think it's a coincidence that the neocons and Republican elites have done virtually nothing about mass illegal immigration and historically called for MORE immigration? Why do you think millions of nonwhites get imported into Western countries every year?

Many of you guys claim to be fascists; maybe you should actually read what its founders had to say about capitalism.


I can't watch this jewish shit. Kikes arguing with kikes purely for the purpose of creating consensus out of rhetoric. America you have to go back in the trash.

It is pretty beautiful, yes :,^)

No one was schooled. All I saw was a Communist Shill bitch and moan to a Capitalist shill over which one is better. Even then what'shisface didn't even refute most of her points he just started laughing and insulting her.

I don't even like Commies but she clearly came out looking better.

Capitalism doesn't exist. That's like saying racism exists. When you use the words and "concepts" of your opposition, you start from behind, never to catch up.

Guy who doesnt into economica here. I thought the whole point of tax havens was to avoid paying tax yes? Why doed the guy on the left claim this doesn't work? Im not supporting the marxist womens argument, but it seems like tax havens must do what she claimed, by definition.



But this is still hilarious

I always hear liberals say things like "People on the right all think they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
Yet all leftists seem to think that after the glorious revolution they will be one of the high ranking party members that get a little bit more equality than everyone else, that instead of working in the fields they will get paid to sit around and shitpost on twitter.

Except when you take their word and brutally rape them with it. Then I'm fine with using 'their' word.


son you better have meant you'd lay pipe in that bitch or them's fightin' words, that cunt had nothing but rhetoric and muh feels

leftypol plz

Stay spooked, Holla Forums.

Blood and soil, you communist retard.

Bitch shut up.

Both of them had nothing but rhetoric though.

One was going MUH FEELS and the other was just saying YOU'RE DUMB.

I demand serious discussions

>>>Holla Forums
Bernie lost. Eat shit leftycuck

I actually agree with the first pic. Note the clear lack of defense for Marx throughout the cap. This rebuttal is a great one. It shows the complete lack of subsistence of jewish economic theory. Even commies get it, Friedman, Rothbard, and Rand all fail in the same way as Marx. None of them lived the lives they espoused and their theories had no basis in reality. Materialist economics and philosophy simply don't work in the best interests anyone who isn't a conniving hypocrite, that entire post really shows how evil each of those ideals (Communism and neo-liberalism/libertarianism) truly are. Communism is not defended in any way, nor is the OP's post answered.

The second pic is ironic. A nation isn't an abstraction, we know what we are by looking in a mirror, going to church, or even speaking a language. Referencing the first pic, I assume this poster is a socialist/Communist. The same people that LITERALLY fought for an abstraction, ie, Marxist idealism and class revolution, despite these things never actually appearing or working in any meaningful capacity the way it was meant to.

Adding to the second paragraph, all these points are freely admitted and in fact defended by Commies today in the form of:
because they all fucked up so bad in implementation no one wants to take ownership of such a worthless ideology.


This woman is so fucking annoying. Stop talking over him! Shut the fuck up. This is why I can't watch news programs. Kindergarten. Turns. Take turns you haughty retard bitch.

Fuck it, Holla Forums, now I understand why we went to war against communism.

But no, another point, picture this

No transcripts for me?

Are you actually going to explain your reasoning? You probably don't even understand basic macroeconomics.

You need a history lesson badly. Since the beginning of the Neolithic era, governments have been a pretty shitty thing for its citizens individually. They were instituted because the alternative was a rival government fucking up their collective shit. It wasn't until the American revolution where people put ideas of "no fuck the government in particular" and citizens able to tear its shit up with arma was implemented and we ended up seeing a benevolent form for once