I need advice

Guys how do people know so much stuff? I see so many guys on imageboards and in other places who can talk for hours at length about multiple different countries and their contemporary issues along with the context. Then moments later they can switch to having an in-0depth discussion about weapons, and then after that philosophy.

I struggle to maintain relevant knowledge of my own hobbies and local/national news let alone knowing tons of information on different fields.

Whenever I read up on something it takes me forever to actually memorize what I read and then form a reasonable opinion on it.

How do they do it?

if you stay updated on all the most recent news on the subjects you'll stay pretty golden

People only know what they're interested in. They'll only stay updated on the sort of current affairs they already have an opinion on, they'll only read the philosophers they more or less agree with, and they'll only learn about weapons if they're proguns, which ties back into the sort of philosophers they read. If you asked them about something unrelated to that they'd either admit that they don't know shit or do some googling and pretend they're omniscient, like I tend to do.
People are almost never as smart as they look on the internet.

In 0depth discussions are pretty easy to have. ;^)

And what are those? Take us through a typical day for you. How do you spend your time?

It's probably different people having those discussions. Most people on imageboards are autistic and most autists have an "austistic super-power" that's a subject that they know a lot about. Sometimes it's history. A lot of times it's trains or anime. I know one guy irl that's autistic for Phish.

Well I was talking about irl too. I've met people like this at uni and at my local cycling club.

Congratulations like me you too are retarded.Have fun with it

I try to install Gentoo linux (been trying for four months), I read a chapter or two of a book like Infantry Attack, I fap, I play video games for a few hours, then I learn some HTML programming and then watch the news and go to sleep. That's on a day off.

we r just smarter, than we r being given credit for

wikipedia. all the information mankind has ever discovered is reachable within seconds

But people have always told me that it isnt reliable

Certain threads attract certain people. I'm just here for the porn tbqh…

that's why you check the sources. they're right there on the bottom of each article.

Well, stop. Gentoo shouldn't take months to install. Try Sabayon if you must have a Gentoo-esque system.

I knew it. For bitches the biggest useless time sink is usually social stuff. Texting, Instagram, Facebook, etc. For guys it's usually video games.

If you play let's say 4 hours of video games on a day off, think of how much more you could read or think about things if you halved that.

Don't watch the news, read it. Apart from the generally poor quality of TV news, it's an inefficient way to take in information.

The kinds of people you're talking about–the ones who aren't poseurs, anyway–just devote more time to knowing shit. They might be on their phone on the train, but they're not texting or playing vidya, they're reading the news or an ebook.

Hey just cause we go to google for info doesnt prove anything. I know people who wouldnt even think of going to google for info. They would just sit there going "derp! I know nothing about it so i wont learn it. Derp derp derp" or maybe they will just cut you off spewing stupid science that was learnd in school so they can still feel some what smart still. When people use google it proves they are smart enough to learn more… Thats the way i look at it

Any ideas where to start?

any major city newspaper

The Atlantic and similar magazines for more in-depth analysis.


Yes, everything is a Jewish conspiracy. Heil Hitler. Now shoo. Adults are talking.

keep absorbing
dont try and form opinions, they form spontaneously

there you go faggot, fresh news for ya

You mean just like that picture with the man on the ground and the woman on the water?

Because nobody can do it like we do it.