Images only, no text.
Describe Holla Forums administration with an image
I don't think you quite grasped the concept of this thread.
You are in the wrong thread.
How do I post images?
Like this.
Jim and his mods are fags, the only mod that i like on this whole fucking website is Dysnomia.
Dysnomia is my senpai, i hope he notices me
why doesn't he sticky threads anymore? i never know which thread to shitpost in.
I rarely see him around anymore.
I also work and i don't live a NEET life, but I'm a complete loner at home and i hope and pray Dysnomia notices me. I pray someday me and him can be best buddies and watch animu and play gamu together
>Tfw you don't see him and you only see Jim and his other shit tier mods if they ever get on
Last I heard Dysnomia gave the board to a different owner, which is now NewFag.
he gone
They're being opaque about it and the new bo hasn't said anything, nor did dys say goodbye or why he was leaving. To be fair there were a bunch of people complaining for a few weeks about him and he was always pretty sensitive.
Dysnomia stickied a thread with some anime photo before he left, the new BO has confirmed that he left.
A few weeks before that I did see a thread with some info on it, but not anything crazy, just some accounts minecraft kek. Maybe he got scared?
Right, he never said anything with words. The new bo has been hands-off but also not fun and ineffective.
I honestly think he still posts on Holla Forums a lot.
is it posssible to think dishonestly?
dys was doxed months ago and repeatedly reported to the fbi as the owner of a public facing medium tolerating pedo content. he needed a lawyer and jim wouldn't help, so without compromising his defence by explaining all that to the userbase, he fucked off.
Dubs of possible truth. Can we get an archive or sauce on this?
That is fucking crazy, I want some proof pls
bump for interest. I hope Dysnomia isn't getting v8.
That sucks. Also explains why the new bo doesn't post at all.
Because he's not a true board owner if he doesn't interact with his userbase. Also, sick dubs.
Still waiting on that link or any form of sauce user.
Say what you will about pedo matters, but even on the worst day I never witnessed anything on here that would hold up in court as illegal in the US that was not taken down immediately. So I don't buy this explanation at all, unless he actually got v& for images that were on his own devices/server.
Me too, V8 is like the worst juice ever!
Not possible, as it is my thread.
who gonna get quads
now im gonna get it
I'm praying this isn't true. How could anons turn on thier own. This is really unjust.
No, he just got tired of moderating.
But that's wrong, nigger. a BO should be just another user. Dysnomia was a fucking attention whore. I don't fucking care if you're the BO, if you're not needed as such, don't fucking post as so. Maybe the new BO is posting ITT right now, like another user.
I really like the new moderation. Sure, the spam sucks, but this is true Holla Forums
more like dysnomia changed name to newfag and started intentionally shitting board so faggots wanted him back
maybe you owe the users a better explanation? no, ok, you owe Holla Forums nothing. you found Holla Forums in the gutter and left it in the gutter. avé, dys.
There's only one thing it can be