Hey Holla Forums… Let me ask you something.
Have you ever had something beautiful taken from you ?
Anons … If you ever find someone that makes you truly happy, do everything to preserve the joy… on both sides. I am currently alone in my room after a pretty long shift at my internship I have to take due to college. I listen to this
Only thinking about my past and how happy I could be right now.
I don't know what I am getting at, I just wanted to get this out !
Call me a fag or what will you.
Good day
nah, how about you datamine elsewhere
She is good. I enjoy her work actually.
She gave me a possibility to get the images out of my head, I loved that because I can't draw my self.
It might be my autism but I don't know what you are getting at.
yes, the 5 year old I was letting my dog having sex with was taken from me.
stupid CPS don't know what true love is.
Should've stuck to jacking off to the porn she draws- most artists are either egotistical or absolutely fucking hate themselves.
She was neither to be honest, maybe a bit selfish but I wanted her to be selfish. I hate when people are constantly altruistic to me.
Refer to the latter.
Well she didn't hate her self, depression can just be your body blocking hormones that make you happy.
Mate I gonna be honest with you. No it isn't, I am a very self relying person and I am very happy that way. But there is this special something that only someone else can give you… and once you had it, it stays in your mind.
yea its that
i am saying that artsy girls are not relationship material
Well she was the greatest person I have ever known for the time it lasted, she was my best friend and my partner.
thats the magic part
I suppose user, so what am I to do now ?
reverse your autism or it will cause more problems for you
user, you know damn well I can't just pour bleach up my ass and kill the autism worms.
That's anhedonia though, that aside it probably doesn't matter how close you were, no person in the right mind would suddenly fess up about that unless pushed hard enough. If you think about it, it probably does; wouldn't want the ones closest to you to start worrying
You want advice on your mental state? Don't be sad that it's over, be glad that it happened in the first place.
You want advice on trying to salvage your trainwreck? She probably feels more like shit than you do right now, the romantic thing to do would be to chase after her just in time for Valentine's day too
Now fuck off.
Valentines day is my birth day.
socialise. interact with people actually to loose the imaginary world you are spinning inside your mind
I hate most people to be honest.
Also due to my working schedule I have free time when everyone else is working and vice versa
That doesn't change the fact that you'll be alone on it if you do jack shit.
advice doesnt change based on your excuses, faggot
h8 hesit8 comminuc8. doesnt matter. just interact with an open heart. or, like i said. tryin to help u here sucker
I'll try user.
Love is just drug addiction. Heroin junkies that try to get clean think about their drug every single day for years. She got you high, you relied on her as your primary source of pleasure. If your life was pleasurable without her involvement you'd be able to bounce back with no problem, but it's not; it's just
She's not great, you're just high. Just like every other dude that thinks a woman is great you exaggerate how great she is because of how she looks and how she makes you feel
Make your own life pleasurable on your own. Don't fuck with women because it's just a volatile drug addiction that diverts your attention. Learn this lesson or get fucked by life
Also hit the gym
And? What are you gonna do about it, live up to your reputation as dicksucker general or fuck off and become a normalfag?
I am gonna cry like a faggot but let none know. Is that alright ?
Everything is a volatile drug, all your actions are influenced by hormones and bodily chemicals- what really matters is what chemicals we choose to be influenced by.
Might as well off yourself now to save yourself the trouble since that's the path you're headed towards now.
user, I am not a 13 year old girl with a live-streaming device.
You're even going to half-ass your own suicide? That's pretty pathetic.
I am not gonna start it so how can I half-ass it ?
Im sorry user, it sounds like she found someone else.
Losing your v card is always hard
No I know she hasn't
The high you get from women objectively resembles actual drug use and the "high" you get from creating your own pleasure doesn't. Volatile means liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. The high you get from women is volatile, unstable, and ultimately not worth the effort of laboriously fine-tuning to work correctly; the high you get from your own efforts on your own is stable and reliable
Women's involvement in most people's lives leads to reliance on them as the primary source of pleasure; it leads to the neglect and decay of self-created systems of pleasure
Romantic and Sexual relationships usually have a negative impact on net pleasure in the big picture. As a rule almost everything that is immediately pleasurable has a negative impact on your life, and the things that make you feel the best in the long run are things that are uncomfortable, painful, or less-than-pleasurable
Fuck off back to facebook normalfag.