seriously, exodus and Ouroboros were fine until recently, then after the new upgrades they've become shit. Exodus can't load any pictures or videos for me anymore, and Ouroboros is a crashy piece of shit and refuses to load pictures 50% of the time. Do any decent applications exist for the site? Using a browser works but it's slow and annoying.
Why are all Android apps shit
same issue, half the pictures don't load, I'm thinking whatever code Holla Forums uses for pictures broke the ability for these programs to work properly for the site.
Overchan was perfect until the pig farmer and cockmonkey broke the captcha and image filenames. Now it loses posts until you realize you need to post a dummy message via the browser to pass the captcha and get a cookie and it can't display thumbnails other than youtube links because the html was butchered. Who knows how much traffic the site lost from not doing these changes properly so clients wouldn't be broken.
Holla Forums broke the API and refused to fix it. Nothing to do with the apps.
This, essentially. The 8ch FAQ has a link to a supposedly working fork of Overchan, but I'm too lazy to compile it.
Everychan? Yeah it's garbage and doesn't work. I can't post from it, and while I can see thumbnails now it still doesn't load images half of the time, and it doesn't load video at all.
Just use dashchan.
i just installed it, I like it so far, but i wish it was more like overchan.
Dashchan is pretty cool
Postan from the app, hello world!
playstore or github?
It's from github
Daily reminder that Race Queen Inc. attempted to assert sole copyright on Everychan, redistributed it on the app store, and then rewrote git history.
Someone should nail their asses hard if they are or ever redistribute it with proprietary libraries.
What's the story behind this?
The story behind it is that the gook in charge of maintaining everychan rewrote every copyright notice to be copyright N.T. Technology, instead of the original author, when their only contribution was five lines of code at best. The rest of the massive diff is just changing android namespaces.
Ouroboros works flawlessly for me.
Everychan and Overchan get no images and can't post.
any app that supports tor posting?
Fdroid when?
When is ouroboros going to update, crashes alot and images don't always load, also connection errors when browser works just fine.
Because they're programmed in Java.
Oh be nice
Just installed it and am posting from it. Seems neat, thanks for the suggestion.
Just use dashchan
AMOLED theme doesn't rape my eyes at night (yes, even tomorrow does). Best android chan client. Does it have its source published somewhere though?
It is easist on Overchan/Everychan (however I would guess that the domain is hard coded in), possibly on Ouroboros. However under Forum > > Connection it is possible to use the regular domain as well as the new tor node.
Yes see
If I can figure our how to do so and can write the page so that it is obvious that it is is not from the developer.
I've been through the alternatives and I second dashchan. Like others compat breaks occasionally but the updates were always fast to arrive.
Just use the browser, there's literally no need for something extra.
The github only has the APKs.
Whoops, I'm retarded, nevermind.
"apps" are shit by definition. Mobile OSes were a mistake
Please kill yourself my man.
The only Android App that is not shit is FX File Manager.
Practically everything else is shit for some reason or other and the devs NEVER fix anything.
tfw the tinychat app on android STILL doesn't have audio
stop it pajeet. We don't want your shitty app.