Downsides of apple

I'm interested in the idea of an easy set-up complete ecosystem. I currently only use android and Linux, and the idea of all of my technology integrating perfectly is really appealing. Especially as I have less time recently to manage when shit breaks.

Apart from the pricetag and lack of customisability, what's the reason to avoid jumping into the whole phone, laptop, watch ecosystem.

Other urls found in this thread:

There is none. They respect your privacy a lot more than google does, and I've always had good post-sales support/service.

Surely you retards don't actually believe this..

They're huge cunts and think they're better than you.

Stopped using apple products after my MBP's battery expanded and I went to ask why, and was told to come back after making an appointment.

No you fags, you can't just tell your customer to come back when it's convenient for you.

Apple doesn't make money selling your personal information to advertisers.

That alone makes them better than google you stupid faggot.

Please stop, this is getting embarrassing


Apple is part of PRISM

YOU need to get your fanboy bias out of here you dumb shit



Thinks rather

Sorry was too busy laughing

Because even if the hardware is awesome (which it isn't anymore, at least compared to their PPC stuff), you'll invariably be left with nice, expensive hardware that is perfectly usable, but will magically stop getting software! but go for it, fag. Go for it.

Are you shitting me right now?

Naw, fuck Apple. I can easily get an i7 16GBs of DDR4 plus dedicated Nvidia GPU for a laptop that costs just as much



Well, you have basically named it. The lack of customisability will bite you in the ass when your model no longer gets any software updates. With a Mac they will at least be getting security updates for the old OS for a while, but beyond that that's it. You can still install GNU/Linux on a Mac, but the iDevices are only good for offline use at that point.

And the whole "working together" only works as long as you only use Apple products. Since nothing of the ecosystem is Free you cannot even write your own solution, so you could for example have iCloud on GNU/Linux. That's a big problem, you either go full-Apple or none at all.

The only way to combat apple shilling is by creating zesty memes about how lame apple is until normies believe it and revenue collapses.

if I see this rare steve reposted on fourchins I'm gonna be mad pissed at you cunts.

it's even worse in dollarydoos.

mostly true. i read the T&Cs of iAds, which i think are used in apps. basically they aggregate people in sets of 5000, i think it said.

apple hardware is overpriced, that's the main disadvantage. also, by default, the software is reasonably secure, but locked down and uncustomizable.

i'd like to say that apple products actually retain good resale value, over many years.
so when you are no longer receiving security updates you could sell it. but, admittedly, this is kinda mean, and leaves someone else with the security holes that apple didn't want to patch.

oh and another disadvantage. apple products are quite 'dumbed down' compared to linux - it's possible to live in a GUI entirely and really have no idea about security or how things work.

this is actually the main reason i don't use OSX, but i will someday when i am a tired technician who wants more free time for other things

ecosystem = botnet

Having to hack shit up is the eternal cost of freedom OP. Praise Stallman.

They are. Google is horrible as far as privacy is concerned. Apple makes at least a half-hearted PR effort, and that makes them much better than Google in that regard.

I still wouldn't recommend them for privacy because there are other options. Android without Google can be much better than iOS.

You can do that with Linux nowadays, and it's getting easier and easier. By the time you're a tired technician you'll have no trouble doing that on Xubuntu or whatever.

If you don't tell retards off, they'll make themselves at home and keep shitting up the board with threads like these.

The US government getting my information doesn't concern me as much as private businesses getting all my information. My government already knows almost everything about me.

What's a significant threat to me however is private corporations with access to my information. As that can then be further traded and disseminated to more unscrupulous individuals and organisations. Including hackers working for foreign governments.

My only experience with Apple has been through their phones. How dumbed down is the desktop? Will I experience the same frustration of any capabilities beyond consumption being arcane as fuck?

What other options do you consider? Microsoft is about on par with Google. Linux distros are good, but require a lot of work to integrate well with even android phones.

Like I said, Android without Google. I run CyanogenMod with F-Droid. It doesn't have a lot of apps but enough to do almost all the things I want to do, as long as they're of the form "I want to scan a QR code" or "I want to play a rogue-like" and not "I want to use Snapchat(tm)".

I ran Firefox OS for a while. It's pretty decent for privacy but also very limited. All apps are web pages with persistent storage and a few extra javascript interfaces for phone stuff. I did manage to get a Debian chroot on it eventually.

Ubuntu Touch is probably good but it only has a few devices.

Sailfish OS has a lot of proprietary software in it, so I don't trust it.

holy shit how can you be this ignorant

that pic always makes me so fucking angry. how can you be such a fucking cosumer cuck?


Ah... he already posted (assuming same person)

Meanwhile you're just repeating yourself like the stupid little faggot you are

Do you have the iOS source codes?

As in, I work for the government. All of my critical information is known by my government. What would be bad is if personal and compromising information (porn usage and social network details) was accessible by a foreign government that could use it for blackmail purposes.

I am aware that US government infrastructure isn't 100% secure, but I also know that I have no choice in where that information is stored.

iOS is *alot* more dumbed down than OSX, at least by default. this is probably the reason apple's entire business model has been based on the iphone for the last few years. OSX has a terminal pre-installed, at least, and is a full UNIX BSD OS under the hood, with standard freeBSD firewall utilities, for example

i really miss firefox OS. had so much potential, but the masses didn't care/see it !

It costs just as much to jump out once they start boiling you.

And the "stupid lottle faggot" already responded with how Apple is a part of NSA's Prism data mining operation

How does it feel to work for the government that has caused the most strife and turmoil in the past century? If you have any morals, quit (this is assuming you don't have enough influence to change anything, which is almost certain)

Potential for what exactly? It was pretty crippled.

Like in all honesty, if you had perfect data on all young men who purchased Apple products. Would you find a correlation where there is a higher than average number of them who liked putting things in their ass? I think there is a real link between young males with homosexual tenancies and the acquisition of Apple products. I mean it doesn't really matter what we say. deadpool cos-players, young adult nintendo fans, apple fanboys. These people exist.

IDs when

Apple doesn't respect privacy

Not the American government, just another government with intelligence sharing agreements with the US.

This. At least on an android device you can unlock the bootloader and start using AOSP roms without all the Google AIDS.
iPhone your best bet is ebin geohothax which keep all the garbage on your phone.
Also planned obsolescence a fuck, get some high-spec flip phone from nipland and flash custom cyanogen-sans-gapps to it.

They're great. You can be in madagascar and your partition gets raped and you just command r on startup and reinstall because the installer always has its own partition you can boot from.

IBM has switched to macbooks for their employees because the TCO is much lower.

They also don't have any aspect of their business that involves selling user info.

You're right, they just give it to the feds for free :^)

As opposed to google who sells your data to private entities and gives it to feds for free.

How poor are you to be this butthurt about apple products?

Ah, I was expecting the richfag card to be played at some point. Don't you realize this only proves you buyapple products to feel superior to other people? Is that really what you want your hardware for? Get a richfag car or something more visible instead, that'll get more people jelly of your loads and loads of dosh.

He calls you poor because it rustles your jimmies. Must be something to it.

The last apple product I owned was 3GS but nice try

doing it just to rustle jimmies is way worse. Pretty pathetic to 'lolitrolu' compared to having a superiority complex

Anyways, no one is saying google is better. android is better because you can do it without google.

respond to this post to continue any argument instead of circlejerking you fucktards

But you are inferior if you're poor.



that post isn't saying google is better at privacy, just that apple isn't better either. they are both equally trash

Pajeet, respect for privacy =/= better, and apple is neither

You still have to go back.


My parents has apple products everywhere, they are complete shit. They struggle with iphone 6 plus, ipad 3, macbook air, and the piece of shit supreme that is the apple tv 3. It's all shit and it makes me sick

Disappointing bait, smh tbh.

Theyre not inferior. You cant just say something is objectively better when it isnt. Your feelings aren't truth retard.

I have little experience on how it compares to chromecast, but Apple TV 2 is fantastic. I'm not sure if they've fucked it with 3. What do you think is wrong with it?

No pajeet

Can't put your own apps. Only works with apple products, overpriced af

from what I heard yours is able to be jailbroken. The third isn't. Actually I just googled to check and... the Fourth one got jail broken but the third one still hasn't...

The Chromecast works with all apple devise and is 35 bucks. Doesn't even come close from what it sounds like

Are you the pajeet here? Doesn't seem like you can speak English


t. pajeet that has the grammar skills of a three year old


4 posts crying about english on a tech board. jesus you have to go back


You'll never get a h1b1 with those english skills pajeet

Go get coddled back on Facebook, faggot.

bitch, get the fuck out with your snide racist comments, i don't want you morons on Holla Forums

Calm down and listen to your national anthem pajeet

Fellow pajeet here. You should remove the habit of being angry in a forum. Otherwise, nobody will take you seriously.

And that user is right. Mastering correct English is always important regardless of the place and time. You may think it is trivial, but Westerners generally do not make those mistakes.

I'm the guy who said 'has' instead of 'have' been living in Canada since I was 3 (it's literally all I remember) and was just sleepy so I made an English error. Not sure why that guy got triggered, probably because he actually cares about this board.

I started ignoring them once I pointed out the fallaciousness of criticizing someone's grammar on a tech board and continuing to derail thread. No point feeding the trolls, but at least I will point out that they in fact are trolls.

Surely you aren't justifying this shitposting? It offers nothing to the discussion and isn't even funny.

This was pretty lulzy though, still incredibly and unnecessarily derogatory. Actually this denigrating has been going on for most of the thread first starting with accusations of others being poor. Doesn't make much sense, me thinks they're projecting and deep inside they resent the fact that they themselves are too poor to own apple products, probably triggered by the fact that I'm surrounded by them and still hate them.

Apple is objectively shit. Deal with it. And they definitely don't care about piracy considering they are a willful participant of the Prism program allowing NSA to backdoor into all their devices. You guys are pretty sad, and are degrading this board. Makes me laugh since I never had hope for this place in the first place, but at least I have to point it out in case y'all are unaware

You can stay mostly in the terminal if you want.

sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl



I used to be fully in the Apple Ecosystem (Macbook Pro Mid 2015, iPhone 6S Plus, Apple Watch (first one). It's pretty great at first but I switched to a OnePlus3 and Moto 360 once my phone broke. There hasn't been a jailbreak since 9.1 so the phone turned into a useless device really and I hated it for months before selling it. So, switched back to Android but still use my Macbook Pro everyday it's the best laptop ever for sure.

Checked, but you're using an overpriced device which you can get matching hardware for half the price. I'm not trying to say "ITS HOMOSEXUAL THROW IT AWAY REEE REEE REEEEE" but at least know that you were scammed.

The Macbook was a very generous gift and is the best laptop I've ever used period. Only other laptop I've used that has even come close is a Thinkpad. I have no regrets whatsoever.

Why do you need to jailbreak? Are you a thief?

Name a laptop that's anywhere near a MBP level

Come on, I need a good laugh

please go back to reddit

Is that a yes?

Maybe you'd be interested in the easy set-up of a noose restricting your complete respiratory ecosystem. Don't come to a place like Holla Forums and start shilling tripe crapple shit when we all know it's garbage.

Also, the pricetag is a lot more than they let on (even though they let on a lot), the pricetag is your immortal virtual soul.

Plus, apple doesn't just "integrate" perfectly at all. Spend an hour at an AT&T outlet and you'll really find out how well apple "integrates".

You should start your research from the book of Leviticus before you get anymore involved with Applel

just use a flip phone and a digital camera tbh



Thank you based Assange.

That's true about all metadata whether it comes from the iphone, an Android phone or your PC. Assuming third parties cannot see your direct data, they will always be able to see your metadata.

Core Audio has lower round trip latency than ASIO or WASAPI. Literally the only reason I have a mac.

Even Ubuntu would share metadeta if asked by the feds

Is it, really?

At least where I live a decent PC laptop costs about the same as a MacBook.

Of course I could go and pick up a consumer HP laptop for $250, but that's going to be aggravating as fuck to work with.

It's most definitely overpriced. Macbooks cost 3 times as much as a laptop where I live.

I know the story of a guy who was fed up with the price of Apple products in the country, so instead of buying one, he went on a week-long trip to Japan, bought the Macbook there, and still had some leftover money.

I can give you sauce, but it's not in Burgerese.

That's your shitty country's taxes and shitty currency at work, not Apple.

Where is it? Brazil?

I'm not Burgerese, so feel free to post your source.

I'm afraid not. Both Macbooks and normal laptops have the same tax applied, so your argument doesn't hold water.

Argentina. Article is in spic-speak.
h ttp://

Yeah apple's pretty liberal when it comes to currency

and argentine pesos aren't exactly the world's strongest currency atm tbf fam

Trump is going to win. France's police are rioting. Nationalism is growing. People are waking up to the jewish menace.


We're sick of fucking H1Bs from India and China coming to America to take American jobs. They steal IT and programming jobs that belong to college students and fathers.

And who's behind it? Zuckerberg and his Silicon Valley kike friends.

P.S. I heard a story from a lady who used to work at Google. A pajeet, with muddy sandals, squatted on top of a toilet seat. Yes, Pajeeta stood on the goddamn toilet seat with her muddy sandals and took a shit. She didn't flush and left her stupid muddy tracks everywhere.

This. Apple is complete opposite to freedom.

As a 10 year Mac user, and 4 year iPhone user, I'm really fucking tired of Apple's ecosystem

I never wanted to buy into the whole thing. Mainly because I don't shit money.

You might think it brings loads of convenience but it doesn't. Apple has THEIR way of doing things, which is very IN-convenient.

For example if you want to put a movie on your iPhone. To do it Apple's way, your movie has to be in the precise codec, at the right resolution, and I don't have fucking time to transcode all my fucking videos

Ergo I have the VLC iPhone app which plays almost anything that you stash on the iPhone's filesystem. In the past I jailbroke my iPhone, because that was the only way you could get VLC (and I wanted to sideload things like Flappy Bird, but I don't care about that shit now)

Apple products are decent I guess but they're not perfect, and the whole "ecosystem" thing is fucking ANNOYING. I mean it does have advantages (e.g. Handoff, which allows you to open webpages you're browsing on your iPhone on your Mac, with just one click - also the Messages app which allows you to send iMessages from your Mac). But some of it is just plain fucking annoying.

Also, in my opinion, the new MBP looks fucking terrible. I'm glad I got the last good generation (early 2015).


fucking this. my first and last macbook ever.

although I'm planning to sell it, since the new generation is shitty af I might still get a good amount of cash for it.


Watch this guy:


-Bad hardware design for repair:
signed hardware (DRM)
no removable battery without full disassembly

-Software DRM (only use apple with apple software).
-Censor software from the app store.
-Retarded idiot proof software (ios).
-Non-free software.
-Non-free hardware.
-Removes essential parts (jack) to just sell more adapters.
-Certification ip67 isn't include in the warranty

Part of Prism

Do I need to continue ?


It triggers poorfags

+ iphone can actually work very well as a standalone device. since i tried iphone at the beginning of the year i have never felt the need to transfer from my computer. except manga porn which is small enough by email

- iphone is not customizable. this means more security, but also means less functionality. my screen is too bright at night, for example. but android has an app for software level dimming

Did you try jailbreaking?

Read these verses carefully user. Homosexuality is forbidden.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

What does you being an impoverished faggot have to do with technology?


Use flux for iphone.

Homosexuality is forbidden in bible. You should not do this.

Since their stuff is fused together you'll have a harder time opening them up and fixing them. They also like to fuck over third party repair shops. If you're taking out a warranty and are always able to send your stuff in for repairs this isn't a big deal. Other companies are starting to make their things less user-serviceable too, so it isn't much of an advantage.
They solder RAM into their laptops now. RAM doesn't break that often but if it does good luck replacing it. Their phones don't use memory cards, so you can't just pop in a cheap card and expand your storage.
New Macbooks have the hinge connected to the screen, not the inside of the shell. They're held together by a tiny metal strip on each side, and that strip has a hole in it for a screw. Putting stress on that by opening and closing the lid will fuck up your shiny laptop. Look for a guy with a metal macbook that's been in use for a while and look for cracks lining up with the bottom of the screen. This shitty hinge design is what causes that. And if you think iPhones are safe there was the iPhone 4 which couldn't get a signal if you touched the metal rim with your bare hand, and the iPhone 6 which could bend in your pocket. They're no better than other companies
Mac Pro used to be a giant cheesegrater-looking thing, now it's a bin. The plastic macbooks used to be solid pieces of hardware, new macbooks don't let you charge them and use a USB stick at the same time without an adapter. You can go back further and find their PPC computers, and their clamshell laptops, and their multicoloured eMacs, and their computers with x86 coprocessors for Windows compatibility. Apple isn't about all those cool things anymore, they're now about cheaply making Aluminium computers with barely any innovation.
Their main income comes from the retard who will buy things because they have an Apple label, rather than because Apple is the best. Apple doesn't have to care for the professionals who use their products, when they can shit out low quality parts and have idiots buy them. Apple might have a reputation as being the platform for video editing but everyone I know who does that has moved away from them.

Find a friend with Apple stuff, get some of his hand-me-downs and see if you like them. Outside of that don't bother.

Nice edge, how about you give him a job so he actually has a reason to quit that won't leave him jobless for a bit?

Work is work, unless someone else comes up with a better job offer or the government position is undermining the rights of the people(DHS,NSA,etc) there is no reason to quit due to "moral reasons" unless he wants to.

Well in term of choice, android is mathematically proven to be superior.

Unless you want to admit 2 + 2 = 5 (which doesn't surprise me as many apple believer are not good with numbers and pricing) otherwise you should go back to the usual excuse like "It feels better" "Steve Jobs died for our sins" "less is more" "ports? who needs them".

Did you seriously just hurt the feelings of that apple user??? Ah, I can't even. I am so ashamed of you.

Learn to read you illiterate faggot. No wonder you suck Fisher Price OS's cock so much.

Read the privacy policy.
source :

Good work proving him right?

at least it won't be used for marketing, just advertising

Read that part again, you'll understand.

They don't believe in freedom.

Apple has a certain way they want you to use their hardware. If you don't like it too bad.

If you have a tool you should be able to use the tool the way you want.
If the tool decides how you use it, for you, then it is not respecting your freedom.

Applel is a walled garden for geriatric users and toddlers. Anyone proclaiming to be competent at technology field and using Applel hardware discredits his merit.

Exactly. A great example of this is mouse support in the newest version of OSX 10.12. It used to be (10.11 and prior) that you could use a non-magic-mouse with a physical scroll wheel, and one click would equal a specific amount of scroll movement.

But now in 10.12, a single click of a physical wheel doesn't register at all, and more rapid rolling of the wheel gives you an unpredictable amount of scrolling on the screen. And there's no way to change this behaviour in the system preferences.

Effectively, a software change in 10.12 has made the US$70 magic mouse a mandatory accessory.